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In Idaho, we use Google Hangouts (GHO) and Slack to facilitate communications and community.

Google Hangout (Chat)

Idaho has a Google Hangout (GHO) for the state, which is used to chat with local editors and area/state/regional management. If you're a new/existing editor in Idaho or even if you're just visiting and want to relay information to local editors you can do so by clicking the link below to jump into the group.

Join Idaho GHO

There is also a Northwest Region GHO, which has a similar mission but serves Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming so there are many more editors in there who can assist. Most of the northwest's State Managers have area management over Idaho, so you can more quickly get help by joining this channel.

Join Northwest Region GHO

Google Hangouts is a free app available on Android and iOS devices. You also can use an extension in the Chrome Web Browser to access this chat. Go to for more information.


We also have a Slack channel for the northwest region in the Waze USA team that you are welcome to join.


While editing in Idaho, editors must not use Invisible mode. Editors are not required to socialize in chat, but are expected to respond to inquiries about their edits if questions about them arise. If you decide to minimize chat, please consider using the WME Chat Addon so that you can be "pinged" if somebody needs to talk to you.


All editors of Idaho need to be willing and able to accept coaching from any area/state/regional management, as well as peers and outside area management, and then use that coaching to make appropriate corrections. We maintain a strong community by being on the same page with how the mapping should be done. The goal in coaching is to help you improve the experience that Wazers will have when using the app. It is not meant to criticize the way you have gone about a solution, but rather refine it to exceed the needs of our Wazers and to meet the standards set for the map.

You may receive inquiries by Personal Message (PM) if you aren't able to be reached in WME Chat, GHO, or Slack. Please respond ASAP to any messages you receive (the expectation is a response within 48 hours under most circumstances).

Disciplinary Action

Editors that do not respond to inquiries about their edits, choose not to make appropriate corrections after being coached, and/or cause deliberate damage to the map, etc., may, depending on severity, receive consequences including but not limited to: mandatory formal mentoring, temporary suspension of editing privileges, and permanent loss of editing privileges.

Update Requests

We are the face of Waze to the majority of Wazers and we want to be sure our Wazers are getting the best experience they can. Sometimes things don't go well while Wazing and Update Requests (URs) are submitted to bring those issues to our attention.

The general guidance to working URs in Idaho is the same as the national guidance. We really emphasize that editors answering URs need to have strong people skills and a solid knowledge of Waze map editing so the issue can be successfully and promptly resolved in one report. If the issue becomes something above your ability (e.g. skills and/or rank), or the Wazer becomes unprofessional, please bring it to the attention of an area or state manager.

The keys to success and basic flow of processing URs in Idaho include:

  • Promptly working the UR after it is reported
  • Doing your best to identify/fix the problem before making contact with the reporter
  • Cordially asking for more info if needed, requesting response within 7 days.
    • Remind that replies by e-mail are not received; suggest using the Waze app Inbox
  • Providing a reminder AT LEAST 24 hours before the close of that window
    • All requests for more info must allow AT LEAST 7 days to respond. All responses by the reporter restarts the 7 days.
    • When unable to provide a reminder within the 7 day window, the Wazer must still receive a 24-hour notice before closing their report.
  • If no replies are received, close the report as "not identified" and send another message reminding the user that they're welcome to submit the report again if they still have an issue but that we may need more detail from them in order to find and resolve their issue.

Wazers often respond better to personal messages and empathy. Please consider using friendlier comments than the canned messaging available in various scripts/wikis. Show that you understand their frustration and/or apologize for the bad experience where appropriate. This increases the satisfaction that Wazers in Idaho will have.

Please be sure to identify yourself as a volunteer, and if you have management area in Idaho, feel free to use a "signature" if you wish, for example:

Volunteer, Idaho State Manager