Recommend the following changes to the House Numbers in WME wazeopedia page to add information about house numbers that is recently received and to clear up some information/wording.
Add as 4th bullet to Things to remember (caveats/warnings) section:
- House numbers are not searchable unless there is a city name on the segment (Primary or Alternate). This is true whether the house number is an import or added/adjusted by an editor.
Change the new 5th bullet from *A segment cannot have its name removed if there are house numbers attached to it. to
- A segment cannot have its street name removed if there are house numbers attached to it.
Add as the 6th bullet to Things to remember (caveats/warnings) section:
- An individual segment cannot have its primary city name removed if there are house numbers attached to it.
Change the new 8th bullet from ask the reporter to remove any existing instances of the destination in their recents and favorites lists and then search for the destination again from scratch to ask the reporter to first delete any existing instances of the destination in their recent search history and home/work/favorites list and then conduct a new search for the destination. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Change the new 9th bullet from *If an address is on an unnamed road (private, parking lot, etc.) and the marker is a long way from the actual house location, delete the Waze house number and add a residential point Place which contains only the address. to
- If an address is on an unnamed road segment (private, parking lot, etc.) and the marker is a long way from the actual house/business location, then delete the Waze house number and add a residential point place (RPP) which contains only the address. Be sure to have the house number, street name, city name, and entry/exit point in the RPP; additionally ensure the RPP's city name is listed a primary or alternate city name on a nearby segment.
Change the new 10th bullet from *If the correct approach entrance to an address is from a street or segment other than the street the address is named after, then a Waze house number for that address should not be used. Instead, add a residential point Place which contains only the address. to
- If the correct stop point for a house/business is on another road segment (differently named segment) away from its properly labeled segment in Waze, then a Waze house number for that address should not be used. Instead, add a residential point place (RPP) which contains only the address. Be sure to have the house number, street name, city name, and entry/exit point in the RPP; additionally ensure the RPP's city name is listed a primary or alternate city name on a nearby segment.
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House numbers vs residential point places section:
change 1st bullet to:
- House number addresses automatically update when the road segment name changes; RPPs do not.
Add new 2nd bullet:
- House number addresses automatically update when the road segment's primary or alternate city name changes; RPPs do not.
Change the now 4th bullet to:
- House numbers are indexed on their own update schedule; RPP location and details go live almost immediately to existing road segments. Both house number and RPP search results are indexed separately. House numbers will normally be updated by the second road segment tile update. This ensures a new road segment is created in the segment database prior to adding the house number to the house number database, otherwise there may be not be a linkable segment based on the different update schedules.
Change the now 9th bullet in this section to:
- House numbers are Interpolated/extrapolated; RPPs are not interpolated.
Add a new 10th bullet:
- Interpolation/extrapolation is fairly simple:
- Need to have a primary or alternate city name on the particular road segment
- Need to have at least two house numbers on affected side of the particular road segment
- Cannot have any forced house numbers on the particular road segment
- Works better if the missing house numbers are evenly dispersed along the segment
- Examples
- Having the first and last house number on a segment at the two ends usually works better than other places
- Having two even house numbers on a segment will allow Waze interpolation/extrapolation for other even numbers on that side of the segment
- Having two even house numbers on a segment will not allow Waze interpolation/extrapolation for odd numbers on the other side of the segment. At least two odd numbers must be added to the other side for Waze interpolation/extrapolation
- Having two even house numbers on a segment will not allow Waze interpolation/extrapolation for the even numbers on adjacent segments
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Address search hierarchy section:
Change to:
The following is a simplified order listing, other more complex items can come into play during search queries:
- Waze RPP (with house number, street name, city name, and entry/exit point)
- Waze house number (base import or adjusted by editor, if there is a primary or alternate city name on the segment
- Google address pin
- Google interpolation address
- Waze interpolation house number
![]() |
Note: addresses on an area place (AP) or a point place (PP) are cosmetic only and not used in address searches in the Waze app; only addresses for residential point places are searchable. |
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New roads must have house numbers added section:
Add to end of this section: Each road segment with a house number must have a primary or alternate city name for the Waze house number to be searchable. Therefore if not in an incorporated city, town, or village and your region does not use township, census designated place, or parish name; then add the US Postal Service's city name as an alternate city name for the road segment. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Using the interface section - new picture with current interface __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Toolbar section
Show pictures of the new grey vice black toolbar.
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Errors you cannot force section
add the number already exists error (and explain about the no city name can match anywhere w/in the state)