This page is the key starting point for any editor of the Waze maps. Ensure that you read through the entire page to best prepare you for the many bits of information needed to make you a good map editor. People who edit the map without fully understanding many of these elements can do more harm than good with their edits. If you cannot find an answer to your question somewhere in the Wiki, be sure to post a question in the Waze Forums where many experienced Wazers will be happy to provide an answer. Just be sure you did your best to search for the answer in the Wiki here.
The Road Maps History
The Waze map was started in many countries by importing publicly available road data. This data was fairly accurate in geometry, but could be out of date. It also did not include some details vital for a navigation system such as permitted travel direction, and distinctions between driveable roads and non-driveable ways, such as railroads and canals. The imported maps also did not indicate if a junction or bridge was present where roads crossed. Waze defaulted to a junction in all cases, and even though turn restrictions may show as being in place at these junctions, all turns are actually allowed if the segments have never been edited. This set of data was enough to get started, but definitely needed updating and maintenance.
This is where two key aspects of the Waze system come into play:
- The web-based map editing tools for Waze users to edit maps of their neighborhoods, cities or other places with which they are familiar.
- The collecting of GPS data from Waze users to modify the maps to set road direction and turning permissions at intersections.
Some countries had no data available for their road systems, so the maps for these countries must be built from the ground up by Waze users. The maps are created in the web editor using roads recorded in the Waze client and the stored GPS tracks of all Waze users superimposed over available aerial photography.
The Map Editor
Waze is currently using its second generation map editing interface (covered in this article). Known as the Waze Map Editor (or WME for short), it is the default editor for Waze since September 19, 2011. This editor interface was functionally upgraded with Update Request Conversations and Scheduled Segment and Turn Restrictions on November 3, 2013. There are currently three different server farms managing the maps of the world. Be sure to select the appropriate server when making edits to a particular part of the world. You can use the same username on all servers, but your editing points are managed separately by each server. Also the maps are not synchronized between the servers, so for example if you went to the North America server to modify parts of Europe, the different server supporting Wazers in Europe would not see your changes.
Map Editing Quick-start Guide
Learning the best map editing techniques for proper navigation and appearance takes some time and practice, but it can be a fun and rewarding experience too. You can be proud that you are improving the experience for all Waze users. The details in later sections of this page are important for you to learn, but for simple edits, there is a Map Editing Quick-start Guide to get you going quickly.
It is very important that all editors take time to read all the documentation found in the Editing Manual to ensure the Waze map remains complete, accurate, and able to fully and properly route users.
Accessing the Waze Map Editor (WME)
The Waze Map Editor editor is currently officially supported on the Chrome browser only. It may or may not work on other browsers, but there is currently no official support for issues that might arise.
You can access the map editing page directly using a single URL: Use the menu at the top-right corner of the screen to select between US & Canada, Israel, and World server infrastructures.
If you are at the Waze homepage:
- From the Waze homepage select the Login link at the top-right corner of the screen.
- Click on "Live Map" in the main navigation header.
- Click on "EDIT THE MAP"
When have you successfully arrived at the Waze Map Editor, you are presented with a large splash screen full of information, possible actions, and a place to enter your Waze username and password.
Once logged in, your screen should look something like this:
Best Map Editing Practices
When editing the Waze maps, please be sure to first review this page and also follow the best map editing practice. You should also be aware of known Waze Map Editor issues or missing features.
Additional Details
Using the WME, you can add, edit, or delete nearly any object within your editable area. If a road segment is locked by a user with a higher editing rank than you, the road, intersection, or turn permissions connected to that road segment cannot be altered unless you chose one of the following:
- Place a request to the Update/Unlock Request forums to unlock that segment by giving them a permalink with the segment or segments highlighted and a country manager may unlock it for you.
- Send a Private Message (PM) to the previous editor using the Forum PM functionality. As of the August 12, 2012 update, Area Managers are no longer able to override segments locked by higher-rank editors.
Be sure to check out the Map Editing Tips and Hints page for some shortcuts for logging in to the map editor and other great pieces of information to enhance your map editing.
Practice Mode
The Waze Map Editor has a Practice mode in which you can perform nearly every action available when logged into the Editor, except that you cannot save any changes. In order to save changes, you must log in. Practice mode is helpful to and should be used by users who are new to map editing in Waze. The editor, while in Practice mode, has icons/buttons and links on the left sidebar area shown here to the left.
There is a significant amount of information organized in the wiki. In fact, nearly every question about Waze has already been asked already, and nearly every answer is in the wiki. That's why it's been created: to answer your questions.
If you are a new editor, take time to read the editing manual and use the editor in Practice mode, practicing the functions you would if you were logged in, but without the worry of permanently messing something up.
Here's some things to test out in Practice Mode:
- Add, delete, update segments.
- Rename a segment, change its direction, road type.
- Connect segments to other segments
- Try changing turn restrictions. Restrict all turns on a junction. See how changing a segment direction affects turn arrows.
- Build a roundabout
- Add a park landmark
- Build an overpass
- Delete extra junctions
- Add an alternate name to a segment
When you are ready to log in and try it for real, use the Log in link found on the bottom Practice Mode bar:
Editable Area
In play mode (not logged in), all areas of the map are editable, though you can't save them.
In real edit mode (logged in), you can make changes with your Editable Areas. Your editable areas consists of:
- The roads you have driven recently (see note below)
- Areas within a certain distance of those roads. How far this distance extends depends on your editing rank.
- Areas in which you are the Area Manager, a privilege you can request if you are at least rank 3. You can edit your assigned area, even if you have not driven a road nearby recently.
You can highlight your editable area on the map by turning on the layer for Editable Area.
Once you have practiced all the functionality, go ahead and log in and try it for real.
Some roads within your editable areas may have further restrictions. See the Editing permissions page for more information.
Note on the definition of "recent" drives
Waze records your drives. You can see a history of those drives in the editor. Make sure you have no roads or landmarks selected, and click the Drives link in the side panel.
Short drives are usually added to the Drives list almost immediately. Longer drives may take a day or two to appear.
After a certain period of time, these drives expire. They may still show in your drives list, but Waze will no longer remember the drive details, and the editing area will be removed, unless there is a more recent drive.
You can tell the difference between recent drives and expired drives in the Drives panel. Recent drives are a clickable link which will show the path of the drive. Expired drives show the summary (date, elapsed time, length), but you can't click them.
Drive expiration generally takes place 30-90 days after the drive.
Map Editing Basics
The Waze Map Editor editor was designed to be used without much documentation, but this list will give the quick basics for drawing a new road, roundabout, or landmark
- Click the item you want to create under the big + button
- For a road, click to start drawing, click to add a geometry node as you follow a path, and double-click (or shift-click) to end drawing
- For a roundabout, click at the center of the roundabout and move the mouse to size it. Click to create it. Note there must be roads leading into the roundabout first.
- For a landmark, or POI (Point of Interest), click to start the landmark and click as you follow the outline of the area. Double-click to end drawing.
- For each object, there are details you need to enter before saving, such as the city, street name, direction and level, or landmark type for landmarks.
- Click the Save button
You can also modify or delete existing map objects. You do this by selecting an object, then modifying its geometry, location or properties. What is possible with each object depends on the type of object. The Editing Manual is where you will find all the details necessary to understand all the editor functionality.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Tip: You can change the display name of a link in the forums by using the following format:
Keyboard Shortcuts
Below are the default keyboard shortcuts for the Waze Map Editor. You can customize some keyboard shortcuts by bringing up the keyboard shortcuts help window (with the ? key), select a shortcut and then press the single key you want to use instead of the default one. This affects the current browser and computer only. This shortcut information is not stored on the server, so you would have to repeat this for each computer and browser you use.
Template:Keyboard shortcuts WME
Map Update Timing
Edits made in the online editors do not appear on the Live Map nor client immediately. Waze has a long-term goal of 24hr update processing. With the completion of infrastructure upgrades in the 2nd half of 2012, both North America and World map updates are running weekly.
Please see the Timeline of updating process page for more detail on the various processes Waze runs and expected update timing.
Editing Manual
- Map Editing Quick-start Guide
- Best map editing practice
- Map Editing Tips and Hints
- Map Editor Interface and Controls
- How to label and name roads
- Update Requests in Waze Map Editor
- Map Problems in Waze Map Editor
- House Numbers in Waze Map Editor
- Creating and Editing street segments
- Scheduled (Time-Based) Segment and Turn Restrictions
- Fixing "smudged" cities
- Creating and Editing a roundabout
- Creating and Editing a landmark
- Overpasses, Underpasses and Bridges
- Updating the map
- Editing ranks
- How to handle road closures due to long-term construction, natural disasters, etc
- How to add ferries (TO DO)
- How to add tunnels (TO DO)
- How to add a new road to an existing junction
- Naming of roads crossing a dual carriage way
- Editing more than one road
- Warning on possible lack of accuracy in aerial images
- Private and Military Installations
- Carpool, HOV, Transit lanes
- Automatic map updates and the locking of roads
- To report map editor performance issues, use the Quick Help form on the Support Page
- Outdated Aerials - a form to report locations where the current aerial imagery is out of date
Style Guides
The Style Guides are important for understanding the nuances of road network design in Waze. Please take time to read, and reference them in the future when you come upon a tricky intersection.