USA/CommonState/Area Managers Discussion View history

Revision as of 11:33, 28 August 2016 by PesachZ (talk | contribs) (Adding category to the page)
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This page serves as a common template to over 50 other pages. Do not make modifications to this page before reviewing the proposed changes in this Waze forum thread first.

The table below identifies the editors also designated as Area Managers or higher who are editing in CommonState. If you have any questions, please consider contacting them directly as needed. If you are an Area Manager that covers CommonState, or a USA Country Manager that does a lot of work in CommonState, please add yourself to this list (alphabetical by username) in the correct rank section.

The editor who also serves as the Regional Coordinator for CommonState is automatically listed at the top of the table. That editor may not be highly active in this state and therefore may not be listed separately in the table.

This Area Manager table is a placeholder and has not yet been entered for CommonState. Check the Waze CommonState forum if you would like to help get it started. Once that is done this link will create the initial table automatically.

CommonState — Area, State, Country Managers, and Regional Coordinators
Regional Coordinator(s):
[RC] UserName1 (PM [Help])  
[ARC1] UserName2 (PM [Help])  
[ARC2] UserName3 (PM [Help])  
[ARC3] UserName4 (PM [Help])  
[ARC4] UserName5 (PM [Help])  
Username Area Managed Comments
Country Managers (Testing region)
(Click here to create initial Country and State sections of table)
Rank6Example(6) [PM [Help]]  Statewide
Resident of state
Rank6Too(6) [PM [Help]]  Statewide
Longtime resident of state
State Managers (Testing region)
Rank5Example(5) [PM [Help]]  Statewide
Resident of state
Rank5Too(5) [PM [Help]]  Statewide
Working in state now
Area Managers
(Click here to create initial Area Manager subtable)
OtherWazer1(4) [PM [Help]]  Named County
I also cover CityName
WazerHolic(4) [PM [Help]]  Another County I don't got to show no stinking badges!
AnotherWazer(3) [PM [Help]]  San Francisco Also Eureka
NewWazer(3) [PM [Help]]  San Jose Some travel to Hawaii
UserName [PM [Help]]