North Carolina/Places/Main Discussion View history

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Deviations may also be approved by contacting an NC SM.

Place Update Requests

When moderating Place Update Requests (PURs), please be aware that they are not added to the map until the Wazer hits Done. This means that a passenger of a car may take a great photo of a business, but be a block or two down the road before it is added. Zoom into the map where the Place was added and ensure they are where they are supposed to be.

See here for rules for mapping places on Military Bases.
Photos of any kind are NOT ALLOWED on places within Military Bases!
Chain Name Harmonization

In an effort to keep common Places the same across the region, the South Atlantic wiki page now has a list to reference. The list includes Names, Alt Names, Categories, and Websites of Chain companies across the region. If you do not see a Chain listed and feel it should be added, please fill out this form to submit it for review.

Experienced editors may also use the Place Name Harmonization script to assist with this process.

Place Locking

Editors are encouraged to fill in all available information about a place. A place can be locked once it minimally has the following information:

  • Correct Category
  • Name - Formatted with Title Case (Use capital letters for the first letter in each word)
  • Area or Point with Destination Point in the correct location
  • Address - House number and correct street name

Once complete, NC uses the following minimum place locks:

Place Category Minimum Lock
Airports, Hospitals, and Freeway Rest Areas 5
All other places 3

Other important places such as major tourist attractions prone to editing and major parks can be locked at 4 or 5 as necessary to protect their integrity.