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Information related to using Waze in the State of Vermont.
---- Do not edit this page directly.
| contact    =
---- Do not edit the [[USA/CommonState]] template without consensus from the other
| contacttype = forum
---- state and country managers.
| draft      = yes
| open        = yes
---- To modify this page, click the "discussion tab" above. From there, use the section
| section    = no
---- ''Editing custom sections''. It has links to edit each section. If you do not
| talk        = yes
---- see that section, then go to the main page, scroll to the bottom, and press
---- the link that creates that section, and then use it.
---- This page is copied to new pages with only the following code placed on the
== Cities and Towns ==
---- page and then saved:
There are x Cities and Towns in the state. See [[xxxx]] for proper naming information.
== Major Roads ==
---- Alternately copy and paste this code below into the browser. Change the STATENAME at the end of the line to the name of the state or territory being created. Use the name as spelled in the [[Template:USA_Navbox]]
See [[Road Naming (USA)]], [[Road Types (USA)]] and [[xxxx Roads By Type]]
== Landmarks ==
Landmarks in xxxx should follow the guidelines from the state of [[Connecticut]] until the national standards are complete.
== Major Construction Projects ==
See the xxxx forum for a list of '''long term''' road closures and changes to traffic flow that impact the Waze Map.
== Special Roads ==
*[[Best map editing practice#When (Not) to Split a Two-Way Road|Divided Highways]]
*[[Carpool, HOV, Transit lanes]]
*[[Creating and Editing a roundabout|Roundabouts/Traffic Circles]]
*[[Creating and Editing street segments#Fix the end-node on cul-de-sacs and dead-ends|Cul-de-sac's]]
*[[Road Types (USA)#Parking Lot Road|Parking Lot Roads]]
*[[Best map editing practice#Toll roads|Toll Roads]]
=== Alleys ===
*Alleys should always be mapped if they have a name.
*Alleys should always be mapped if they are the sole access to a home or business.
*Alleys should always be set to "Private"
*Alleys are normally mapped if they are acknowledged by the municipality.
If an alley does not meet the above criteria, mapping is optional. Leave the name field blank.
=== Non-Driveable Roads ===
Generally, if a path can't be driven on (e.g. Walking Trail, Pedestrain Boardwalk, Stairway, Railroad, Runway/Taxiway) then it not normally mapped. If it is mapped, it should not be connected to any roads.  This is due to the way the routing engine works, as Waze '''will''' route users to drive on these "Non-Driveable" road types.
It is permitted to map Railroads since some users run Waze while on the train and contributing false data to the system.  This false data has been known to effect drivers on adjacent roads. Railroads should be level -5 and locked at the highest level of the editor.
=== Time Restricted Turns ===
There is beta testing for setting Time Based Restricted turns in WME. Watch for announcements in the forum on this feature
== Speed / Red Light Cameras ==
Both Speed and Red Light Cameras are legal in the State of xxxx.
=== Speed Cameras ===
Info goes here
=== Red Light Cameras ===
Info Goes Here
=== Other Camera Types ===
These are cameras or signs that either provide driver feedback or are used for traffic control.  These devices '''CAN NOT''' issue tickets and should not be mapped.
[[Cameras#Know your Cameras|How to Identify Cameras]].
== To Do List ==
Want to help out with the map in xxxx?  Check out the [[To Do - xxxx|To Do List]]. (May be out of date.)
== Mapping Resources ==
[[xxxx Reference Information]]
== Forum ==
[ USA section of Waze Forum]
[ xxxx section of Waze Forum]
== Area Managers ==
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
|- align="center"
! scope="col" width="100pt" bgcolor="skyblue"|Username
! scope="col" width="200pt" bgcolor="skyblue"|Area Managed
! scope="col" width="200pt" bgcolor="skyblue"|Comments
! scope="col" width="50pt" bgcolor="skyblue"|Forum PM
|- align="center" bgcolor="skyblue"
| colspan="4" | '''Level 6 Country Managers'''
|- align="center" bgcolor="white"
| [[User:the1who|the1who]] || Region 3 ||Coordinator || [ PM]
|- align="center" bgcolor="skyblue"
| colspan="4" | '''Level 5 Country Managers (Illinois Based)'''
|- align="center" bgcolor="white"
| [[User:bigbear3764|bigbear3764]] || Chicagoland, Lake,Cook,McHenry Co || || [ PM]
|- align="center" bgcolor="skyblue"
| colspan="4" | '''Level 4 Area Managers'''
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| [[User:failsafe|failsafe]] || Cook, Lake, and DuPage Counties || Also Southeastern Wisconsin up to Kenosha || [ PM]
|- align="center" bgcolor="skyblue"
| colspan="4" | '''Level 3 Area Managers'''
|- align="center"
| [[User:dmiller1984|dmiller1984]] || DuPage and Kendall Co ||  || [ PM]
If you are an Area Manager that covers the State of xxxx, or a USA Country Manager that does a lot of work in xxxx, please add yourself to this list (alphabetical by username).
[[Category:USA]] [[Category:xxxx]]

Latest revision as of 01:51, 17 February 2015

Update this page
Update this page

This page serves as the primary resource for editors of Vermont. Review all the sections to better understand how the guidelines for this state might deviate from the overall USA or worldwide guidelines. If you have any comments or questions about this page or state refer to the community links below.

The Mapping Resources section has been expanded with more information. Please check it out!

If you edit in Vermont, please make sure you add yourself to the table below.


Vermont is a part of the New England region, which includes the states and/or territories of:

Connecticut / Maine / Massachusetts / New Hampshire / Rhode Island / Vermont.

Mapping resources

Before editing the maps in Vermont, be sure to fully review and understand the editing manual.

The Waze user community follows the Waze etiquette guidelines discussed in the Wiki. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these guiding principals while editing the maps and this Wiki, as well as when communicating with other Waze users.

Functional Classification

Vermont follows the Functional Classification (FC) system for both state and non-state roads. As of January 2016 all counties in Vermont have been updated to the new Functional Classification standard and the state is 100% complete.

VTrans to Waze FC Mapping

Resources including color legend mapping the VTrans Functional Classification to Waze Road Types.

VTRANS GIS Class and Color Description

GIS Legend
GIS Legend

The Vermont Classification and Color scheme comes from the official Functional Classification (FC) map that is published by VTRANS. The legend shows what classifications VTRANS uses and what color is assigned to each class.

VTrans to Waze Conversion Table

The numbers correspond to the FC type indicated on some VT maps. (e.g. Functional Class 7 road is a Major Collector)

Highway Systems
Interstate US Hwy (incl. some special routes) US Hwy BUS, SPUR, LOOP State Hwy (incl. some special routes) State Hwy BUS, SPUR[a], LOOP Locally-maintained
example>>>>> I-95 N US-2 US-460 Business SR-27 (SR-27A) SR-400 Loop Robertson St

  Principal Arterial Interstate (1,11)   Fw  n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
  Principal Arterial - Freeway (12)  n/a  Fw   Fw   Fw   Fw   Fw 
  Principal Arterial (2,14)  n/a  Major   Major   Major   Major   Major 
  Minor Arterial (6,16)  n/a  Major   Minor   Minor   Minor   Minor 
  Major Collector (7,17)  n/a  Major   Minor   Minor   PS   PS 
  Minor Collector (8)  n/a  Major   Minor   Minor   PS   PS 
 Local Road (9,19)  n/a  Major   Minor   Minor   PS   Street 

State Resources

Day to Day Resources

These resources are the most useful for day-to-day editing in Vermont and all editors should be familiar with them:

Vermont E911 Viewer
Waze accepted street names, state road classes, house numbers and other features

WME GIS Layers
Script to display Vermont E911 address points and property parcels

WME Cities Overlay Script
Script to display the Vermont municipal boundaries

VTrans Town Highway Maps
Maps of cities, towns and villages in PDF format - only includes municipally accepted roads

Reference Resources

For more in-depth research the following resources are available:

Vermont Parcel Viewer
Property boundaries - should include all towns as of 2020. This information is also available with the WME GIS-L script.

GCGI - VT Interactive Map Viewer (Requires Microsoft Silverlight)

Vermont Interstate & US Routes with Exit Numbers

Vermont Interstate Exists and Rest Areas

VTrans Current and Planned Construction Projects

VTrans Planned Bridge Closings

County-Town Map Series

This map series is inspired by the County‐Town map series last produced by VTRANS in the 1980's.

The maps feature the public roads of Vermont. The major routes (ranging from principal arterials to minor collectors) are highlighted. Also included are the town highway numbers and names of many of the town highways. Other features include the locations of police stations, fire stations, and hospitals.

What makes this atlas unique in comparison to other atlas products is the County‐Town tiling structure that ensures that at least one map sheet will contain a particular town in its entirety.

More information about the map series

WME Scripts

In addition to the scripts noted above there are many other scripts that can assist editors in their efforts. Please read the General installation instructions before installing scripts. Members of the editing community would be glad to assist you with the setup and configuration of scripts - please join us on our Discord server!

WME Road Type Guidance

Questions often arise regarding when to use Parking Lot Roads versus Private Roads:

Parking Lot Road Usage

  • Parking Lots
  • Apartment and condo complexes
  • Cemeteries

Private Road Usage

  • Driveways
  • Any road with controlled access: gated communities, businesses with gates or a guard
  • Campgrounds or trailer parks designed for short term guests
  • Never use the private road type for an unrestricted public road!

Vermont's System of Roads

State and Municipal Roads

Every state and municipal road in Vermont is assigned a class as defined by statues which is used for funding under state programs. Classes 1-3 qualify for funding while class 4 and other designations do not.

VTrans municipal highway maps only show municipally accepted roads. By convention, each road is assigned a town highway number. Many street signs still include the designation: MAIN ST TH-1

Of these roads, over 50% of the roads in Vermont are dirt - please be sure to select Unpaved where appropriate.

Paved Miles Unpaved Miles Total Miles
7,151 8,650 15,801

Vermont Private Roads

In addition to municipally accepted roads most towns also have private road that are not maintained by the town. These are NOT indicated on VTrans maps but ARE found on the VT E911 viewer.

Private / non-municipal roads should be assigned the Local Street type in WME.

Assigning Street Names

  • The Vermont E911 Viewer is the authoritative source for Waze street names
  • The Primary Street name should always match the Vermont E911 Viewer name including US and Vermont highways
  • For US and VT highways - if the VT E911 name is a normal street name then add the US-XX or VT-XX name as a secondary name and leave the secondary city name blank
  • Ensure streets have nodes at city / town / village boundaries in accordance with the WME Cities Overlay script
  • This approach will ensure that there will not be duplicate house numbers within the same city / town / village

The Vermont E911 viewer is updated in real-time and accurately reflects the names of every road in the state. Each municipality has a representative who is responsible of reporting changes to the state E911 board.

Almost everywhere in Vermont a road will have a formal street name, e.g., Main St, VT-100, US-5. There are a few places though where a road may only be known by its town highway number. If you encounter one of these you would name the street segment TH-nnn where nnn is the highway number.

Vermont Classes of Roads

Class Description
1 Roads that carry a state highway number within a town
2 Locally designated roads that typically connect neighboring towns or have higher amounts of traffic
3 All other town highways that are maintained for year-round use by pleasure cars
4 All other town highways - often with minimal maintenance and may not be plowed in the winter
Legal Trail Public rights of way that are not roads
Vermont Class 3 Roads
  • Almost always should use the Waze Local Street type
  • Quite often are unpaved
  • Many class 3 roads will transition into a class 4 road
Vermont Class 4 Roads

Vermont class 4 roads require editors to investigate the quality and purpose of the road to determine appropriate mapping. Many class 4 roads are not suitable for normal cars. Class 4 roads:

  • Normally receive no winter maintenance!
  • If mapped in WME should end at the last routable destination on the road, e.g., a HN, RPP or PP
  • Should not be drawn such that Waze will route traffic across them
  • Some class 4 roads are well maintained and are similar to class 3 roads - editors should use best judgement based on aerial views and local experience
  • In questionable situations always ask a state manager
Legal Trail and Other Classes

Legal Trail and other municipal classifications should not be mapped in WME. In some cases the original 2009 TIGER base map import into WME included these segments: they should be removed. The Vermont E911 Viewer and VTrans maps are good sources for verification.

Other Roads

Vermont also has numerous roads within the Green Mountain National Forest as well as numerous Vermont State and local parks and forests. While some of these have been mapped many have not. If you would like to work on editing in any of these areas please reach out to a State Manager to coordinate that activity:

  • Many of these roads are only open on a seasonal basis and we manually enter closures for each winter season
  • Careful coordination is needed to ensure that we do not route Waze traffic through forest roads

Railroad Crossings

In April 2020 Waze introduced railroad crossing (RRC) alerts. At its debut almost 400 grade crossings in Vermont were included. This feature is currently limited to editors R4 or above. If you encounter a grade crossing that has not been included and you believe it should please add it or reach out to an R4+ editor for assistance.

VTrans map of active Vermont rail lines:

Miles Ownership Mark Railroad Owned/Operator
3.0 Private CN Canadian National
6.3 Private PAR Pan Am Railways
13.1 State WACR Washington County Railroad Vermont Railway
17.9 Private CLP Clarendon & Pittsford
24.4 Private CMQ Central Main and Quebec Railway (holdings)
30.7 Private SLR St Lawrence & Atlantic Railroad Genesee and Wyoming
50.0 State GMRC Green Mountain Railroad Corp
102.2 State WACR Washington County - CT River Division Vermont Railway
139.8 State VTR Vermont Railway
190.9 Private NECR New England Central Railroad Genesee and Wyoming


  • Approximately 52 percent (305 of the 573) track miles in Vermont are state owned
  • The Twin State Railroad from St Johnsbury east to New Hampshire is closed and no longer in service
  • The GIS-L script displays railroad crossings (US section) and identifies if a crossing is at grade or above/below street level


The Waze forum is a great place to find answers to previously asked questions and also a place to ask new ones. Below are links to the forums specific to Vermont.

Area Managers for Vermont can be found in the table below.

New editors should consider checking into the formal mentoring program available at no charge.

Contributing to the Waze map is a community wide effort and we'd love to have you join us on our Discord server.

New England Region (NER) Editor Collaboration Discord Request Form

Discord is the communications platform we use to work together for the common goal of improving the map and mentoring editors. Discord is accessible from both a web browser and dedicated applications for your computer and mobile devices.

You can also reach out to any of the state manager or regional coordinator contacts listed below if you have additional questions.

Cities and towns

One of the most common errors when editing the maps is when an editor creates a road and does not confirm the road by setting the city and road name (or stating it has none).

Duplicate cities can be caused by incorrectly named segments and should be corrected following the guidelines in the duplicate cities article.

Places of Vermont

Vermont's 251

4 Gores
5 Unorganized towns
9 Cities
237 Organized towns
251 Total places
The Vermont Towns and Cities lookup site will provide you more info on the town including showing you where it is located, contact information and the town's web site.

Incorporated Villages

Additionally, many incorporated towns have incorporated villages or cities within their limits. For example, a village may exist in the center of a town where there are water and sewer services and residents there are taxed separately for those services. Note:

  • In a few cases a town may have more than one incorporated village within its boundaries
  • Whilst most often the name of the town and village are the same that is not always the case:
    • 17 incorporated villages have the same name as the town
    • 17 incorporated villages have unique names

Unincorporated Villages

Many towns have unincorporated villages. While the names may be widely known and may even be used for USPS addressing these rarely have any delineation as to where the villages start and end and therefore are of reduced value for use with Waze.

Vermont USPS Postal Addresses

Vermont has a large number of USPS city names that do not correspond to the names of Vermont's incorporated places. More importantly, in many places in Vermont USPS addresses do not align with municipal boundaries. This makes it extremely difficult to use USPS addresses in Waze without creating city smudge and duplicate address problems.

WME Primary City Name

For all segments in Vermont the Primary City Name should be one of the 251 places or 17 unique villages that are on the list (TO BE SUPPLIED) below. These are also displayed by the WME Cities Overlay script.

WME Alternate City Name

Work is underway to consider adding one or more alternate city names for each primary name. For example:

  • In an incorporated village within a town, adding the parent town's name as an alternate for segments in the village
  • Adding a USPS name if it can be confirmed where the USPS delivery boundary is for that name

Alternate names will be added to the table below.

2019 WME Cleanup

In the spring of 2019 a number of editors participated in a project where all segments and places were updated to ensure their cities were set to one of the accepted VT city names noted above.

CDP and Other Names

Census Designated Places and other community names should not be used in the city field for map features. If you encounter these please update them to reflect the correct name for the location they are in.

Vermont Cities for WME Use

Expand the section below to see the full list of Vermont cities for use within WME. The list also includes County, Population, and Validate Vermont status and assigned editor.

Vermont Cities for WME Use
Primary City Type Secondary City County Population Area Validate Editor Notes
Addison Town Addison 1393 49.0
Albany Town + Village Orleans 840 38.7
Alburgh Town + Village Grand Isle 1952 48.8
Andover Town Windsor 496 28.8
Arlington Town Bennington 2397 42.4
Athens Town Windham 340 13.1
Averill Town (unorg) Essex 8 38.1
Averys Gore Gore Essex 0 17.6
Bakersfield Town Franklin 1215 44.6
Baltimore Town Windsor 250 4.7
Barnard Town Windsor 958 48.9
Barnet Town Caledonia 1690 43.6
Barre City Washington 9291 4.0
Barre Town Washington 7602 30.7
Barton Town + Village Orleans 2780 44.9
Bellows Falls Village in Rockingham Windham
Belvidere Town Lamoille 294 32.1 Complete W1QA
Bennington Town Bennington 15737 42.5
Benson Town Rutland 1039 45.5
Berkshire Town Franklin 1388 42.2
Berlin Town Washington 2864 36.5
Bethel Town Windsor 1968 45.5
Bloomfield Town Essex 261 40.4
Bolton Town Chittenden 1182 42.8
Bradford Town Orange 2619 29.9
Braintree Town Orange 1194 38.3
Brandon Town Rutland 3907 40.2
Brattleboro Town Windham 12005 32.4
Bridgewater Town Windsor 980 49.6
Bridport Town Addison 1235 46.2
Brighton Town Essex 1260 53.4
Bristol Town Addison 3788 42.2
Brookfield Town Orange 1222 41.7
Brookline Town Windham 467 12.9
Brownington Town Orleans 885 28.4
Brunswick Town Essex 107 26.0
Buels Gore Gore Chittenden 12 5.1
Burke Town Caledonia 1571 34.1
Burlington City Chittenden 38889 15.1
Cabot Town Washington 1213 38.5
Calais Town Washington 1529 38.6
Cambridge Town + Village Lamoille 3186 63.7 Complete W1QA
Canaan Town Essex 1078 33.4
Castleton Town Rutland 4367 42.4
Cavendish Town Windsor 1470 39.7
Charleston Town Orleans 895 38.6
Charlotte Town Chittenden 3569 50.4
Chelsea Town Orange 1250 39.9
Chester Town Windsor 3044 55.9
Chittenden Town Rutland 1182 74.2
Clarendon Town Rutland 2811 31.6
Colchester Town Chittenden 16986 58.6
Concord Town Essex 1196 53.5
Corinth Town Orange 1461 48.6
Cornwall Town Addison 1136 28.6
Coventry Town Orleans 1014 27.7
Craftsbury Town Orleans 1136 39.7
Danby Town Rutland 1292 41.5
Danville Town Caledonia 2211 61.2
Derby Town Orleans 4604 57.6
Derby Center Village in Derby Orleans
Derby Line Village in Derby Orleans
Dorset Town Bennington 2036 47.9 Complete W1QA
Dover Town Windham 1410 35.5
Dummerston Town Windham 1915 30.8
Duxbury Town Washington 1289 43.1
East Haven Town Essex 301 37.4
East Montpelier Town Washington 2578 32.1
Eden Town Lamoille 1152 64.3 Complete W1QA
Elmore Town Lamoille 849 39.6 Complete W1QA
Enosburg Town Franklin 2788 48.7
Enosburg Falls Village in Enosburg Franklin
Essex Town Chittenden 18626 39.3
Essex Junction Village in Essex Chittenden
Fair Haven Town Rutland 2928 18.0
Fairfax Town Franklin 3765 40.5
Fairfield Town Franklin 1800 68.5
Fairlee Town Orange 967 21.2
Fayston Town Washington 1141 36.5
Ferdinand Town (unnorg) Essex 33 53.0
Ferrisburgh Town Addison 2657 61.2
Fletcher Town Franklin 1179 38.0
Franklin Town Franklin 1268 40.8
Georgia Town Franklin 4375 45.2
Glastenbury Town (unorg) Bennington 16 44.5
Glover Town Orange 966 38.6
Goshen Town Addison 227 21.4
Grafton Town Windham 649 38.4
Granby Town Essex 86 39.1
Grand Isle Town Grand Isle 1955 35.1
Granville Town Addison 303 52.2
Greensboro Town Orleans 770 39.4
Groton Town + Village Caledonia 876 55.0
Guildhall Town Essex 368 32.7
Guilford Town Windham 2121 40.0
Halifax Town Windham 782 39.8
Hancock Town Addison 382 38.5
Hardwick Town Caledonia 3174 38.9
Hartford Town Windsor 10367 45.9
Hartland Town Windsor 3223 45.2
Highgate Town Franklin 3397 59.9
Hinesburg Town Chittenden 4340 40.1
Holland Town Orleans 588 38.2
Hubbardton Town Rutland 752 28.9
Huntington Town Chittenden 1861 38.1
Hyde Park Town + Village Lamoille 2847 39.0 Complete W1QA
Ira Town Rutland 455 21.3
Irasburg Town Orleans 1077 40.6
Isle La Motte Town Grand Isle 488 16.7
Jacksonville Village in Whitingham Windham
Jamaica Town Windham 946 49.5 Assigned NathanHirschWard
Jay Town Orleans 426 34.0
Jeffersonville Village in Cambridge Lamoille Complete W1QA
Jericho Town + Village Chittenden 5015 35.4
Johnson Town + Village Lamoille 3274 45.1 Complete W1QA
Killington Town Rutland 1095 46.9
Kirby Town Caledonia 456 24.4
Landgrove Town Bennington 144 9.1 Complete W1QA
Leicester Town Addison 974 22.0
Lemington Town Essex 107 35.3
Lewis Town (unorg) Essex 0 39.7
Lincoln Town Addison 1214 44.0
Londonderry Town Windham 1709 35.9
Lowell Town Orleans 738 56.1
Ludlow Town + Village Windsor 2449 35.7
Lunenburg Town Essex 1328 45.4
Lyndon Town Caledonia 5448 39.8
Lyndonville Village in Lyndon Caledonia
Maidstone Town Essex 105 31.8
Manchester Town + Village Bennington 4180 42.3 Assigned W1QA
Marlboro Town Windham 978 40.7
Marshfield Town + Village Washington 1496 43.4
Mendon Town Rutland 1028 38.1
Middlebury Town Addison 8183 39.2
Middlesex Town Washington 1729 39.9
Middletown Springs Town Rutland 823 22.8
Milton Town Chittenden 9479 60.9
Monkton Town Addison 1759 36.2
Montgomery Town Franklin 992 56.7
Montpelier City Washington 8035 10.3
Moretown Town Washington 1653 40.2
Morgan Town Orleans 669 33.9
Morristown Town Morrisville Lamoille 5139 51.6 Complete W1QA
Morrisville Village in Morristown Lamoille Complete W1QA
Mount Holly Town Rutland 1241 49.6
Mount Tabor Town Rutland 203 43.8 Complete W1QA
New Haven Town Addison 1666 41.8
Newark Town Caledonia 470 37.2
Newbury Town + Village Orange 1955 64.4
Newfane Town + Village Windham 1680 40.4
Newport City Orleans 5005 7.6
Newport Town Orleans 1511 43.5
North Bennington Village in Bennington Bennington
North Hero Town Grand Isle 810 46.6
North Troy Village in Troy Orleans
Northfield Town Washington 5791 43.7
Norton Town Essex 214 39.4
Norwich Town Orange 3544 44.8
Old Bennington Village in Bennington Bennington
Orange Town Orange 965 39.0
Orleans Village in Barton Orleans
Orwell Town Addison 1185 49.7
Panton Town Addison 682 22.0
Pawlet Town Rutland 1394 42.9
Peacham Town Caledonia 665 47.7
Perkinsville Village in Weathersfield Windsor
Peru Town Bennington 416 37.4 Complete W1QA
Pittsfield Town Rutland 427 20.1
Pittsford Town Rutland 3140 43.5
Plainfield Town Washington 1286 21.1
Plymouth Town Windsor 555 48.7
Pomfret Town Windsor 997 39.5
Poultney Town + Village Rutland 3633 44.8
Pownal Town Bennington 3560 46.7
Proctor Town Rutland 1877 7.6
Putney Town Windham 2634 26.8
Randolph Town Orange 4853 47.9
Reading Town Windsor 707 41.7
Readsboro Town Bennington 809 36.5
Richford Town Franklin 2321 43.3
Richmond Town Chittenden 4090 32.3
Ripton Town Addison 556 49.5
Rochester Town Windsor 1171 56.2
Rockingham Town Windham 5309 42.3
Roxbury Town Washington 576 41.8
Royalton Town Windsor 2603 40.9
Rupert Town Bennington 704 44.6
Rutland City + Town Rutland 17292 7.6
Ryegate Town Caledonia 1150 36.8
Salisbury Town Addison 1090 30.1
Sandgate Town Bennington 353 42.2
Saxtons River Village in Rockingham Windham
Searsburg Town Bennington 96 21.6
Shaftsbury Town Bennington 3767 43.2
Sharon Town Windsor 1411 40.1
Sheffield Town Caledonia 727 32.8
Shelburne Town Chittenden 6944 44.9
Sheldon Town Franklin 1990 39.3
Shoreham Town Addison 1222 46.3
Shrewsbury Town Rutland 1108 50.2
Somerset Town (unorg) Windham 5 28.1
South Burlington City Chittenden 15814 29.6
South Hero Town Grand Isle 1696 47.5
Springfield Town Windsor 9078 49.5
St. Albans City Franklin 7650 2.0
St. Albans Town Franklin 5086 60.6
St. George Town Chittenden 698 3.6 Complete W1QA
St. Johnsbury Town Caledonia 7571 36.8
Stamford Town Bennington 813 39.6
Stannard Town Caledonia 185 12.5
Starksboro Town Addison 1898 45.5
Stockbridge Town Windsor 674 46.2
Stowe Town Lamoille 4339 72.7 Complete W1QA
Strafford Town Orange 1045 44.3
Stratton Town Windham 136 46.9
Sudbury Town Rutland 583 22.2
Sunderland Town Bennington 850 45.6
Sutton Town Caledonia 1001 38.4
Swanton Town Franklin 6203 61.7
Thetford Town Orange 2617 44.2
Tinmouth Town Rutland 567 28.4
Topsham Town Orange 1142 49.0
Townshend Town + Village Windham 1149 42.8
Troy Town Orleans 1564 36.1
Tunbridge Town Orange 1309 44.8
Underhill Town Chittenden 2980 51.4
Vergennes City Addison 2741 2.5
Vernon Town Windham 2141 20.0
Vershire Town Orange 629 36.5
Victory Town Essex 97 43.0
Waitsfield Town Washington 1659 26.9
Walden Town Caledonia 782 39.0
Wallingford Town Rutland 2274 43.4
Waltham Town Addison 479 8.9
Wardsboro Town Windham 854 29.3
Warners Grant Gore Essex 0 3.2
Warren Town Washington 1681 40.1
Warrens Gore Gore Essex 10 11.6
Washington Town Orange 1047 38.9
Waterbury Town + Village Washington 4915 49.7
Waterford Town Caledonia 1104 39.7
Waterville Town Lamoille 697 16.4 Complete W1QA
Weathersfield Town Windsor 2788 44.2
Wells Town Rutland 1121 23.4
Wells River Village in Newbury Orange
West Burke Village in Burke Caledonia
West Fairlee Town Orange 726 22.8
West Haven Town Rutland 278 28.5
West Rutland Town Rutland 2535 18.0
West Windsor Town Windsor 1067 24.7
Westfield Town Orleans 503 40.2
Westford Town Chittenden 2086 39.3
Westminster Town + Village Windham 3210 46.1
Westmore Town Orleans 306 37.5
Weston Town Windsor 630 35.2
Weybridge Town Addison 824 17.6
Wheelock Town Caledonia 811 39.8
Whiting Town Addison 380 13.7
Whitingham Town Windham 1298 39.3
Williamstown Town Orange 3225 40.3
Williston Town Chittenden 1650 30.7
Wilmington Town Windham 2225 41.3
Windham Town Windham 328 26.1
Windsor Town Windsor 3756 19.8
Winhall Town Bennington 702 44.0 Assigned NathanHirschWard
Winooski City Chittenden 6561 1.5
Wolcott Town Lamoille 1456 39.2 Complete W1QA
Woodbury Town Washington 809 39.1
Woodford Town Bennington 414 47.6
Woodstock Town + Village Windsor 3232 44.6
Worcester Town Washington 902 38.8

Major roads

Vermont follows the general road naming and road type guidelines of the USA.

Highway Numbering

Vermont currently observes the following Standardized Name nomenclature for Numbered Routes:

Road Type Standardized Name
Freeway I-###
US Highway US-###
State Highway VT-###
Town Highway TH-###

State Highway numbering includes alternate state roads (e.g. VT-67A).

State Highway Signage

Most state highways are maintained by VTrans. However, some state highways in the centers of municipalities are maintained by local governments (class 1 town highways). VTrans maps indicate where state and local maintenance begin and end and signage may differ on municipally maintained segments. Map editors should treat both types the same.

Vermont State Route signage (VTrans maintained)
Vermont State Route signage (locally maintained)

Road Elevations

These are the general guidelines for elevation in Vermont.

  • All segments by default should have an elevation of ground including railroad segments
  • Only segments that cannot see the sky should have negative elevation (i.e., tunnels)
  • Only set elevation as high as necessary
  • Elevation of overlapping segments should be set relative to each other, with the lowest segment as ground (unless a tunnel)
  • More complicated junctions may need other considerations - please reach out to a state manager for assistance
  • If you use the Bridge tool to join segments, be aware that it raises the elevation of the joined segment: lower the joined segment as appropriate

Locking roads

Vermont has adopted the New England Road Type Locking Standard.

Special roads

Drivable roads

Vermont follows the standard USA guidelines for all of the following special road types.

Non-drivable roads

Review the Wiki guidelines for non-drivable roads to ensure compliance with the general guidelines.

  • Alleys should always be mapped if they have a name.
  • Alleys should always be mapped if they are the sole access to a home or business.
  • Alleys should always be set to "Private" (Northeast regional standard)
  • Alleys are normally mapped if they are acknowledged by the municipality.

If an alley does not meet the above criteria, mapping is optional. Leave the name field blank.

Non-Drivable Roads

Walking Trails, Pedestrian Boardwalks and Stairways generally should not be mapped. Exceptions should be approved by a State Manager.

It is permitted to map Railroads and the Railroad type can be junctioned with drivable roads when they are at grade crossings.


When managing a section of roadway under construction or being closed for a major event, follow the Wiki guidelines on construction zones and Real time closures.

The Federal Highway Administration keeps a website indexing all states that can provide highway and construction project information. Go to the page, find your state, and check the links for the desired information.


Vermont follows the USA standard for Places. Do not deviate from the guidelines without first obtaining consensus to do so via the state forum linked on this page.

New England Place Standardization

Vermont has adopted the New England Region Standard for Places.

Update Request Resolution Policy

The New England Region follows the USA standard for Update Requests (URs) as outlined here. The New England states have the following ASAP/4/7 day life cycle goal for handling URs as documented in the New England Update Request Resolution Policy.


Not every camera-looking device at an intersection is a speed or red light camera. Generally speaking:

  • a speed camera takes a photograph of a vehicle when it passes by the camera at too high a speed.
  • a red light camera takes a photograph of a vehicle that enters an intersection after the light is red. In some areas, it takes the photograph when a vehicle is not clear of the intersection some period after the light turns red.

Be sure to know your cameras before accepting new camera reports.

When adding a camera, be sure to review the camera placement recommendations.

Laws regarding speed and red light cameras vary between the states and territories, so be sure to understand the details of camera legality in Vermont.

Based on information researched at the time this page was created, red light and speed cameras are illegal statewide in Vermont.

No other camera types should be mapped in Waze.

To do list

Many states and territories keep an active list of pending or closed actions that need to be done in the state by the editors. All editors are welcome to contribute to the list of activities.

This state does not currently have an active "to do" list at this time. Check in the Vermont section of the Waze forums to discuss creating one.

Area Managers

The table below identifies the editors also designated as Area Managers or higher who are editing in Vermont. If you have any questions, please consider contacting them directly as needed. If you are an Area Manager that covers Vermont, or a USA Country Manager that does a lot of work in Vermont, please add yourself to this list (alphabetical by username) in the correct rank section.

The editor who also serves as the Regional Coordinator for Vermont is automatically listed at the top of the table. That editor may not be highly active in this state and therefore may not be listed separately in the table.

Vermont — Area, State, Country Managers, and Regional Coordinators
Regional Coordinator(s):
[RC] orbitc (PM [Help])  
[ARC1] Banished (PM [Help])  
[ARC2] SanzClew (PM [Help])  
  GHO Display Name
Area Managed Comments
Country Managers (New England region)
(Add to or edit Country and State sections of table)
orbitc(6) [PM [Help]] 
  Orbit C
Entire State of VT, also DE, NJ, PA. NY, ME, MA, NH, RI, CT
Global Champ / Coordinator of Northeast & New England
banished(6) [PM [Help]] 
Country Wide
Assistant Regional Coordinator
SanzClew(6) [PM [Help]] 
  Sanz Clew
Assistant Regional Coordinator
whoaitspete(6) [PM [Help]]  Statewide
US Local Champ / NY SM
jaywazin(5) [PM [Help]] 
Country Manager
Multi-State Manager for New England Region. MA State Manager
Moogonk(5) [PM [Help]] 
Country Manager
Multi-State Manager for New England Region. NH State Manager.
Mudge42(5) [PM [Help]]  Country Manager
Multi-State Manager for New England Region. MA State Manager
SNYOWL(5) [PM [Help]] 
Country Manager
Multi-State Manager for New England Region MA State Manager
Dmcrandall(5) [PM [Help]] 
Somewhat Inactive
US Country Mgr - AZ Resident
State Managers (New England region)
MadcatVT(4) [PM [Help]]  VT State Manager
AM NH and MO
W1QA(4) [PM [Help]]  VT State Manager
Chronos74(5) [PM [Help]]  Statewide
Multi-State Manager for New England Region. NH State Manager
Jallen(5) [PM [Help]]  Statewide
Multi-State Manager for New England Region. CT State Manager
Area Managers
(Add to or edit this section)
Bobc455(4) [PM [Help]]  Statewide
nathanhirschward(3) [PM [Help]]  Bennington County & Windham County

The following editors are also editing in the state and may be working towards an Area Manager position. Feel free to contact them for assistance in their respective areas.

Other Area Editors (Add to or edit this section)
Username General Editing Area Comments
RonRossiKK1L(2) [PM [Help]]  Jericho Area Local Resident
carlp456(1) [PM [Help]]  Chittenden Local Resident

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