< Scripts
Chrome / Blink / Opera Next
You might need to enable Developer Mode on your browser.
- If a download is available from the Chrome Web Store, choose that.
- Without an add-on to manage scripts, simply download the script file (.js) or Chrome executable package (CRX). Then drag and drop the file into the Chrome Extensions Tab [chrome://extensions] of the browser.
- Install TamperMonkey or equivalent.
Firefox / Mozilla
- Install TamperMonkey or equivalent.
Internet Explorer
- Install 'TamperMonkey or equivalent.
- Install script as an extension.
- Install WazeBar for Safari.
Tampermonkey add-on for script management
The easiest way to load and manage add-on scripts is with Tampermonkey, or an equivalent browser add-on for script management. When you install a user script, the script manager catalogs it and automatically runs it anytime any page for which it is declared is loaded by your browser.