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Szybka Nawigacja do...
Społeczność Waze Polska | |
Zasady | Zasady działania Społeczności |
Forum dyskusyjne | Forum Waze |
Ranking i Punkty | Twoja ranga i punkty |
Role i Obowiązki | Role w lokalnej społeczności ● Lista Menadżerów Obszarów ● Jak zostać Menadżerem Obszaru |
Mentoring | Mentoring Official Guidelines |
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Ten artykuł lub sekcja jest nieprzetłumaczony. Możesz pomóc Wazeopedii Polska przetłumaczyć go. Źródło: https://wazeopedia.waze.com/wiki/USA/Your_Rank_and_Points. |
Waze używa systemu punktowego, by śledzić używanie aplikacji mobilnej, a także korzystanie z przeglądarki internetowej w celu edytowania mapy. Zależnie od akcji, które wykonujesz, otrzymasz odpowiednią liczbę punktów. Te puntky są aktualnie używane do ustalenia Twojego poziomu i miejsca w rankingu, w porównaniu z innymi Wazerami.
Mój Pulpit
Możesz sprawdzić swoje punkty i poziom na stronie Mój Pulpit lub z poziomu aplikacji mobilnej, wybierając Menu -> Mój Waze -> Moja tablica wyników. Wybierz następujący link, by uzyskać informacje o pozostałych sekcjach na stronie Mój Pulpit.
Na stronie zobaczysz następującą tabelę, dzięki której możesz zobaczyć swój postęp i aktywność na drodze. Każdej nocy system Waze zliczy wszystkie punkty, które zebrałeś w dzień za każdy rodzaj działań. Następnie, system ustali Twoją pozycję wśród wszystkich pozostałych Wazerów. Twoja pozycja będzie raczej zmieniać się codziennie, dopóki nie znajdziesz się na czołowych miejscach rankingu. (tak, tam ciężko już wskoczyć wyżej - potwierdzone ;])
ZAUWAŻ: Od czasu do czasu, system ma lekkie opóźnienia w aktualizacji punktacji. Jeśli widzisz, że punkty się nie zaktualizowały choć powinny, warto odwiedzić stronę statusu serwerów - http://status.waze.com - ,żeby upewnić się że aktualnie nie ma żadnych problemów. Ogólnie, te opóźnienia nie trwają dłużej niż dzień, ale mogą trwać dłużej. (oh, rly?)
Jak są wyliczane punkty?
Otrzymujesz różną liczbę punktów za każdą aktywność z wymienionych w tabeli nieco niżej. Zauważ, że ilość punktów zależnych od dystansu, różni się w przypadku innych jednostek, czyli kilometrów i mil. Efektem tego, jest taka sama liczba punktów za taką samą faktyczną odległość. Druga tabela wyjaśnia dwa systemy pomiaru.
W oparciu o aktualny system, Wazerzy którzy spędzają czas na aktualizowaniu mapy w Edytorze, zbierają najwięcej punktów w danym tygodniu. Jeżeli Twoim celem jest zdobycie większej ilości punktów niż masz teraz, powinieneś rozważyć zaktualizowanie mapy Twojej okolicy.
What Is a Map Edit?
Map edits are listed in your scoreboard. They also affect your total number of points -- each map edit increases your score by several points. "Editing the map" means making a change to one road segment. If you correct the spelling on 3 segments of the same road, you will earn three map edits. If you edit the same segment more than one time in a 24-hour day, you will only receive credit for the edit one time.
For example, if you correct the city name at the same time or a little later in the day, you have made two changes to the segment but will receive credit for one edit to the segment.
What's the Difference Between a Change and an Edit?
In the first example, those 10 segments changed all at once will get you credit for 10 edits. In the second example, those 10 changes will get you credit for 1 edit. In the first, you changed 10 different objects. In the second, you changed only a single object.
As a final, extreme example: if you update an existing long segment, give it a new name, change the city, change the road type, the direction, the lock level and elevation, then adjust the location of 100 geometry points, the save counter may show 160 changes. When you save, that is counted as a single edit to that segment.
When you save a large number of changes at once, the system will not credit you with more than 150 points each time you save changes. If you have more than 150 points worth of changes stored up before you save, the edits will be saved to the map, but you only get up to 150 points. Remember that points are not displayed in the save icon, only edits. If you are concerned with the number of edits and points you receive for fixing the map, save more often and with fewer changes between saves to avoid doing uncredited work.
The details behind these calculations are discussed in this forum thread. Additional changes made to the point system are noted in this later forum thread.
The Table of Points
Aktywność | Punkty | Jednostka |
Zgłaszanie zdarzeń drogowych 1 | 6 | za zgłoszenie |
Aktualizacja cen paliw | 8 | za zgłoszenie |
Komentarze do zgłoszeń | 3 | za komentarz |
Edycja mapy2 | 3 | za edycję |
Dodawanie zdjęć Miejsca | 6 | za zdjęcie |
Aktualizacja danych Miejsca | 3 | za dodany szczegół3 |
Rozwiązanie zgłoszenia błędu mapy | 3 | za rozwiązane zgłoszenie |
Dodawanie nazw ulic | 3 | za nazwę4 |
Dodawanie numerów domów | 1 | za segment |
Wiadomości na forum | 2 | za 3 wiadomości |
Smakołyki drogowe | wartość nominalna | za ciasteczko |
Aktywność | za 1 milę | za 1 km |
Zwykła jazda5 | 5 | 3.2 |
Przeżuwanie drogi | 16 | 10 |
Wywalcowane drogi | 64 | 40 |
Aby uzyskać najnowsze informacje na temat punktów, zobacz The Waze Support Get More Points Page
1 Pings, chit-chats, and their comments do not accumulate points.
2 Edycja masowa (wybieranie wielu dróg i ich aktualizacja) w bieżącym edytorze map Waze śledzi każdą z powyższych edycji osobno, ale edycje do geometrii są liczone jako pojedyncza edycja dla każdego segmentu. Edytor policzy te masowe zmiany jako jedną "niezapisaną zmianę" na masową edycję, więc licznik śledzony na ekranie edytora nie jest punktami, które zbierzesz.
3 Dodawanie kategorii, aktualizowanie lokalizacji, dodawanie godzin, usług, opisu, numeru telefonu lub strony internetowej.
4 Nowe nazwy ulic liczą się tylko wtedy, gdy ulica nie została jeszcze nazwana.
5 Z lub bez nawigacji.
Bonus points and road goodies

There are other ways to earn points. Once you meet the criteria for one of the following tasks below, a message pops up in the Waze client application. The message states you've earned a "candy" that contains a particular number of points. Simply drive over where the candy is located and the points will be added to your total upon Waze's next ranking update. The bonus points can only be earned once unless otherwise noted.
Bonus candies only appear at road junctions and generally get placed on the road along your current path. If for some reason you are unable to drive over the candy, don't worry about it. The candy will come back at another location as you continue to drive, or when you use Waze on another trip. If you do not enable these "Road Goodies" in the Waze client application, you will receive the credits during the next weekly point update.
Other road goodies often appear at random locations on the map around the time of special holidays. Each type of candy has a set value and they are typically between 3 and 10 points. Like the bonus candies, you just need to drive over them to collect the points. If you do not drive over these candies, they will not relocate for you to drive over them later.
Task | Points | Notes |
Your first 10 miles | 25 | |
Your first report | 25 | |
Your first weekend report | 30 | |
First report of a map problem | 50 | |
First friend on waze | 200 | Obtainable only by connecting your Facebook account to Waze. One of your Facebook friends has to also connect his/her account to Waze in order to obtain the bonus points. |
First week1 you drove 2 days | 100 | |
First week1 you drove 3 days | 200 | |
Your first map edit | 200 | |
First week1 you drove 4 days | 300 | |
Resolve 50 map problems | 500 | |
Top weekly user in your state | 500 | |
Complete 500 map edits | 750 | Can be obtained more than once. Candy might not pop up until Waze's ranking servers update. |
Drive 500 miles within a week1 | 1000 | |
First five friends on waze | 2000 | See "First friend on waze" |
1 Waze bases a week on a work week which means the week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.
If you believe you have completed an achievement, but have not seen the bonus candy on the road, sometimes you just need to wait another week for it to catch up in the server. If the achievement was for something that required multiple days, the calendar resets at the beginning of the week on Monday, so the bonus will not happen unless it is between the Monday to Monday cycle. Also note that some bonuses cannot be earned in the same week and require a separate Monday cycle between them.
Waze Points Level (in client app)
As you advance to higher levels your reporting permissions grow, as your reports get greater influence on real-time routing. This is tracked in the Waze client application as can be seen in the Waze client application Scoreboard.

Waze Levels (Waze Points Levels)
To reach the Royalty level (crown icon), you need to be in the top percentage of all Wazers in your locality (in the US, this is determined by state).
The top percentage is calculated once a month, and if more and more Wazers get points, it's possible that the total amount needed to reach shield / sword / crown will actually go up.
While it could be frustrating, it helps guarantee that no one gets the 'Waze Royalty' level for good. It always gives a chance for new Wazers to come along and get it.
Waze Rank (Waze Points Rank)
The Waze client application Scoreboard displays your points and points rank compared to Everyone or your Facebook Friends for your country, your state (in the US) for Weekly or All Time, time frames.
These Ranks are different than Editing Ranks (as also indicated by Cones).
Waze Points Rank
Your total points collected from all types of activities are compared to others in your Country or State depending upon what server you are located. You are also compared to everyone on both servers around the world. This rank is displayed in various locations on the app and in the My Dashboard through the web interface. The highest rank is 1.
Ranga Edytowania Map Waze
When you edit the map, you accumulate map edit points. You can also earn higher editing ranks. Both map edit points and editing rank are displayed when you use the map editor.

You can see your own editing rank AKA level from the Edytor Map Waze (WME) on the top left of the screen.
Your rank appears just under your username as "Level #". To the left of your username and level is an avatar icon unique to your level. In the WME when you select a segment, the properties drawer will show you the name (and rank) of the editor who created and last modified the segment. The number in parenthesis after the name, is the editor's current rank (not necessarily the rank they were when they made the edit).
Editing permission
Your editor rank affects the area of the map you can edit as well as your ability to "lock" roads, places, and cameras, edit locked roads, places, and cameras, and add closures to roads. For more information, please read about permissions in the Waze Map Editor. You can see the current lock rank of any segment, place, or camera by selecting the object and checking the information in the left pane. If you need help fixing an object that is locked above your rank, please read about editing objects locked above your rank.
In the USA, rank promotions are evaluated based on a combination of related factors including;
- Editing skill and knowledge
- Editing quality and finish
- Community involvement
- Proper etiquette in communication
- Mentoring participation
- Edit count
- Suspicious or damaging edits

Factors relevant to promotion may be weighted differently at different ranks. For example, promotions to Ranks 4 and 5 often emphasize communication, community involvement, mentoring, and leadership more heavily than promotions to Ranks 2 and 3.
Edit count, on the other hand, is of diminishing importance to promotion at higher ranks. If one edits with the requisite skill and communicates with integrity and etiquette, and other rank-associated criteria are satisfied, one may be promoted before achieving the listed edit count for a given rank. If not, promotion may not occur even after one has achieved the listed edit count. This should be seen not as a reflection of one's worth as an editor, but only as a result of the decreased relevance of edit count especially as one reaches higher ranks.

The Formal Mentoring program is a great tool to help you learn the skills and knowledge you will need to be eligible for a rank promotion. Being in communication with your SM and/or RC even before you are eligible, will also show you where you need to focus to become eligible for the promotion.

If you feel that you might be eligible for a rank promotion, please contact your local management team including your State Managers (SM), and Regional Coordinator(s) (RC) to initiate a review, and the promotion process. Moving from rank 2 to 3, and higher, is not automatic and requires assistance, make sure to contact your managers/coordinator(s).
Szczegółowe dane poziomów
Icon | Editing Rank (Level) | Description Suggested Edit Count |
Editable Area Radius | Unlocked Waze Mood | Notes |
N/A (staff) | Admin, System, or Basemap import | N/A | Includes segments which have not been created or edited by an actual user, but exist from the initial data import (called the basemap) will show this information. | ||
Błąd przy generowaniu miniatury: Nie można zapisać miniatury do miejsca docelowego | N/A | Menadżer Obszaru | N/A | Area Manager (AM) is a role not a rank, however this role along with some higher roles e.g. State/Country Manager give the editor greater permissions than listed for their rank in this table. Area Managers (AM) can edit anything within their assigned area except objects locked by higher-level editors. Editors of any rank can be granted AM rights, however in some countries there may be a minimum requirement before Area Managers are approved. Read the Menadżer Obszaru section in the Wiki first before applying for an AM. | |
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1 | New users | 1 mile | All users start in this group, unless they are a member of one of the other special groups listed | |
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2 | Beginner Editors, over 3K edits, or IGN editors | 2 miles | Błąd przy generowaniu miniatury: Nie można zapisać miniatury do miejsca docelowego | IGN Map editors are an extension of the Waze Geo-Ops (aka the Map Team) |
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3 | Proficient Editors, (most AMs), over 25K edits | 3 miles | Błąd przy generowaniu miniatury: Nie można zapisać miniatury do miejsca docelowego | Editors with 25K edits. Rank 3 will require a request to, and, review by the RC before approval. Note: Some IGN Map editors may also be rank 3. |
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4 | Advanced Editors, over 100K edits | 4 miles | Rank 4 will require a request to and review by the RC before approval. Note: Very few IGN map editors may also be rank 4. | |
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5 | Expert Editors, (most SMs), over 250K edits | 4 miles | Błąd przy generowaniu miniatury: Nie można zapisać miniatury do miejsca docelowego | Rank 5 will require a request to and review by the RC before approval. |
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6 | Waze Champs | N/A | Waze Champ (Rank 6) will require recommendations, review, and approval by other US Champs before Champ status is given. Note: Although CMs and Champs have countrywide access, the Rank of Champ is greater than that of a CM. The same promotion from Local Champ (LC) to Global Champ (GC) applies. | |
Błąd przy generowaniu miniatury: Nie można zapisać miniatury do miejsca docelowego | Staff | Waze admins | Unlimited | Currently only paid Waze employees |
Waze Champs
Waze Champs are fellow Wazers like everyone else who are generally very experienced using Waze, have tenure, are active in the forums with moderator privileges, contribute to the Waze Wiki, and participate in many Waze related projects.
Most forum questions are answered by these users as they give their time freely to the Waze community. They are selected by Waze developers and are generally in closer direct communication with the Waze development team.
This group also includes Wazers who were invited by Waze to the attend the various Waze Meet-Ups around the globe.
The Waze Champ status only appears in the forums as part of the user's profile history when they post a message.
If for any reason you have a question you don't feel comfortable asking in the main forums, you can send a Private Message (PM) to a Waze Champ who will be happy to answer your question.
Forum badges
The Waze forums use badges to indicate group membership for Waze editors. Some editors may belong to multiple groups, but only one badge can be displayed. Each Waze editor who has more than one badge can select which badge to display in the right pane of their forum posts. The following table identifies the current badges in use in the forums. Membership in these groups requires approval by a country's Self-Management and is applied to the forum by certain Champs or Waze administration.
VIP Users
Until January 2013, the waze team recognized certain exceptional contributors with a special VIP icon. As of January 2013, the VIP status is not available. The Waze team is working on a different approach to recognize exceptional contributors.