User:Kinematic/Montana Guidelines View history

Revision as of 15:08, 21 February 2016 by Kinematic (talk | contribs)
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Montana Guidelines

Before editing the maps in Montana, be sure to fully review and understand the {editing manual}. The Waze user community follows the {Waze etiquette guidelines discussed in the Wiki}. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these guiding principals while editing the maps and this Wiki, as well as when communicating with other Waze users. It is important to understand things that are not necessarily visible when editing. In some cases, what you don't know can really hurt the maps

The Basics

In the Navigation Box above , you will notice various hyperlinks that deal with Montana's criteria that happen to be unique to our state . Some of these principles can vary upon what the Waze requirements are. Should you have any questions regarding any of these guidelines please use the Montana forums, or contact one of our AM's. Remember when editing we want to strive for the three following:

  • Usibility
  • Simplicity
  • Retention