Alphanumeric Support
When will Waze begin supporting anything other than numbers for the house number? Addresses I'm interested in are of the "1W307" format.PickleFarm (talk) 2014-01-07
- This is being tracked in Bugzilla under #6229 « kentsmith9 » (talk) 07:39, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
Waze does not yet support house numbers that start with a letter. Addressing in certain cities (Quito, Ecuador) is broken until this is supported.--Aldocassola (talk) 13:12, 30 December 2015 (UTC)
waze uses google for house number locations still
This page is incorrect. In my experience (ROW server, UK) waze does not use house numbers entered in WME for routing to, it still uses google to geolocate addresses and then routes to that lat/long using waze roads.
Definition of "House Number" for US Citizens
In the US we call "house number" "street address" as in "the number in front of the street name not the apartment or unit number".
Out of sequence level
The "Force Edit of Out of Sequence" need a level 3 and not a level 2.