Map Problems Discussion View history

Revision as of 22:58, 4 April 2012 by Alanoftheberg (talk | contribs)

Interface Elements

The color of the problem pin, just like Update Reqeuests, are indicative of something. In the case of Problems, it is the number of drivers affected by, or driving through the problem area, in an unexpected manner. The more drive traces which follow the same route, the higher the likelihood that this problem needs to be fixed. An exclamation point in the icon shows that the problem is open. A check mark indicates that the problem has been closed.

A yellow problem has has been generated by 1-3 drives.

An orange problem has has been generated by 4-7 drives.

A red problem has has been generated by 8 or more drives.

The Problem changes to this icon when you mark it as "Not Identified" because you do no believe that the problem being identified is valid or needs an additional road segment added, turn allowed, etc..

This is a Solved Problem.

When you click on an Problem pin, the top portion of the map display area is taken over by the information for the problem.

The top bar of the Problem states that this is a System Detected Problem.

System detected problem Types

  • Missing road - The roads are too far apart from each other and most likely a road is missing in between
  • Restricted turn might be allowed - The route goes through a turn which is marked as not allowed
  • Driving direction mismatch - Part of the route is in the wrong driving direction
  • Missing junction - The roads are close to each other, however, they are not connected by a junction
  • Cross roads junction missing - The roads intersect each other, however, there is no junction in the intersection point

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