MediaWiki:Common.js/IEFixes.js View history

Revision as of 06:10, 29 June 2014 by Kentsmith9 (talk | contribs) (Page creation)
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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */

* Helper script for .hlist class in Common.css 
* @source 
* @revision 5 (2013-12-22) 
* @author [[User:Edokter]] */
( function ( mw, $ ) {
    var profile = $.client.profile();
    if ( profile.versionNumber === 8 ) {
        /* IE 8: Add pseudo-selector class to last-child list items */
        mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( function ( $content ) {
            $content.find( '.hlist' ).find( 'dd:last-child, dt:last-child, li:last-child' )
                .addClass( 'hlist-last-child' );
        } );
    else if ( profile.versionNumber <= 7 ) {
        /* IE 7 and below: Generate interpuncts and parentheses */
        mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( function ( $content ) {
            var $hlists = $content.find( '.hlist' );
            $hlists.find( 'dt:not(:last-child)' )
                .append( ': ' );
            $hlists.find( 'dd:not(:last-child)' )
                .append( '<b>·</b> ' );
            $hlists.find( 'li:not(:last-child)' )
                .append( '<b>·</b> ' );
            $hlists.find( 'dl dl, dl ol, dl ul, ol dl, ol ol, ol ul, ul dl, ul ol, ul ul' )
                .prepend( '( ' ).append( ') ' );
        } );
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );