Translations:Controlling U turns/40/es Ver historial

Curved median segments link to this section

If the median segment (B) has been shaped with geometry nodes, it is not straight and cannot be used for determining parallelism. Instead, draw a straight segment connected at the same in and out junctions (where in-segment (A) junctions with the median segment (B) and where the median segment (B) junctions with the out-segment (C)). Check the angles using this new straight segment, and delete the new segment afterwards.

Be sure the junctions are not locked above your rank. Otherwise, drawing a new temporary segment connected to locked junctions may produce a save error even if it is deleted prior to saving.

Click Expand for details on workaround options when any segments connected to either junction node cannot be edited.

  1. Disable the WME setting "Draw new roads with all turns allowed" before drawing the new segment.
  2. Draw the new segment disconnected from any other segment, then drag the end nodes to connect to the junctions.