Talk:Blackberry app problems Discussion View history

Blackberry 9300 and in general al BB curves.

In navigation screen, navigation instructions along with road name, along with estimated speed are too big for the screen of the Blackberry Curve, so there is so little space available to see well the car and the nearby map. Would be desirable to make smaller the nagivation instructions (turns, roundabaots etc...) and also be able to delete Road name (it is a huge space and not very useful indeed).


Recalcular la ruta constantemente.

Descargué Waze para la Black Berry 9000 y funcionó perfectamente el primer mes. al segundo mes de tener la aplicación en mi celular cuando trazaba una ruta comenzaba a calcular la ruta nuevamente y así constantemente. arriba a la derecha de la pantalla aparecía un aviso de failed. He leído en varios foro donde dicen que el problema se soluciona liberando archivo del teléfono para darle mas memoria pero no funciona. otros dicen que es necesario actualizar el google maps del teléfono pero tampoco funciona y sigue presentandose el mismo error de recalcular rutas.

BlackBerry Z10 ETA on routing is off by 7 hours on route screen (Release

Hello Waze:

The "Ready to Go" time shows correctly as ETA of 9:25 PM (Pacific Time from device + network) ETA in 32 minutes - but when in the turn by turn nav to destination on route screen, the ETA of 04:25 AM (UTC / GMT from ???) in 32 minutes appears at the foot of the map.

Tried uninstall / reinstall from the BlackBerry World + battery pull and reboot, but the issue persists - any suggestions or is this forced into UTC / GMT on screen for a specific confusing reason?


p.s. Love the application overall! Thanks very much.