MapRaid is a time-limited event during which map editors join together to resolve MP’s, UR’s, mass add “Places”, fix connectivity problems, and add missing roads in a pre-determined area of the map. MapRaids provide improvements to the editor itself - resulting in better search, routing and navigation. Other benefits include increased communication between a community and its manager at Waze HQ, and a focused mentoring platform. See below for more on MapRaids and Mentoring. Together, the Raiders quickly (and vastly) improve the overall condition of their areas' map. One of the most valuable aspects of a MapRaid is it’s ability to strengthen the map-editing community through a shared goal. At the end of a MapRaid, the leading participants are presented in a MapRaid Hall of fame.
How it works
Once a location, time and editors involved are decided upon, Waze HQ provides the MapRaiders with editing permissions, local map stats (MPs, Connectivity Score, URs) and other relevant information for the Raid area. Waze HQ contacts can also help assign and organize the area and are available for general Raid support.
MapRaid benefits
- Improve the map quickly and significantly.
- Increase in connectivity score.
- Respond and solve User Reports (URs.)
- Fix auto generated Map Problems (MPs.)
- Faster updates of pending “Places”.
- Establish a mentoring culture within the community.
- Opportunity to learn from new areas and experienced editors.
- Strengthen relationships inside the community.
- Getting more people together and making the community stronger.
- Recognition from Waze via HOF (Hall Of Fame)
Starting a MapRaid
A global or local Champ can initiate a MapRaid in a certain area of their country. If another member of the community wishes to get a MapRaid started, they need to let one of their community's Champs know about it. The Champ helps find a few mappers to participate, decide on a period of time for the raid, and inform their Waze HQ Community Manager about it by filling out the MapRaid Request Form.
Step 1 - Identify an area in need
- A MapRaid can take place in a major city, a specific section of a major city or even a more rural area that not many Wazers are active. If you don’t have a specific area, contact your local community through the Community Forums and suggestions can be made.
Step 2 - Get the community involved
- If you are not a Waze champ, contact your local champ to get things started. If you are a Waze Champ, begin by identifying people in your community who will want to raid with you.
- It is suggested to have a users involve who span a range of editing levels. The high level editors can ensure the maps are being raided correctly and offer mentorship. Less experienced editors have a chance to gain knowledge and get to know the local community.
Step 3 - Contact Waze
- As a local champ, you will contact Waze by submitting the MapRaid Request Form and share the following information which you have prepared, including Location, Dates and Editors involved.
If you have questions or need additional support, contact your local community leadership or Waze Community Manager.
Mentoring and MapRaids

A MapRaid is fertile ground for engaging new and/or less experienced mappers through the implementation of a mentoring program. Every MapRaid is different, as is every community, and many different mentoring program styles have been used.
One of the most popular was done during the very first MapRaid in Indonesia. The community used a map-segmentation model to organize and divide the map into eight areas.
In this method, each segment is assigned with a mentor (meaning an experienced mapper from the community) and a mentee (one, or more, less experienced editors). Communication between mentor/mentee is then managed through individual segment spreadsheets or via e-mail.
Check out the MapRaid and Mentoring Forum for more information.
The Spanish community was one of the first communities to conduct a time-based collaborative editing initiative. It was named WoW and was held in Tordesillas in June 2012. The first officially named MapRaid was initiated by the Indonesian community of editors and then beta run with the Filipino community. The result was great in both test areas; providing the local community with a massive decrease of map problems, update requests and pending ‘places’. The Filipino Community MapRaid lasted one week, and resulted in 226 User Requests answered, 194 Map Problems fixed (leaving zero remaining). Generally, a 1% yearly increase in Connectivity Score is positive for a community of equal size and area. After the week long MapRaid, the Filipino community saw a 2.05% increase in Connectivity Score.
Past MapRaids and Statistics
Last updated as of February 2, 2015[update]
There have been 26 MapRaids to date spanning across the globe. Many have their own wiki pages complete with instructions prior to the raid, and post-raid results.
Total Worldwide MapRaid Participants:
- MR's managing champs: 59
- Raiders: 906
- Countries: 15
Cumulative Map stats:
- Edited segments: 1,642,389 (!)
- Created segments: 412,407
- Number of solved MP's: 9,872
- Number of resolved UR's: 68,760
- Number of updated pending venues: 98,378
- Total amount of increase in connectivity score: 48.9%. (Average improvement per MapRaid: 1.88%)
MapRaid Hall of Fame
At the end of every MapRaid a Hall of Fame is created by Waze HQ showing stats about the leaders of that raid and the connectivity score increase.

Every Raid has it’s own personality, but there are traditions that run throughout the Raid which invite a sense of community and humor.
MapRaid Memes
Most MapRaids have memes associated with them. This tradition was started by Waze HQ and quickly adapted by the community as a fun way to spread the word and get the community excited about the coming raid. Memes also exist to showcase the effect of the MapRaid.
Wazer Formation
A tradition that started during the NYC MapRaid, where Raiders gather together in formation on the map for a "Raid Selfie". Here's the one that started it all:
Future Plans
Waze will also be initiating pre-raid events to the larger community of an area which is about to be raided called a Map & Seek. This is an opportunity for users to mark UR’s and MP’s and add places for approval.
MapRaids have recently been used to improve overall map quality and routing, but can be applied to organize efforts around different areas, including: mentoring new editors, add places to specific area (PlaceRaid), Map Cleanse, Refresh outdated maps, fix house numbers, etc. So get creative!