This new page is currently undergoing modifications. The information presented should be considered a draft, not yet ready for use. Content is being prepared by one or more users. Do not make any changes before you post a message in this forum. |
If you have arrived at this wiki by following a link sent to you in a private message, it means another editor believes some of your edits to the Waze map are incorrect. Those edits may already have been modified or deleted. This may be an unpleasant surprise, especially if you put a lot of time and energy into those edits, but rest assured that you are in good company. Every one of Waze's many volunteer editors has made mistakes that required correction or removal.
The purpose of this wiki is to help you understand what about your edits may have needed undoing and to offer you suggestions on where your editing energy could do the most good.
Incorrect edits are a natural part of Waze
Having edits undone or redone may make you feel like Waze is not for you. That's natural, but actually, Waze needs you, and the volunteer editing community needs you. It is so important to Waze to encourage new editors that they deliberately omit any training requirements for new editors.
Without any required training you can begin modifying the maps in minutes after learning of Waze. This is exciting, but it also makes it inevitable you will make mistakes. We all do.
Because new editors can modify the maps with little or no training, incorrect edits are a natural part of Waze. So please don't feel bad.
What exactly did I do wrong?
Incorrect edits include both functional mistakes and misunderstood conventions. Functional mistakes are more serious but both require response.
Functional mistakes
A functional error introduces wrong data or faulty routing. Functional errors must be addressed as soon as possible after they are detected.
Misunderstood conventions
Misunderstood conventions do not necessarily involve wrong data or faulty routing, but violate editing conventions agreed upon by the local Waze editing community.
Guidance for those modifying or deleting another's edits
First of all, be absolutely sure it really is a mistake! What appears at first to be an incorrect road, for example, may reflect changes that have taken place since the satellite and street-view images were captured. Disagreement with other mapping services may result from errors in the other services, not in the Waze data. Do not automatically assume that the satellite imagery, street-view photographs, or other mapping services are correct.
Wherever possible, resist the urge to delete and start again. Nobody enjoys seeing their work deleted, even if it was in error. To the extent possible, modify and build on the incorrect work. If deletion is required but the maps and routing are not broken, send the author a permalink to the issue and a link to this wiki and give them a chance to delete the issue themselves. If the error must be reworked immediately, at least send the author a link to this wiki and some indication of where the repairs took place so they have the opportunity to learn.