Began editing September 26, 2016
Promoted to R3 on May 3, 2017
Map Raids
2017 West Virginia Map Raid
April 2017
Pennsylvania Basemap Raid
September 17-25, 2017
Van, Turkey
October 15-23, 2017
November 1-14, 2017
February 18 - March 5: Participated in Russia Map Raid as a "Jr Mentor."
2018 West Virginia Map Raid
December 18, 2017 - May 13, 2018: Assisted in planning and functioned as a raid leadership contact during the raid.
Area Manager
Au Train/Munising, Michigan
June 20, 2017 - Granted small AM space in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Austin, Pennsylvania
October 24, 2017: Granted AM in Pennsylvania
Newaygo County, Michigan
December 10, 2017: Granted AM expansion in Newaygo County, Michigan
Southwest Michigan
February 1, 2018: Granted a larger AM expansion in Southwest Michigan, spanning nearly 9 counties
Beckley, West Virginia
April 7, 2018: Granted AM in West Virginia through the GLR-MAR Collaboration
Other Accomplishments
August 28, 2017: Acquired mentor with the goal of advancing to R4
Wiki Proposal
January 21, 2018: Wrote a proposal to add to the Michigan Wiki
Flood Closures
February - March 2018: Setup and monitored around 150 real-time closures for flooding in new AM in Southwest Michigan
March 2018: Joined WME Beta
June 2018: Joined Android Beta
October 2018: Joined RBS