This page covers the role of the Regional Coordinator in the United States and includes a table of the current members.
The Regional Coordinator is a Coordinator in a country too large for one or two coordinators to cover everything. The country is divided up into regions and one or two Regional Coordinators are assigned per region. Currently, only the USA has Regional Coordinators. All other countries will have one or two Coordinators.
Regional Coordinators have the same role and responsibilities as Country Coordinators.
They are experts who coordinate between the local community, other Regional Coordinators, Country Coordinators and Waze Team, as regional community ambassadors. Usually Global Champs.
A Regional Coordinator’s main responsibilities:
- Participating in both the global and local Champs’ groups, and being in a direct contact with the relevant Waze community managers and the other Regional Coordinators
- Advise about the urgency and the severity of any reported issue
- Be aware of the company news, product announcements, new versions etc.
- Assist with social media activities in the country
- Take part in the setup of local and regional editors meetups

The following USA Regional Coordinators cover the regions in the table below. The Wiki pages and forum links are provided in the table as well. The general USA forum is also available for topics that cover all regions.
US Territories: American Samoa (AS), Guam (GU), Northern Mariana Islands (MP), Puerto Rico (PR), and US Virgin Islands (VI).