Functional Classification

Vermont follows the Functional Classification (FC) system for both state and non-state roads. As of January 2016 all counties in Vermont have been updated to the new Functional Classification standard and the state is 100% complete.
- VTrans 2016 Functional Classification Map
- VTrans Interactive Functional Classification Map
- Waze Functional Classification table
State Resources
Day to Day Resources
These resources are the most useful for day-to-day editing in Vermont and all editors should be familiar with them:
Vermont E911 Viewer
Waze accepted street names, state road classes, house numbers and other features
WME GIS Layers
Script to display Vermont E911 address points and property parcels
WME Cities Overlay Script
Script to display the Vermont municipal boundaries
VTrans Town Highway Maps
Maps of cities, towns and villages in PDF format - only includes municipally accepted roads
Reference Resources
County-Town Map Series
WME Scripts
In addition to the scripts noted above there are many other scripts that can assist editors in their efforts. Please read the General installation instructions before installing scripts. Members of the editing community would be glad to assist you with the setup and configuration of scripts - please join us on our Discord server!