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Revision as of 07:50, 21 June 2012 by Jackson (talk | contribs) (→‎Inbox)
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Navigate from point A to point B

Choose the start point, tap and hold (for a few seconds) on the map:

Click on More button to reveal additional options and choose Set as start point:

To set the end point you must search for it using the search box:

Choose the location:

Click go to start the navigation:

Waze will navigate you through point A to point B.

Can't see new favorites?

Please note that the favorite manu is limited with 10 favorites:

To view the full favorite list click on the Favorites icon:

Clear history

Open the Menu and choose Navigate:

Choose History

Choose a location that you want to delete from history:

Choose remove:

View all alternative routes on the map
How to pave a road?

To pave a new road open the report menu:

Choose Map Issue and select the Pave tab:

Click on Pave road to start paving.

To stop paving click on the icon at the left of the screen:

And choose Stop paving:


Now you can get messages into your inbox like system messages, facebook friends using waze, thanks received etc..)

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