USA/Northeast/2017-Meetup-Planning/MapRaid Discussion View history

The Northeast Meetup MapRaid will begin on 9 July 2017 at _:00 AM EDT and continue throughout the day. The raid will be divided into _ groups, one for each section. Each group will have both newer and senior editors, one of which will be the "Group leader" - listed in blue below. Please direct all questions to your group leaders. The raid hosts will be available across all areas for added support.

Map Raid Goals

The primary goals of the Meetup Raid are to 1) complete missing FC classifications, 2) correct state and county route names to standard, and 3) ensure turns are enabled and confirmed along these routes. The primary goals can often be completed in tandem. While updating state route or county route names, their FC classification can be updated and their turns confirmed. Note: In some urban areas, there may be roads requiring FC upgrades that are not state or county routes.

Secondary goals are to review and confirm connected basemap, update hospitals from "Doctor / Clinic" to "Hospital / Urgent Care" category, and update gas stations. If you are unsure if the items are completed, please contact your Group Leader.

Raid Areas

Raid Groups

Group Assignments can be viewed in the spreadsheet here, or below. There are 5 groups, scroll right if you do not see your name.

Please join your group GHO with the link provided.

WV Raid Leadership

whoaitspete (PM [Help])   - Raid coordinator, NY LAM

Local Guidance

Route Naming

  1. New York State uses NY-## and NY-##X for all state routes and their spurs, loops, etc. (e.g. NY-27, NY-17M)
  2. For County Routes, CR-## and CR-##X are used (CR-1 or CR-21B)
  3. Highway name descriptors, such as TRUCK, EXPRESS, etc. should be added in ALL CAPS after the name. (e.g. US-1 TRUCK, or on a concurrent road US-1 TRUCK / US-9 TRUCK)

Functional Classification

Tip: for editors using the FC Color Highlights script: These colors will more-or-less match the NYS DOT FC map:

NYS FC GIS Color Highlights
NYS FC Type Highlight Color
 Interstate = Fwy  black
 Principal Arterial = MH  green
 Minor Arterial = mH  red
 Collector = PS  blue
 Ramp  #8c6946 (unclassified)

NY Minimum Road Lock Standard

  1. Note that NYC has a different locking standard, but this area will not be included in the MapRaid.
Minimum Road Lock Standard
Segment Type Lock
 Freeway  5
 Ramp  Highest Rank of Connected Segment
 Major Highway  3
 Minor Highway  3
 Primary Street  1 (Auto)
 Private Road 
1 (Auto)
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2
 • • • • Ferry • • • •   5

Note that these are minimum lock levels. Certain segments may be at higher lock levels for protection or due to old standards. If you find a road locked to a higher level than its minimum, please consult a senior editor to determine whether to leave it locked at that level or if its level can be lowered.

Reference Links

West Virginia Wiki Page

If you have any questions regarding WV standards during editing and you cannot find the answer on this page, please visit the West Virginia Wiki Page.

New Editors

If you are new or relatively new to map editing, please CLICK HERE for some tips to get started; including settings, options, scripts, Wiki References, and instructions on lock requests and how to create a Permalink (PL). You do not need to join the WV GHO, you will be given an invitation to map raid specific GHOs.

Basic US Wiki Links

Recommended Tools for MR West Virginia

New editors should be aware there are many scripts and extensions that editors use to assist with editing that not only make some jobs easier, but verifies what we do is correct. The use of these scripts is highly encouraged and those listed below are the ones you should install, at a minimum, to get started.

TamperMonkey / GreaseMonkey

The most common and supported browser is Chrome with Firefox a close second. Install the appropriate one for your browser. This is needed to install other scripts.


This script validates a map area in Waze Map Editor, highlights issues, and generates a very detailed report with wiki references and how-tos.

Temporary Fix to Get Validator Working

Once you have installed Validator, you will need to install the following script into Tampermonkey:

Validator Fix Script

Then you will need to set it to Position #1:

1) Go To Tampermonkey Dashboard

2) Click Installed Userscripts Tab

3) Click On Waze Map Editor - Validator Fix

4) Click On Settings

5) Set Position to #1

6) Hard Refresh in WME

7) Install WV Scripts (below) to get the WV Localization File.

Install WV Scripts (script by JustinS83) to get several scripts specific to West Virginia. This script allows you to toggle between the scripts listed below as needed. Please note that a hard refresh is required when turning the WV Validator Localization or WV GIS Map scripts on or off. If the WV Script does not work for you, then you can try the individual links below.

  1. WV Validator Localization (original script by XanderB)
  2. West_Virginia Counties layer (original script by Rickzabel)
  3. WV City, Town, and Census Designated Place (CDP) (original script by Rickzabel)
  4. WV MapRaid Overlay (script by MapOMatic)
  5. WV GIS Map (script by MapOMatic)

This script also provides a direct link to West Virginia related forums, the WV Wazeopedia page, and to this page. If you have the standalone version of any of these scripts, they can be disabled or uninstalled. Many thanks to the script authors!


After Toolbox is installed it will add several things to the WME editor. At the top next to the Places Icon will be a picture of a toolbox. If you hover your mouse over it, a menu should open. Select the following options:

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Other Recommended Scripts

  1. If you are working on Update Requests (UR), install UrComments . UR Comments is a script designed to streamline the process of responding to Update Requests. It can autofill the comment box based on UR type, or you can manually choose from the list of responses, depending on your preference.
  2. If you are working on places, install WME Closest Segment . It helps you determine the closest segment to the navigation stop point of a place. A line is drawn from a selected place (for point places) or its navigation point (for area places) to the nearest segment.
  3. WME Junction Angle Info . This script helps with junction maintenance. If two connected segments are selected, it shows the turn angle, and estimates navigation instructions. Otherwise it shows the the angle between each segment.
  4. WME Simple Permalink. Shortens WME permalinks by removing any layer and filter specifications.
  5. Place Harmonizer (WMEPH). Harmonizes, formats and locks a selected place. Also for Chains, please Submit New Chain Data for any that are not in the database. NOTE: Now Available for all editors, including R1!
  6. WME US Government Boundaries is a script by MapOMatic that will display USPS Zip Code Boundaries on the map.
  7. When working with House Numbers (HN), please use this script by JustinS83. It highlights un-nudged house numbers. WME HN Tool (JustinS83 fork)
  8. Edit Count Monitor will add a counter to the top "blue" bar. This script will show you how many edits you have and will also turn Yellow for a warning, and Red to alert you if you are being throttled.
  9. WV MapRaid Countdown Timer script shows how much time is left until the raid starts. After the raid starts, the script will display how much time remains. Thanks MapOMatic!!
  10. WME FS MVUM GIS Map opens a Forest Service Motor Vehicle Use Map in another window, at the same location as the WME map. Keeps the location of the GIS map synced to WME.