New Hampshire View history

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This page serves as the primary resource for editors of New Hampshire. Review all the sections to better understand how the guidelines for this state might deviate from the overall USA or worldwide guidelines. If you have any comments or questions about this page or state refer to the community links below.

If you edit in New Hampshire, please make sure you add yourself to the table below.


New Hampshire is a part of the New England region, which includes the states and/or territories of:

Connecticut / Maine / Massachusetts / New Hampshire / Rhode Island / Vermont.

Thank you for your interest in editing the Waze maps for the State of New Hampshire. Please note New Hampshire follows the US national guidance with a few exceptions. Be sure to click on and read every link from this page for in-depth tips, guidance and advice.

All editors should have a real username, not a usa_username and are required to have their private messaging turned on.

Refer to the Glossary for common Waze related terms.

Mapping resources

Before editing the maps in New Hampshire, be sure to fully review and understand the editing manual.

The Waze user community follows the Waze etiquette guidelines discussed in the Wiki. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these guiding principals while editing the maps and this Wiki, as well as when communicating with other Waze users.

City Level Mapping Resources

State Level Mapping Resources


The Waze forum is a great place to find answers to previously asked questions and also a place to ask new ones. Below are links to the forums specific to New Hampshire.

Area Managers for New Hampshire can be found in the table below.

New editors should consider checking into the formal mentoring program available at no charge.

There is a Discord Channel for New Hampshire editors. This is primary and official communications link. Feel free to ask for an invitation from the RC or any New Hampshire State SM listed below.

Cities and towns

One of the most common errors when editing the maps is when an editor creates a road and does not confirm the road by setting the city and road name (or stating it has none).

Duplicate cities can be caused by incorrectly named segments and should be corrected following the guidelines in the duplicate cities article.

When editing roads and places, please make sure you enter the correct name.

There are 234 Cities and Towns in New Hampshire. See the NH City List Page for proper naming information.

DO NOT Use ANY of the "Greater *** Area" names that currently litter the map, and correctly rename roads you come across.

Major roads

New Hampshire follows the general road naming and road type guidelines of the USA.

Naming Standards

Numbered US Highways shall be named as: US-###
Numbered State Highways shall be named as: SR-###

Major Interstates

  • Interstate 89 - From Concord to Lebanon (60.80 mi)
  • Interstate 93 - (Portions Toll) From Salem to Littleton (131.39 mi)
  • Interstate 95 - (Portions Toll) From Seabrook to Portsmouth (16.11mi)
  • Interstate 293 - From Manchester to Hooksett (11.18 mi)
  • Interstate 393 - From Concord to Pembroke (4.50 mi)


Locking roads

In New Hampshire we have a set minimum standard for locking roads based on segment type. Any road of a certain segment type must be locked at least to the rank (level) in the chart below. Roads may be locked higher for protection and special situations (areas with construction, tricky design, frequent mistakes, imaging inaccuracies, and the like), but should not be locked lower.

A great time to implement these locks is while bringing the road types of an area into compliance with the current US road type standards (FC and highway systems). Lock the roads based on type after they've been set to current US road type standards.

New Hampshire Minimum Locking Rank Standard
Segment Type Statewide
 Freeway  5
 Ramp  Highest rank of connected segments
 Major Highway  4
 Minor Highway  3
 Primary Street  1 (Auto)
 Street  1 (Auto)
 Private Road  1 (Auto)
 • • • • Ferry • • • •   5
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2

Note: Do Not Mass Edit just to update locks to these standards, these can be adjusted as you find them while editing other aspects of the segments such as FC, speed limits, naming, etc.

Some segments still warrant higher locks and care should be taken when setting segment lock to these standards to look for and protect these special setups with higher locks. Some examples; segments which are part of BDP, U-turn prevention, or using micro-doglegs, or other complex intersection setups.

Functional Classification of Roads

New Hampshire determines road types using Federal Functional Classification (FC) across the entire state.

State Functional Classification Resource
  • NHDOT District FC Maps (See District Map to know which FC map to get) - Scroll down to "Roads By Function" and then click on the appropriate RPC Map.
Functional Classification to Waze Conversion Table

Note that NHDOT has a separate classification scheme (sometimes called "Legislative Class") that sometimes appears as Roman numerals. They do NOT equate to the Federal Classification numbers below.

The numbers correspond to the Functional Classification type indicated. (e.g. Class 6 road is a Minor Arterial)

Highway Systems
Interstate US Hwy (incl. some special routes) State Hwy (incl. some special routes) State Hwy BUS, SPUR[a], LOOP Locally-maintained
example>>>>> I-95 N US-2 SR-27 (SR-27A) SR-400 Loop Robertson St

  Interstate (1,11)    Fw  n/a n/a n/a n/a
  Other Freeways & Expressways (12)  n/a  Fw   Fw   Fw   Fw 
  Other Principal Arterials (2,14)  n/a  Major   Major   Major   Major 
  Minor Arterial (6,16)  n/a  Major   Minor   Minor   Minor 
  Major Collector (7,17)  n/a  Major   Minor   PS   PS 
  Minor Collector (8)  n/a  Major   Minor   PS   PS 
 Local Roads (9)  n/a  Major   Minor   PS   Street 

Match Rural FC labels to its Urban FC counterpart

A US Highway should never be typed lower than Major Highway (MH)

Special roads

Drivable roads

New Hampshire follows the standard USA guidelines for all of the following special road types.

Non-drivable roads

Review the Wiki guidelines for non-drivable roads to ensure compliance with the general guidelines.


  • Alleys should always be mapped if they have a name.
  • Alleys should always be mapped if they are the sole access to a home or business.
  • Alleys should always be set to "Private"
  • Alleys are normally mapped if they are acknowledged by the municipality.

If an alley does not meet the above criteria, mapping is optional. Leave the name field blank.

Non-Drivable Roads

Walking Trails, Pedestrian Boardwalks, & Stairways should not be mapped.

It is permitted to map Railroads, according to the wiki, since some users run Waze while on the train and contributing false data to the system. This false data has been known to affect drivers on adjacent roads.


When managing a section of roadway under construction or being closed for a major event, follow the Wiki guidelines on construction zones and Real time closures.


New Hampshire follows the USA standard for Places. Do not deviate from the guidelines without first obtaining consensus to do so via the state forum linked on this page.

Minimum Acceptable Information

All Places added to the map must contain the following entries:

  • Proper Category
  • Place Name
  • Address (including address numbers)
  • Placed in the correct location on the map

This is the minimum acceptable amount of information for inclusion on the map.

Phone Numbers

If a phone number is entered in the Place information, please utilize either of the following formats:

  • (###) ###-####
  • ###-###-####

Please correct the layout of any phone numbers you encounter while editing.

Locking Standard

New Hampshire Place Lock Level Standards
Military Installation / Airport 4
Hospitals / Urgent Care / Police & Fire Dept 4
National & State Parks and Monuments 4
Gas Stations / Charging Stations 3
Schools / Universities / Colleges 3
Government Buildings / Consulates 3
Commuter Rail Stations 3
City and Local Parks 2

All Places that have complete information (to include, at a minimum, address/city, hours of operation, phone number) are to be locked at Level 2. This is to prevent loss of data due to automatic acceptance of Place Update submissions from Trusted Users, or Place Update Request approvals from other editors without careful examination.
If you do not have a high enough enough rank to lock the place as indicated, please lock it as high as you can, and notify a higher rank AM, SM, CM, or Champ to lock it higher.

Place Name Harmonization

In an effort to standardize Place Names, New Hampshire uses the following list of Common names. Please note the appropriate category name, as well as the listed spelling. This is necessary for the proper display of any advertising associated with the site (i.e. SUBWAY discounts)

View this list full-screen in Google Sheets

Area Editing

Area Mapping
When creating an Area, map it to the "fence line" of the area.

For instance, if you are mapping a shopping center, this means that you map the area to cover the shopping center buildings, and the parking lots out to the outer ring road (if applicable). If there is no ring road, or for smaller shopping centers, map to the curb line.

If you are mapping a school, you would map out to the fence line (if visible) or to a reasonable distance from the school. Contact a AM, SM, CM, or Champ for assistance.

Hospitals / Urgent Care
Hospital Mapping
A special Category of Hospital / Medical Center is used for Hospitals, Medical Centers and Urgent Care facilities. ONLY Hospitals, Emergency Rooms, and places offering Urgent Medical Care should use this category. Clinics, and Medical offices which do not offer urgent medical care for Walk-Ins should use the Office, and any other appropriate category, instead.

Set the Stop Point over the Main Entrance to the facility. Additionally, map the Emergency Entrance with the same category name, but place it over the Emergency entrance location. ERs encompassed in a hospital Place Area should be Points, and named in the following fashion: E.R. - Hospital Name

Layered Areas

Places which are part of a larger encompassing place (i.e. place points for lot in a university area, Separate ER entrances in a hospital area, etc.) should be named with their unique name followed by a hyphen and the name of the larger area they belong to. For example "E.R. - Generic Medical Center"

Parking Lots

The Parking Lot Place marks a well-defined area constructed for off-street public parking, including parking structures and garages as well as at-grade lots. There are many elements that must be considered before deciding to map a parking lot. Currently, the details are covered in Places/Parking lot.

Gas Station
Gas Stations

You should familiarize yourself with the Gas Stations wiki - specifically naming, branding, and stop points.

Also understand, that to provide the best navigation instructions for a Wazer, u-turns should be enabled at each end of the PLR drawn through the gas station.


Not mapped. Handled by POI Search. Those with historical significance can be mapped. Internal roads should be mapped using the Parking Lot Road type if roads are warranted.


Not every camera-looking device at an intersection is a speed or red light camera. Generally speaking:

  • a speed camera takes a photograph of a vehicle when it passes by the camera at too high a speed.
  • a red light camera takes a photograph of a vehicle that enters an intersection after the light is red. In some areas, it takes the photograph when a vehicle is not clear of the intersection some period after the light turns red.

Be sure to know your cameras before accepting new camera reports.

When adding a camera, be sure to review the camera placement recommendations.

Laws regarding speed and red light cameras vary between the states and territories, so be sure to understand the details of camera legality in New Hampshire.

Based on information researched at the time this page was created, red light and speed cameras are prohibited statewide in New Hampshire.

No other camera types should be mapped in Waze.

To do list

Many states and territories keep an active list of pending or closed actions that need to be done in the state by the editors. All editors are welcome to contribute to the list of activities.

This state does not currently have an active "to do" list at this time. Check in the New Hampshire section of the Waze forums to discuss creating one.


Working with URs

New Hampshire has adopted a 36hr/4/7 day standard when dealing with User Requests.

Our goal is to respond to new URs within 36 hours. Fix the issue and solve the UR(if within our control, and identifiable), or solicit additional needed information from the reporter.
If there is no response from the reporter within 4 days, "bump" the request with a reminder message.
If there is a response from the reporter, and a conversation starts about the error and how to resolve it, the 7 day clock starts over.
Resolve URs that have no response to comment in 7 days, or are completed. NEVER close a UR without leaving a closing comment, even if it's something as simple as "No info received, closing."

When responding to URs, please remember the wise words of the scholar, brevity is the soul of wit.

More than likely, the user is going to be reading your response in the Waze App, so try and keep it as short as possible, while still conveying the information, or request desired.

Before working with URs, you should review the Wiki documentation on URs and especially the section on etiquette.

Don't be this guy.

Live Users

If you're editing in New Hampshire, we ask that you turn on the LIVE USERS layer in the editor. If you see another editor show up where you are editing, and move around you, please check WME Chat. Also, check and see if you have a Private Message (PM) in the Forum.

There may be an issue with the area you're editing in, or what you are doing.

Never Be Unreachable!

Area Managers

The table below identifies the editors also designated as Area Managers or higher who are editing in New Hampshire. If you have any questions, please consider contacting them directly as needed. If you are an Area Manager that covers New Hampshire, or a USA Country Manager that does a lot of work in New Hampshire, please add yourself to this list (alphabetical by username) in the correct rank section.

The editor who also serves as the Regional Coordinator for New Hampshire is automatically listed at the top of the table. That editor may not be highly active in this state and therefore may not be listed separately in the table.

New Hampshire — Area, State, Country Managers, and Regional Coordinators
Regional Coordinator(s):
[RC] orbitc (PM [Help])  
[ARC1] Banished (PM [Help])  
[ARC2] SanzClew (PM [Help])  
  GHO Display Name
Area Managed Comments
Country Managers (New England region)
(Add to or edit Country and State sections of table)
orbitc(6) [PM [Help]] 
  Orbit C
Entire State of NH, also DE, NJ, PA. NY, ME, MA, CT, RI, VT
Global Champ / Coordinator of Northeast & New England
banished(6) [PM [Help]] 
Assistant Regional Coordinator
SanzClew(6) [PM [Help]] 
  Sanz Clew
Assistant Regional Coordinator
jaywazin(5) [PM [Help]] 
Country Manager
Multi-State Manager for New England Region. MA State Manager
Moogonk(5) [PM [Help]] 
Country Manager
Resident NH State Manager. Multi-State Manager for New England Region.
Mudge42(5) [PM [Help]]  Country Manager
Multi-State Manager for New England Region. MA State Manager
SNYOWL(5) [PM [Help]] 
Country Manager
Multi-State Manager for New England Region MA State Manager
State Managers (New England region)
Chronos74(5) [PM [Help]]  Multi-State Manager for CT MA ME NH RI VT
Resident NH State Manager
Jallen(5) [PM [Help]]  Multi-State Manager for CT MA ME NH RI VT
CT State Manager
Area Managers
(Add to or edit this section)
MadcatVT(4) [PM [Help]]  Northern NH and NE Vermont
VT State Manager, AM Northern NH
BreakDown1923(3) [PM [Help]]  North Berwick, ME
Most of Seacoast NE
itismejoey(3) [PM [Help]]  Southern NH and Merrimack Valley MA
Derry AM
mikejeep47(3) [PM [Help]]  Meredith area
Lakes Region AM
nhmapguy(2) [PM [Help]]  Upper Valley & greater New England
Claremont/Lake Sunapee AM

The following editors are also editing in the state and may be working towards an Area Manager position. Feel free to contact them for assistance in their respective areas.

Other Area Editors (Add to or edit this section)
Username General Editing Area Comments
Robert04101(5) [PM [Help]]  Hanover-Derry corridor
Maine State Manager
rmrheaume(4) [PM [Help]]  Southern NH and Eastern MA
tenetienne(4) [PM [Help]]  Nashua and I-95 corridor Primarily central MA & I-95 corridor to Maine
jnh73(3) [PM [Help]]  Seacoast NH-Manchester NH corridor Occasionally edit in MA
JvdMaat(3) [PM [Help]]  Nashua, NH Northern MA, South-East NH
RodeNinja(3) [PM [Help]] 
  Eric K
Hollis and Nashua
Occasional visitor
derrydrivin(2) [PM [Help]]  Southeast NH I-93 corridor
ericroch(2) [PM [Help]]  Seacoast NH Occasionally edit near Boston, MA
Ittiz(2) [PM [Help]]  South Central NH, North Central MA Anywhere in the western hemisphere
NorthernRaven(2) [PM [Help]]  Londonderry/Derry/Windham Also other areas of NH and MA
rbfarl902(2) [PM [Help]]  South Central NH & Nantucket MA
twilde42(2) [PM [Help]]  Manchester/Bedford Primarily Greater Boston
AllAboutRoads(2) [PM [Help]]  I-93 Corridor (in NH / MA) / Southeast NH Sometimes edits in Northeast Massachusetts
BostonBlue(1) [PM [Help]]  Merrimack Valley Southern NH
Brandon211999(1) [PM [Help]]  Grafton County WoodStock-Concord Region
eddie-squid(1) [PM [Help]]  Seacoast NH
khenault(1) [PM [Help]]  Seacoast NH Occasionally edit in ME and MA
hawka97(1) [PM [Help]]  Southeast NH Occasionally edit in Lakes Region
jimnh(1) [PM [Help]]  Hampstead area
John_Sauter(1) [PM [Help]]  Nashua, NH
jwtilton(?) [PM [Help]]  Freedom, Ossipee Also Conway area
kdavis5022(1) [PM [Help]]  Franklin, NH Lakes Region/Central NH
ChrisS_74(1) [PM [Help]]  Lakes Region/Central NH Lakes Region/Central NH
Spenceman2023(1) [PM [Help]]  Central and Southern NH Travels a lot and cover a lot of ground.
SensibleBob(1) [PM [Help]]  Salem, NH Southeast NH

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