Connecticut/To do/Main Discussion View history

Revision as of 17:14, 2 March 2015 by Pumrum (talk | contribs) (*/To_do/Main*/ grocery guidance)

Want to help out with the map in Connecticut? Check out the many To Do lists for the state.

  • Gas Stations
    • All gas stations should be locked as high as able, up to R4
    • All gas stations should be named to clearly identify the station (pending main wiki update)
    • Special care should be taken to properly name grocery store gas stations (BJ's Gas, Costco Gasoline, Stop & Shop Gas, etc) in order to differentiate it from the shopping place
  • Main To Do List
  • Landmarks To Do List
  • Functional Class To Do List - COMPLETE
The US map is being changed to conform with the federal Functional Classification guidelines, in accordance with the US Road Types wiki page. This To Do list is tracking the conversation for the state.