Montana/To do Discussion View history

This page serves as a consolidation point for the Montana's To Do list in the NW Montana forum.

  • Updating UR/MP's. Using URO+ will help you keep track of the UR/MP's
  • Consolidation of the following.[1]
    • Roads mapped and named
    • Correct turn restrictions set
    • House numbers added
    • Speed limits set
    • Surrounding area
    • Geometry optimized

^1 [1]

Editors : Make sure you continuously update all Freeways, US interstates, State and Secondary Highways. As you edit use your best estimation of completion and edit the progress bar.


US Highways

Primary State Highways

Secondary State Highways


The following districts contain current counties. Within each county are it's cities, urban, and unincorporated towns. As you will notice there is a % bar to keep track of how much of that county is complete. This is strictly for city, urban, and unincorporated boundaries and not outside them. This also includes FC of segments within each counties city, urban, and unincorporated town. To edit the percentage simply input a whole number where |50| is currently present and then save.