(writing this to be able to be linked as a standalone page... can always cut/paste later. -AD)
Crossover Reconfigurations are necessary when normal one-way traffic on a divided road is diverted across the median on a divided road, and then runs in a contraflow manner respective to the traffic direction on that side of the median.
Crossover reconfigurations and new traffic patterns can be quite varied depending on construction parameters; therefore, editors should consult their respective Large Area Managers or State Managers before beginning the process for a scheduled reconfiguration involving crossovers.
Draw Contraflow Segment
- Draw a new segment spanning the length of the new crossover section. This new segment should remain unconnected from any existing segments for now.
- Place this segment adjacent to the existing segment that this new segment will serve as a contraflow lane against.
- Adjust the geometry nodes on the new segment so that the contraflow segments are parallel.
- Set appropriate attributes for the new contraflow segment:
- Name: Consider adding an alternative name that designates the new contraflow segments
- Example: I-80 W Contraflow
- Road type: Freeway (o
- Direction: One Way (A->B or B->A, depending on how segment was drawn)
- Speed Limit: For contraflow sections, note that there may be different speed limits based on direction of travel through the reconfigured area.
- Elevation: Match the elevation of the newly drawn segment to the contraflow segment being mirrored. This may require cutting the newly drawn segment for elevation changes, particularly around exits & underpasses/overpasses.
- Name: Consider adding an alternative name that designates the new contraflow segments
Connect Contraflow to Existing Segments
- Start by connecting the contraflow segment at the end of the crossover. Follow the entrance ramp geometry guidance for drawing the merge angle.
- Next, at the beginning of the crossover, connect the segment following exit ramp geometry guidance.
- Consider that there will likely be a solid white line separating lanes before the actual lane crosses over into oncoming lanes.
Wayfinders for Crossover
After connecting the contraflow segments, consider adding wayfinders to match signage or provide guidance. For example,
- I-80 W only / Thru traffic
- I-80 W / to exit 187 / I-480 / SR-14
It may be beneficial to add "All Exits" to the end of the wayfinder if there is more than one exit that is only available from one side of the reconfigured contraflow.
Ensure to remove any alternative names from the wayfinder to avoid [Waze determines turn / keep / exit maneuvers#Best Continuation|best continuation].
- NOTE: If setting this up wayfinder is part of a scheduled reconfiguration, ensure the wayfinder for the existing lanes stays as BC until the traffic switch for the crossover becomes active.