User:Sub5/Verbal Commands for Turns View history

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Since verbal instructions/recommendations have been added to the Beta Editor, thought we should start on a wiki.

When in WME Beta and you click on a segment and hover over a Green or Yellow Turn Connection/Restriction Arrow, then the Time Based Turn Restriction (TBTR) clock AND the Voice Prompt Speaker pops up. The Voice Prompt Speaker is actually called the "instruction-override-button". There is no effect if it is a Red Turn Restriction Arrow since no verbal instruction is given since no turn is allowed.

When you click on the Speaker, you have the following choices:

  1. Waze Selected (this gives the default voice prompt turn, exit, keep right/left, etc)
  2. None (No verbal instruction/recommendation is given)
  3. Turn Left (The instruction/recommendation "Turn Left" is given)
  4. Turn Right (The instruction/recommendation "Turn Right" is given)
  5. Keep Left (The instruction/recommendation "Keep Left" is given)
  6. Keep Right (The instruction/recommendation "Keep Right" is given)
  7. Continue (The instruction/recommendation "Continue" is supposed to be given but right now it is just silent 11/25/16; it might be "Continue straight" will update once it is fixed)
  8. Exit Left (The instruction/recommendation "Exit Left" is given) NOTE This does work in countries where people drive on the right side of the road. So finally there is an exit left in the USA!
  9. Exit Right (The instruction/recommendation "Exit Right" is given) NOTE This does work in countries where people drive on the left side of the road. So finally there is an exit right in the UK!
  10. Uturn (The instruction/recommendation "Uturn" is given)

If there is a selection other than the default "Waze Selected" then the circle around the speaker changes color from Cyan to Orange WHEN IN WME BETA.

  There is NO visual clue in WME Production that a special verbal prompt
   is given.  This is not like Junction boxes which are visible but not 
   editable in WME Production.  If someone changes the Turn Restrictions
   (TRs) by a Q and a W (disable all TRs and then enable all TRs), then 
   the special Verbal Instruction is removed.   Tested in WME Beta and 
   WME Production on 11/24/2016.

Things to consider. Until there is some clue in WME Production that there is a special verbal instruction added, consider putting a [NOTE] UR to explain what is going on. Talk to your Regional Coordinator(s) and State Manager(s) to see if they want to uplock the segment(s) with the special verbal instruction.


Exit Left:

  1. Add when there is a YELLOW Exit left sign with the Big Green Sign (BGS).
  2. Talk to the Regional Coordinator(s) and State Manager(s) to see if they want it added to places where a HOV or HOT/Express Lane is separated from the regular FW/MH/etc.

Continue: Once this works, some Wayfinders might be better off replaced by a Continue on one leg. This will have to be vetted and have the policy promulgated after the verbal command is fixed.


 This works well for one way segments that have a u-turn only lane.
 You can post a "uturn" verbal instruction/recommendation on the 
 first left turn and "None" on the second one.
  I am not sure how to use when there is a cross street and you 
  have a left turn that is the left turn for the cross street or 
  the first left for the u-turn.