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- Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg)
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- Ukraine
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- Vietnam (Việt Nam)
Complete Guide to Waze in the Malaysia (Under Development)
Help Improve Waze
Map Editing
- For wide roads with two directions of traffic, create two one-way roads so that a GPS
lock will be made correctly. All two lanes highways should be split this way, also the primary streets if they have more than 2 lanes (like Jalan Kuching in Kuala Lumpur eg)
Area Manager
Use your language skills
Help Improve Waze
Map Editing
* For wide roads with two directions of traffic, create two one-way roads so that a GPS lock will be made correctly. All two lanes highways should be split this way, also the primary streets if they have more than 2 lanes (like Jalan Kuching in Kuala Lumpur eg)
Area Manager Use your language skills Problems and Issues Technical Information