
This module allows you to edit your currently setup central notices. It can also be used to add or remove old notices.

Banner template
Nov 2022

Banners of a specific category share tracking variables and group settings (e.g. hide cookies and impression counts). Category names can be magic words like {{{campaign}}} or {{{banner}}} which will be automatically expanded at display time. Values must be alphanumeric.
Check each mixin that you want to be included during banner delivery. (See Banner mixins for more information.)
Edit banner

Warning: Loading external resources into a banner can compromise user privacy.

To create a localisable message, enclose a string in three curly brackets, e.g. {{{message_name}}}. To use a localisable message from another banner, include the banner name followed by a comma, then the message name, e.g., {{{banner_name,message_name}}}.

Magic words provided by banner mixins: {{{banner}}} and {{{campaign}}}

Front-end cache

Removes banner content stored in the front-end cache for anonymous users, for the selected language. (Banners are not cached for logged-in users.)

Campaigns using this banner

Campaign name Campaign type Projects Languages Countries and regions Starting (UTC) Ending (UTC) Enabled Priority Limit traffic Locked Archive
Nov 2022 No type (always shown) All All except ann, bci, blk, dag, dga, fat, fon, gaa, gld, gpe, gur, guw, hsn, igl, kea, kjh, ksw, kus, mag, mos, ms-arab, nmz, nod, nog, nyn, ojb, pcm, pwn, rki, rmc, rsk, ryu, se-fi, se-no, se-se, sh-cyrl, sh-latn, sjd, sje, sms, sro, syl, tdd, tok, vmw, wal, wls and yrl All 2022-11-28 10:21 2025-12-31 11:24 normal