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Welcome to the Montana wiki Waze.

What is waze?

The power of Waze is in your hands. By simply driving around with the Waze client installed on your smartphone, you can share real-time information that translates into traffic conditions and road structure. When you use Waze, you can also actively report to the community on traffic, accidents, police traps, blocked roads, weather conditions and much more. Waze collects this information and immediately analyzes it in order to provide other Wazers with the most optimal route to their destination, 24 hours a day.[1]

What can I find on this Wiki?

This Wiki is separated into many areas which contain important information displayed in tabs seen on top of this page.

Editing Tab

For individuals who make use of the Waze Map Editor they are going to come across guide-lines about how exactly to edit the map, implementing best map editing practices, in addition to the state guide-lines.

Montana Editing


These resources can be adapted to use in any venue of the mentoring program, either through Formal Mentoring, Informal Mentoring, or on your own