User:Tango259/Minnesota MapRaid 2020 View history

Minnesota MapRaid ended on 24 Jul 2020 23:59:00 UTC. Please check back here for results and check the Mapraid Forum for mapraid announcements.


The Minnesota MapRaid will be 12 July 2020 at 19:00 UTC through 24 July 2020 23:59 UTC (approximately).

Welcome to the American Great Plains! Thank you for your assistance big and small in improving the map throughout Minnesota. A MapRaid is a gathering of editors from across the editing community to edit an area of the map in a burst of activity. While you as an editor will receive editing area for the entirety of both states for the raid duration (for administrative purposes), you will also receive a specific group assignment to focus on a subset of that area and a set of localized priorities. It will be your task to work with your group to help achieve them!


The primary goals for this raid vary by which group you have been assigned. For the urban groups: Your primary goals are to bring our places up to regional standards and tackle any place update requests you find. For the rural areas, your primary goals will be to match the basemap to the Plains region guidelines and assign segments proper speed limits. See the appropriate Wazopedias in the resources section of this page to see how PLN handles road segments, places, etc.


These may vary additionally by the needs of individual raid group areas.

Rural Groups

  1. Connectivity (basemap) - Rural areas especially
  2. Road Normalization (especially CR/CH segments)
  3. SLs
  4. Complete PP to Region minimums
  5. PLAs

Twin Cities Group

  1. PURs/MPs - Cities and tourist destinations
  2. Complete PP to Region minimums
  3. SLs
  4. PLAs
  5. Basemap


Username Raid Role Waze Roles
tango259 (PM [Help])   Planning Committee Minnesota SM
tinfoilhattie (PM [Help])   Planning Committee Minnesota SM
HBiede (PM [Help])   Planning Committee Plains LAM
nimper2000 (PM [Help])   Planning Committee Kansas SM
bretmcvey (PM [Help])   Regional Support Plains RC
ehepner1977 (PM [Help])   Regional Support Plains ARC
SunnyRaynbows (PM [Help])   Consultant Plains ARC


All raid communications will be in special raid channels on the Waze Plains Editors Discord server.

Raid group areas

Interactive map: Raid groups on Google Maps

Important / Mapraid guidelines

Please read the entire MapRaid wiki. If you are uncertain what to do about something you see on the map, please ask your group leader.

When you are editing in the raid area, please set yourself visible and enable the Live users layer.

Edit quality and mass editing

You are responsible for every edit you make, whether you make it by hand or use a script. Every edit you make should meet the goals of this MapRaid and make a noticeable improvement to the map. Do not make edits simply to gain points without improving the map. If a segment is "good enough" for the Waze map, do not edit it. If it looks like you are making unnecessary edits or hunting for points, you may be banned from this MapRaid and from future MapRaids.

Editor restrictions

Map editing restrictions that affect level 1 and 2 editors remain during the raid.

Time zones

For relevant WME interfaces that display in the editor's browser time zone, both Kansas and Missouri are in Central Daylight Time (UTC -5) for this raid with the exception of 4 counties in western Kansas. Groups 1 and 2 (Northwest Kansas and Southwest Kansas) should be aware that Sherman, Wallace, Greeley, and Hamilton counties are on Mountain Daylight Time.

Road Types and Functional Classification (FC)

Road type classification is not a focus of this map raid. It has been addressed for every county in Kansas and Missouri. If you see a problem on the segments you are editing, please consult with your group leader before fixing it.


Replace any micro-doglegs (mDLs) with turn instruction overrides (TIOs), and be sure to delete the geometry nodes that were used to create the micro-dogleg. If you find an intersection where you believe preserving the micro-dogleg is preferred, please escalate to your raid group leader.


Many rural driveways are mapped in the Plains region.

Rural driveways in Kansas and Missouri should frequently be mapped (as Parking Lot Roads), even if shorter than the general Driveways recommendation of 50 meters. Drivers will often be travelling at a high speed, and an upcoming turn provides advanced warning of their destination. Driveways also serve as useful navigation landmarks on otherwise featureless rural roads, especially during night time navigation. If they are not mapped, a Wazer driving on one may be mistakenly snapped to a nearby road and interfere with the speed data or provide confusing directions.

If the addresses for properties on the driveway are known, delete the relevant House Numbers and add Residential Place Points (RPPs).

  • The RPP must be complete including the address number, street name, city name, and entry/exit point as noted in the Things to remember section of the HN page under the If the correct stop point for a house/business is on a different road than its address road bullet point.
  • Ensure the entry/exit point is placed clearly to one side of the road segment, not on top of the road segment.

Urban driveways do not qualify for mapping in most circumstances unless they meet certain route-aiding criteria as defined in the national standards for Driveways.


Kansas - Allowed except where prohibited by sign.

Missouri - U-turns are generally permitted except where prohibited by state, local municipal law, or signs. U-turns are specifically prohibited at intersections controlled by a traffic signal.

Implementation For Waze routing, u-turns should ONLY be enabled where they provide the potential for improved routing, which includes recovering from missed turns. A common example is a median-divided primary street that has homes/businesses with their driveways/entrances directly on it, where reaching them would otherwise require lengthy, multi-turn deviations through side roads in order to end up on the correct side of the median.

The u-turn must also meet the following criteria:

  1. The u-turn is explicitly allowed by signage or is otherwise legal and safe.
  2. The turn can be completed in one continuous movement.
  3. There is at least 15 meters (49 feet) from the right edge of the legal departure lane to the right edge of the "destination" curb (49 foot turning circle).
  4. There is no sign prohibiting a u-turn.

Note that when editing, a functional u-turn can arise from more than just the u-turn flag on a road segment, such as with these common scenarios:

  1. Divided roads with box and partial-box intersections where the median segment is 15 m (49 feet) or longer.
  2. Divided roads with explicitly-mapped inside turn lanes unless the turn arrow in the u-turn direction is disabled.

Toll roads

Regardless of editor rank, do not alter any toll road segments without consulting your group leader who will escalate to raid leadership.


Do not add any cameras.

Kansas - As of July 2019, KS does not have any enforcement cameras.


  • Only allowed at select intersections in Hannibal city limits.
  • Otherwise do not approve nor add any others.
  • Existing cameras in WME may be left to deter future reports.

Update Requests (URs)

Leave responding to URs to local editors. They are not in scope for this raid.

Map Problems (MPs)

  • Do not auto-create parking lots from Map Problem suggestions. Map them manually per guidelines.
  • Bring Parking Lot Areas to regional standards before closing the Map Problem.

Speed limits

Kansas (§ 8-1558)

  • In any urban district, 30 miles per hour;
  • on any separated multilane highway, as designated and posted by the secretary of transportation, 75 miles per hour;
  • on any county or township highway, 55 miles per hour; and
  • on all other highways, 65 miles per hour
  • Local jurisdictions may alter these not to exceed above maximums.
  • All speed limits are enforced as posted.

Missouri (§ 304.010)

  • 70 mph: rural freeways and interstates
  • 65 mph: rural expressways
  • 60 mph: urban interstate highways, freeways, and expressways
  • 60 mph: other numbered, state-maintained rural highways
  • 55 mph: state lettered highways, or as posted
  • 20-30 mph: cities, towns, and villages, or as posted
  • 15-25 mph: school zones, as posted

Segment Locks

All of the Plains region observes the below lock standards.

When you edit any segment during the MapRaid, please set the lock level correctly. If you are unable to lock it to the correct level, then lock it to the level of your rank and request your group leader raise the lock to the standard.

Roads may be locked higher for protection and special situations (areas with construction, tricky design, frequent mistakes, incorrect images, etc.). Do not decrease a rank just to decrease a rank, talk to your group leader before you do.

Plains region segment locking standards
Segment Type Lock level
 Freeway  4
 Ramp  Highest rank of connected segments
 Major Highway  3
 Minor Highway  3
 Primary Street  2
 Street  1
 • • • • Ferry • • • •   5
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2

Note: All Toll Roads are to be locked at a minimum of 5.


Place lock level and style standards
Place type Lock level Special instructions
Military installation / Airport 4
Hospitals / Urgent Care / Police & Fire Dept 4 Map non-24/7 urgent care as a place point even if a standalone building
National & State Parks and Monuments 4
Gas Stations / Charging Stations 3 Map charging stations as place points
Schools / Universities / Colleges 3
Government Buildings / Consulates 3
City and Local Parks 3
Malls 3 Map to the building outline not the fence line
All other places with complete information 3

Hours of operation: For locations with different hours of operation for service types (i.e. lobby vs. drive-thru) use the set with the longest duration for the place's open hours and write the other hours into the description.

City names

This is clarification for city name guidance done during this MapRaid. If you have any other questions or concerns please involve your group leader. Please ensure that you have the Recommended Tools installed as these will help with identifying City/CDP and USPS zip codes.

The city name for the primary name is either the Census Designated Place (CDP) name, incorporated city name, or None.

  1. If the segment falls within a city or CDP, the primary segment name should include that city or CDP, and all alternate segment names should also include the same city or CDP. As needed, USPS zip code cities may be added as alternate city names.
    Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
  2. If the segment falls outside of a city or CDP, then the primary city name should be left blank and the None checkbox selected. The primary segment name should be duplicated in the alternates and all alternate names should use the USPS zip code city name. Do not check "None" for any of the alternate city names
    Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
  3. If the segment runs along the border between two cities or CDPs, the USPS may be able to provide a tiebreaker (be sure to manually check any result suggested by the US Government Boundaries script). If there is no USPS tiebreaker one city should be arbitrarily selected as the primary city name and used consistently for all similar segments for that area. The primary segment name should be duplicated in the alternate names section using the second city name, and all alternate segment names should be entered using both city names.
  4. If segment falls outside of a city/CDP but borders two USPS zip code cities, the primary city name should be left blank and the None checkbox selected. All segment names should be entered as alternates using both city names.

Major issues to address after the MapRaid

Any major issues that need to be addressed will be followed up on by local editors after the MapRaid's conclusion. Issues such as city name merging, large scale renaming (primary or alt), etc., will be handled later. Please notify your group leader of any large issues you find.




Tools and scripts

There are many scripts and extensions that editors use to assist with editing that not only make some jobs easier, but verifies what we do is correct. The use of these scripts is highly encouraged and those listed below are the ones you should install, at a minimum, to get started.


Once you have installed Toolbox, press the Toolbox Icon and select a minimum of the following options:


You will need to install a browser extension to manage the additional scripts. Some scripts do not work with the current version of GreaseMonkey so we recommend installation of TamperMonkey.

KS-MO raid-specific scripts

Essential scripts

General wiki links

New editor welcome page
Waze Map Editor
Best Map Editing Practice
Editing manual
Common editing mistakes
How to make a Permalink; YouTube
All about using the WME Chat
Community Plugins, Extensions and Tools

Raid Groups

Group 1 - Northwest Kansas
Group leader: ldriveskier (PM [Help])  
Assistant group leader: ramblinwreck_81 (PM [Help])  
Username (rank) Group Badges
ldriveskier(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas

ramblinwreck_81(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas

hiroaki27609(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas

juliansean(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas

dhschneider(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas

westjacksonfd(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas

wakirkpatrick(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas

daveacincy(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas

davis_312(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas

snowboardjoe(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas

dodgingcones(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas

darkchicken(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas
wayzlu(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas
hammy211(1) [PM [Help]]  Group 1
Northwest Kansas

Group 2 - Southwest Kansas
Group leader: SkiDooGuy (PM [Help])  
Assistant group leader: Johnsninja58 (PM [Help])  
Username (rank) Group Badges
SkiDooGuy(6) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas

Johnsninja58(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas

FastestBeef(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas

jm6087(6) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas

kjg53(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas

HBiede(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas

YourEvilTwinFTW(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas

AnorestesX(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas

tckma(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas

Mvan231(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas

RoadStache(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas
GT3Mike(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas
lilmamachris33(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas
mjraneri(1) [PM [Help]]  Group 2
Southwest Kansas

Group 3 - East Kansas
Group leader: Chronos74 (PM [Help])  
Assistant group leader: Dude495 (PM [Help])  
Username (rank) Group Badges
Dude495(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas

Chronos74(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas

bretmcvey(6) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas

Huybee3(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas

cotero2002(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas

steveinark(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas

G_W1Z(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas

SNYOWL(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas

DrHenryJonesSr(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas

mdswbkq(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas

TFD425(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas

Mikepedia(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas
SopranoMimi(1) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas
thezz33(1) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas
mustberice(1) [PM [Help]]  Group 3
East Kansas

Group 4 - Wichita Metro
Group leader: dfw_gis (PM [Help])  
Assistant group leader: MFCoolCool (PM [Help])  
Username (rank) Group Badges
dfw_gis(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro

MFCoolCool(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro

willdanneriv(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro

sikemever(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro

mhh60(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro

dchary2418(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro

RichardPyne(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro

tigger13090(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro
Mstrbooth(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro

RoadWarriorTech850(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro

Snow_Skier(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro
derrydrivin(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro
mchueby(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro
NathanHirschWard(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 4
Wichita Metro

Group 5 - Northwest Missouri
Group leader: Machete808 (PM [Help])  
Assistant group leader: ct13 (PM [Help])  
Username (rank) Group Badges
Machete808(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri

ct13(6) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri

herrchin(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri

toolmanzwief(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri

ohiostmusicman(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri

AugieAStL(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri

tortured1(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri

jcipc2004(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri

Texasthered(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri

Fender_Bender42(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri

Drivingwithbill(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri

SCScouter316(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri
goddard244(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri
FreedAce(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 5
Northwest Missouri

Group 6 - Northeast Missouri
Group leader: ojlaw (PM [Help])  
Assistant group leader: dangottschalk (PM [Help])  
Username (rank) Group Badges
ojlaw(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

dangottschalk(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

dspille(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

jaywazin(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

jimbobaggins1966(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

Luke6270(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

buckeyemondo(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

jimbobninja06(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

NightReaper86(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

TowerFire36(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

QuebecRefugee(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

Commissar0617(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

fourLoop(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri
steviejaydriver(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri
Kurzov(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 6
Northeast Missouri

Group 7 - Kansas City Metro
Group leader: steelpanz (PM [Help])  
Assistant group leader: n4dog (PM [Help])  
Username (rank) Group Badges
steelpanz(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro

n4dog(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro

ehepner1977(6) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro

Kartografer(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro

Sdtahoe(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro

Larryhayes7(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro

DaveKS14(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro

Airchair(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro

Be8el0ve(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro

bobc455(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro

Awensome(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro

KingCoast(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro
fireguy52(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro
varso(1) [PM [Help]]  Group 7
KC Metro

Group 8 - Central Missouri
Group leader: Falco_sparverius (PM [Help])  
Assistant group leader: Mythdraug (PM [Help])  
Username (rank) Group Badges
Falco_sparverius(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri

Mythdraug(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri

j-d-(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri

jwe252(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri

turnertr(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri

apeachypanda(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri

kndcajun(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri

SunDevil2213(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri

idontkerr(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri

Matt-L-75067(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri

Passingbyu(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri
s2k2vidguy(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri

ArnoldN51(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri
MsCookie695(1) [PM [Help]]  Group 8
Central Missouri

Group 9 - St. Louis Metro
Group leader: Joerodriguez12 (PM [Help])  
Assistant group leader: Umarth735 (PM [Help])  
Username (rank) Group Badges
Joerodriguez12(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro

Umarth735(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro

Rainman3699(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro

Doctorblah(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro

Benenmen(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro

uscwaller(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro

krzycholub(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro

pcbman(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro

phuz(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro

ControlNode(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro

Corydon76(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro

subtlename(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro
fweewayze94(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 9
St. Louis Metro

Group 10 - Southwest Missouri
Group leader: SanzClew (PM [Help])  
Assistant group leader: TLknows (PM [Help])  
Username (rank) Group Badges
SanzClew(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri

TLknows(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri

whathappened15(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri

Rfrsw101(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri

bz2012(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri

GeekDriverPeaceful(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri

chucksways(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri

coontex(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri
FTWMikeC(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri

FurryDaddy(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri
SGTBilkoBR(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri

W1QA(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri

TheLocalCaffeineDealer(1) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri
Strobn(1) [PM [Help]]  Group 10
Southwest Missouri

Group 11 - Springfield/Branson Metros
Group leader: megg2004 (PM [Help])  
Assistant group leader: sketch (PM [Help])  
Username (rank) Group Badges
megg2004(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros

sketch(6) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros

red-nax(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros

enfcer74(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros

LennyNRPD(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros

Moogonk(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros

EmilGz(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros

Bassdan7403(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros

todaresq(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros

CaptBlackie(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros

bwawsc(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros

orangegator23(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros
Squint588(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 11
Springfield/Branson Metros

Group 12 - Southeast Missouri
Group leader: Happy_Lyn (PM [Help])  
Assistant group leader: DCLemur (PM [Help])  
Username (rank) Group Badges
Happy_Lyn(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

DCLemur(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

russblau(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

jushag(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

jalondon628(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

cparishjr(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

EHcool68(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

bummerdude69(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

madcatvt(4) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

TheRealOrdizzle(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

taminas(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

MatthewStarbuck(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri
yepperoni(3) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

Taleen3mm(2) [PM [Help]]  Group 12
Southeast Missouri

Area 51 - Military Advisors
Username (rank) Group Badges
TheChrisK(6) [PM [Help]]  Group 51
Michelle-s(5) [PM [Help]]  Group 51


Hall of Fame

Group Photo