Wisconsin/To do/Main Discussion View history

Revision as of 15:18, 8 September 2015 by Lonewolf147 (talk | contribs) (*/To_do/Main*/)

This will be used for links to Google docs that provide areas of To-Do for SM's, AM's and active Editors in the state.

This document is to be used to enter in restrictions that require alterations on an annual basis.

For spreadsheets above, comments can be inserted, but edits are locked. Send a PM to Lonewolf147 or KB_Steveo for editing access.

Ongoing To-Do:

  • Remove House Numbers from freeways. Be sure to re-add the numbers to the proper frontage road (or other access road), and to add the name of the freeway as an alternate name to that access road. See here as an example [1]

Special State Programs: See Wisconsin/Special Programs to access the Temporary AM Areas program page.