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SCR Wiki Draft

Welcome to the South Central Region (SCR) Wiki. Below you will find information related to editing for Waze in the South Central Region, which includes the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas. All editors in the region are required to have a non usa_username, have their private messaging turned on, and turn live users on in the layers menu. Do not edit in Invisible mode if you are a rank 3 or below.

Getting Started as an editor in the South Central Region

Want to help out with the map in the South Central Region? Add missing streets, solve URs, improve place details, etc - ask questions to anyone listed at the bottom of the page, and seek out advice when/where needed. Before you get started, though, please review the rest of this page and ensure you adhere to the rules for editing.

Key Wazeopedia Links

If you haven't already done so, please be sure to review the following links before and as you begin editing (we recommend bookmarking them!):

There are additional links at the bottom of this page that will be of interest once you are editing on an on-going basis.

Communicating with other editors


We encourage you to join Slack as this is the best way to chat with SCR and state-specific editors, as well as the state managers (SM) and regional coordinator (RC), request unlocks, get help, etc. Once you receive the Slack invitation, there are several different channels you can join.

  • #scr-general - Automatically joined: This channel is for all editors who are interested in editing anywhere in the South Central Region
  • #arkansas, #louisiana, #mississippi, #oklahoma, #texas: State-specific channels for editors working in those states. This is the primary location for unlock and help requests.
  • #off-topic: - Automatically joined: Channel for casual conversation with your fellow editors.
  • #closure-requests - Automatically joined: Use this channel if you have closure requests that are not getting seen in your state-specific channel. If you post your closure request in this channel, make sure to remove from the State channel to prevent duplicate work.
  • #special-events - Automatically joined: Use this channel if you need to report special events that will need attention in WME from local or senior editors. This channel is also used during major weather events that are causing many road closures.

As you continue to edit in the SCR, you may be invited to private channels now and then for different activities such as map raids and other projects. You may also use Slack to direct message one or more users if you wish to talk directly with someone. We highly recommend posting editing questions in your corresponding state channel, however, as we are all constantly learning, and your question may help someone else too.

WME chat window

Please pay attention to the chat window in the lower right-hand part the map editor (and introduce yourself if you're a first-time editor). You can find useful info there and ask questions.

Waze Forum

You can also find useful information in the US South Central forum or the various state forums.

Google Hangouts

While the South Central Region does not use Google Hangouts as a primary means of communication, other regions do, so if you edit outside our region, you may sometimes end up in a GHO chat on occasion.

States, Counties and Parishes, and Localities

States in the South Central Region


Arkansas is divided into 75 counties and contains 502 incorporated municipalities consisting of cities and towns. See Cities and Towns in Arkansas for the proper names to use.


Louisiana is divided into 64 parishes, which are equivalent to counties, and contains 308 incorporated municipalities consisting of four consolidated city-parishes, and 304 cities, towns, and villages. See Municipalities in Louisiana for the proper names to use.


Mississippi is divided into 82 counties and contains 299 incorporated municipalities consisting of cities, towns, and villages. See Municipalities in Mississippi for the proper names to use.


Oklahoma is divided into 77 counties and contains 597 incorporated municipalities consisting of cities and towns. See Cities in Oklahoma for the proper names to use.


Texas is divided into 254 counties and contains 6386 cities and towns. See Cities in Texas for proper names to use.

How to use city names in Waze Map Editor

City limits are clearly defined by the roadside signs. Use of Google Maps to find where a city is highly discouraged. Be sure to have the Cities layer enabled in WME to see what Waze currently has as the incorporated city limits when working with city limits. See City Names for complete information, but a quick summary of how cities names are used is shown below:

Road segments

When creating or editing road segments, the primary segment should include the official city name as defined by the roadside signs (or official GIS if needed). If the road segment is in an unincorporated area, check None to indicate no city. Alternate segment names can be added with common city names to aid in searches. Use the USPS zip code lookup tool to find the correct alternate city name for the area. Road segments should be cut at the city limits so each segment accurately reflects the correct city value.


When creating or editing places, the location should include the name of the city as listed on the place website or advertisement since this is what the users are most likely to recognize when searching for the correct location among a list of search results. Cities listed in places do not have any effect on city boundaries in the Waze application.

Roads in the South Central Region

Road naming

Interstates I-XX I-XX I-XX I-XX I-XX
State Loop AR-XX LOOP Loop XX
State Spur AR-XX SPUR Spur XX
State Park Road Park Rd XX
State Rec Road Recreational Rd XX
County Road CR-XXX CR-XXX Varies by Cnty CR-XX
Farm/Ranch to Market FM XX
Private Road Private Rd XX

Business Roads

All business roads should be suffixed with BUS:
Business Interstate = I-XX BUS
Business US Highway = US-XX BUS

Other road names

The South Central Region conforms to the USA Standards for TTS abbreviations for prefixes and suffixes. Please see the Road Naming Abbreviations & Suffixes page for more details.

Non-drivable roads

Generally, if a road can't be driven on (e.g. Walking Trail, Pedestrian Boardwalk, Stairway, Ranch road in the middle of nowhere), then it should not be mapped in the South Central Region. We have chosen to implement this guideline because due to the way the routing engine works, Waze WILL route users to drive on these "Non-Drivable" road types.

Railroads mapped in the South Central Region should follow the current standard of editing. All crossings should be connected to drivable segments accordingly. If no crossing exists, elevate the segment accordingly.

ONLY enter a name for the railroad segment if the tracks are historical in nature, a major landmark, or a routine destination for Wazers. In the SCR, very few segments should be named and most 'routine destinations' will be covered by a Place point/area for the train station.

The Waze app now renders railroad tracks as such so naming serves little purpose any longer.

Special roads

  • When not to divide a two-way road
  • Divided Roads
  • Carpool, HOV, Transit lanes
  • Roundabouts and Traffic Circles
  • Cul-de-sacs
  • Dirt Roads. In the South Central Region ALL roads that are unpaved or gravel are considered dirt roads as this is how GPS Nav users (any brand) expect the "Avoid Dirt Roads" feature to behave. These roads should be deleted when going through farm land, ranch land, or mountainous areas throughout the state, as they are most likely base import roads and not real roads. For roads which are labeled with names and are actually dirt on SATIMG, please keep these and make them dirt roads. To do so, select the  Street  or  Private Road  type (as appropriate), then check the Unpaved box.
  • Parking Lot Roads
  • Toll Roads
  • Frontage roads Name as "Frontage Rd" unless the corresponding highway has an alternate name. I-635 Frontage roads are labeled as "Lyndon B Johnson Freeway" as that is the local name for I-635. [NOTE] Is this frontage road information true for all states? [NOTE]
  • Alleys and driveways are NOT MAPPED
  • Any road which is a main road for a state park can be a  Primary Street . Other roads can be  Street .


Generally, U-turns are labeled as "Turnaround" and set to whatever type identified in FC (if not typed in FC, match it to the lowest road type that it touches - similar to AGCs).

Median U turn segments (Louisiana)

Dedicated median U-turn segments in the New Orleans metropolitan area (at least) shall be unnamed.

A turn instruction override should be used such that a "U-turn" instruction is given when entering the U-turn segment.

For curved segments, the geometry of the segment should be set such that no instruction is given when leaving the U-turn onto the road. For straight segments, a turn instruction override may be used as well, set to "None".

Segment and turn restrictions

Information about setting partial restrictions on time or vehicle type on roads.

Information about soft and hard turns, turn restrictions, and time-based turn restrictions.

Major construction projects by state

Major construction projects in Arkansas

Major construction projects in Louisiana

Major construction projects in Mississippi

Major construction projects in Oklahoma

Major construction projects in Texas

Functional Classification of Roads

The South Central Region participates in functional classification across all states. We promote a hybrid FC to ensure for the best routing possible for all Wazers. The hybrid FC basically means a state highway would never be typed less than Minor Highway (mH). See Road types/USA and Road names/USA to learn more about various road types and how functional classification applies.

[DRAFT] Frontage roads and turnaround guidance updated as of 3/25/2017 [DRAFT]

Frontage roads along Freeways should be matched to FC if FC indicates mH or above. A frontage road should never be classified below mH for routing reasons.

Turnarounds (those labeled as Turnaround, not crossovers), should be matched to FC. If FC does not list the Turnaround, match it to the lowest road type that it touches - similar to AGCs.

Functional Classification by State

Use the appropriate link below to access the correct Waze Functional Cross Reference chart and state DOT Functional Classification map for the state you are working in. Once you have reviewed the map, refer to the FC cross reference chart below to determine what road type and lock level should be assigned to the roads in the area. For roads that need to be locked at a higher level than you are able, change the street to the correct type, then request a lock from a higher-level editor.

State WAZE FC X- Reference State DOT FC Map Notes
Arkansas AHTD FC Overlay for ArcGIS The AR FC map is an overlay added to the base ArcGIS map. To use the overlay, click on the "Modify Map" in the upper right corner of ArcGIS. On the left side an "Add+" tab will pop up. Click on it and select "Add Layer from Web" and paste in the URL for the overlay provided by the link to the left. If you have never used ArcGIS before, you may be asked to create a Public Account.
Louisiana LaDOTD Interactive Online Map Static FC maps are also available if desired.
Mississippi MDOT Click on Functional Class Maps to find the various FC maps available.
Oklahoma ODOT Look in the middle of the page to find links for Rural Functional Class maps and Urban Functional Class maps.
Texas TxDOT Statewide Planning Map Select Functional Classification & Urban Areas in the left menu to turn the FC overlap on.

FC issues on State Maps

If you find any issues where FC changes unexpectedly such as in the image (the small section of green in between 2 red sections), please let the Regional Coordinator (RC) know exactly where this is located, so the appropriate DOT can be notified.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Road Lock Standards

In the South Central Region, we have a set minimum standard for locking roads based on segment type. Any road of a certain segment type must be locked at least to the rank (level) in the chart below. Roads may be locked higher for protection and special situations (areas with construction, tricky design, frequent mistakes, imaging inaccuracies, and the like), but should not be locked lower. If you find a road locked to a higher level than its minimum, please leave it locked no lower than that level when you have finished editing.

Segment Type Lock Level
 Freeway  5
 Ramp  4
 Major Highway  4
 Minor Highway  3
 Primary Street  2
 Street  Automatic (1)
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2
 • • • • Ferry • • • •   5
 Private Road  2

Speed Limits

Please familiarize yourself with the information on the USA Speed Limits Wazeopedia Page.

Where speed limits change link to this section

Speed limits should change where they legally go in effect for your state, that may be at the sign, a specified distance before the sign, or the nearest intersection. When a speed limit changes in the middle of a segment, a new junction should be added to support the SL change.

  • However a new junction should never be added for a SL if it will be within 200 feet of an existing junction, or potential junction.
  • A new junction should always be added if it will be more than 1,000 feet from the nearest existing or potential junction.

Creating a new junction for a speed limit change link to this section

When creating a new junction solely for the sake of showing a speed limit change, you can attempt to get more value from the junction. Survey the area around the speed limit change, determine if there is a PLR or other segment which should be connected to the road and would result in a junction. You may find that there's a parking lot which could benefit from being added to the map within the allowable distance of 200 feet (or more depending on your area) to where the SL changes. In such a case connect that segment and use that junction. Otherwise you should create a new junction to show where the SL changes.

On roads where traffic for one turn direction typically backs up waiting to make the turn further than 200 feet, and traffic going straight or turning the other direction does not have to wait as long to pass through, turn delays can be affected even with the new junction 200 feet away. In these cases you may choose to extend the buffer zone to beyond the point where traffic backs up, and instead make the change at an existing junction node. These situations are governed by editor discretion and local guidance.

Click Expand for details on the rationale behind these rules.

Work Zone Speed Limit sign
Work Zone Speed Limit sign

Work zones link to this section

Speed limits in work zones are often lowered to protect workers and prevent collisions. If these speed limits appear on regulatory black and white signs, they MAY be added to the associated WME road segments. Speed limits should only be changed in work zones when the change will be in effect for at least 30 days. Add the construction zone speed limit to the affected segments and place a [CONSTRUCTION] note on the map listing the official speed limit so when construction is complete, an editor can easily reset the speed limit.


See the USA Place page for general information on editing places. Keep in mind, however, that the SCR-level guidance below takes priority over national-level guidance on categories, point vs. area, etc.

Information for Places

Places should be completed as fully as possible anytime they are created or updated. At a minimum, editors should:

  • verify correct spelling of the name, using the guidelines below
  • complete the address, to help when choosing among search results in the app, and
  • ensure the correct location of the Point or Stop Point, to guide drivers to the correct location. Note that this may not always be on the street side of the location.

Phone numbers and opening hours are also particularly helpful to Wazers. Complete them whenever possible, using an online search, if necessary. Recommended phone number formats: (903) 654-3210 or 903-654-3210. Others may not auto-dial properly in some phones. Photos should help Wazers recognize the destination when they arrive. However, DO NOT COPY FROM WEBSITES as this is plagiarism and will not be tolerated. The most common form is copying straight from Wikipedia. Please refrain from copy/paste anything from websites into the description field. They will be removed when discovered.

Place Locking Standards

When completed, places should be locked, to prevent inadvertent damage. Please don't lock places to their highest level until most of their information is completed, but do lock to a level higher than 1 once you have verified any information to help protect from accidental damage through client submissions. The following are recommended (minimum) levels:

Place Type Lock Level
Hospitals, universities, park and ride lots, arenas, airports 4
Police Dept / Fire Station / Government facilities 4
Large areas - (State Parks, if mapped, etc.) 4
Gas Station 3
Residential Place Points (RPPs) 2

Most other places should be locked at 3 once completed.

Place Naming Standards

We are standardizing the naming of most public facilities and businesses. This makes search results more consistent and useful, and gives Wazers a more professional and uniform experience. The names have been designed to work well with instant search, regular search, and to be clear and concise in the map display. Please follow these guidelines when naming the places described below.

Places which are part of a larger area place (e.g. place points for parking lots in a university area, separate ER entrances in a hospital area, etc.) should be named with their unique name followed by a hyphen and the name of the larger area they belong to. For example "ER - Parkland Hospital"

Government Agencies

All places for the following agencies should be named according to the standards as follows:

City and County Offices: City or County Name followed by City Hall or department or agency as appropriate, for example:

"Dallas City Hall"
"Travis County Probation"
"Bexar County Courthouse"

Police and Sheriff's Departments: City, Agency or Division Name followed by "Police Station/Dept" or "Sheriff's Office/Dept" (should match signage), for example:

"Dallas Police Dept"
"Austin Police - North Substation "
"Tarrant County Sheriff's Dept"
"Travis County Sheriff's Office"

Fire Stations: Agency Name or abbreviation followed by “Fire Station – “ and the station number. For example:

"DFD Fire Station - 15"
"Austin Fire Station - 3"
"Whitehouse Vol Fire Station - 2"

Light Rail Stations: Start with the Agency, which line, followed by the station name. For example:

"DART Rail – Akard Street Station"
"DART Green Line – Fair Park Station"

In general, City Bus stops should not be mapped.

United States Postal Service: Start the name with CDP or Station name, then append “Post Office”. Place the City name and the ZIP code of the Post Office in the Description box, so it will be viewable in the app GO page. Alternate name should be “USPS”. For example:

"Oak Lawn Post Office"
"White Rock Station Post Office"

Here is the USPS tool to find the names of specific post offices.!input.action

US VA Hospitals/Centers/Clinics: Should be named with their official name as the primary name. For VA hospitals/medical centers "(US Veterans Only)" should be added to the end of the primary name, and as the first line of the description. In the primary name, "VA" should be expanded as "Veterans Affairs", so as not to cause a TTS conflict with Virginia. Names can be shortened to remove extraneous words; for example, replace "Campus of the" from the official name with a hyphen (-). Any colloquial names should be added as alt names, so they are returned in search results, and also at the beginning of the description, so they are visible on the place preview page in the client. Some examples:

"Veterans Affairs - Healthcare Center at Harlingen (US Veterans Only)"
"Veterans Medical Clinic - McAllen"
"Veterans Affairs - North Texas Health Care System (US Veterans Only)"

When to use Area or Point in the South Central Region

Here is the SCR guidance on selecting Area or Point for Places in the Waze Map Editor. All areas are to be landmarked from fence line to fence line to include all parking lots, roads, and anything associated with the property.

The Primary Category for a Place is used to determine whether to use a Point or Area.

View this list full-screen in Google Sheets

Place to Category Mapping

Most categories in Waze are self-evident, however, occasionally questions arise as to what category should be used to maintain consistency in search results across the region. Use the chart below when working with a place that is not part of a chain and you are unsure of the category.

Generic Place to Category Mappings
Type of Place Point/Area Category 1 Category 2 Notes
Apartment Complexes Point Lodging Locate place point at main office. Use office hours if available.
Assisted Living / Nursing Homes / Hospice Point Lodging Personal Care
Auto Parts Point Garage / Automotive Shop
Dentists / Orthodonists Point Offices
Kiosks NOT MAPPED e.g. Red Box, Ice/Water stations, standalone ATMs, USPS Mailboxes
Liquor Stores Point Shopping and Services
Physician Offices Point Offices
Winery/Brewery Point Shopping and Services Tourist Attraction/Historic Site Only use Tourist Attraction if it fits

Place Name Harmonization

These name spellings are standardized so that Wazers will receive consistent results when searching in the client. Please use them when you edit one of these chain or franchise businesses.

If you don't find the business you're looking for, please use this form to submit the missing information.

Fast food chains or businesses that can sometimes be nested inside other businesses should be labeled as such. For example, if a Starbucks is inside Target or a Subway is inside Walmart, you would list it as Starbucks (inside Target) or Subway (inside Walmart) as the primary business name. This will allow for Wazers searching for a Starbucks or Subway to immediately know they may be routing to a coffee shop or sandwich shop with no drive-thru or standalone business as they may want or expect.

Eating / drinking establishments at airports and known to be inside the secured area should not be added in Waze.

If inside a military installation or area of restricted access, these establishments can be added with the tag of (Restricted Access) ; for example: McDonald's (Restricted Access). This will still route Wazers to these businesses but it lets them know they must have the proper credentials to access the location.

View this list full-screen in Google Sheets

Special Place Types

The following types of places have additional considerations you should be aware of before editing. Please be sure to read the linked Wazeopedia articles below before editing these place types.

Gas Stations

You should familiarize yourself with the gas stations wiki - specifically naming, branding, and stop points.

Hospitals and Urgent Care Facilities

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the hospital and urgent care Wazeopedia site before creating or editing medical facilities.

Parking Lots

Parking Lot Guidance

Rest Areas

Rest Areas


Currently, the only way to add cameras to the editor is from the app. When placing a camera in the app, drop a general error with "RLC W" where W = the direction the camera is facing. This will allow other editors to know which way the camera is facing when they go to approve it in the editor.

Many people mistake traffic cameras for red light and speed cameras. Please consult the Cameras page for an explanation, including pictures, as to what each type of camera looks like.

The legality of red light and speed cameras varies by state. If you get a request for a camera type that is illegal in the state you are editing (or you find an already approved one), please remove it


Not Legal Statewide NOT LEGAL
Legal in Certain Jurisdictions SEE NOTES BELOW
No State Law [field is left blank]

State Red Light Cameras Speed Cameras


Photo radar only in school zones and railroad crossings with an officer present at the time of the infraction. These should be reported as Police through the Waze client and not added as cameras through WME.


Cameras of both types are banned in Jefferson Parish but are allowed everywhere else in the state.


There are no statewide laws for red light or speed cameras in Oklahoma. All existing cameras operate under programs directed by local ordinance.


Although the state allows red light cameras, some communities are not using them. Some cities (Houston) have used them, but then decided to take them down.

Military Bases

The South Central Region follows the USA standards for Military Bases. Please see this link for more information on how to edit these locations.

Casinos, megachurches, and other special cases

Casinos, megachurches, and other similar facilities should be added as a mixed area and point place. Use a single area place to outline the entire facility, then use point places to indicate individual points of interest or entrances that should be called to the app users attention such as theaters or hotel front desks. See the USA/Places page under "Area-Point combinations" for more information.

Useful Links


TrafficCast Form - Use this form to report bad or stale TrafficCast markers on the map

Signal Avoidance Spreadsheet - Use this spreadsheet to log when the app is determining it would be faster to (turn right, then u-turn) than it would be to wait at the left signal

Scripts/Browser Extensions

Scripts and browser extensions can help make editing with WME easier and faster. If you are a new editor, however, we strongly recommend you learn to edit "bare" before you start installing scripts so you get a better understanding of exactly how you are affecting the map. This will also help when a script inevitable breaks and you are forced to edit by hand on occasion.

You will need a user script manager for your browser in order to run WME scripts. Tampermonkey is generally used for Chrome and Greasemonkey for Firefox. Visit the Addons. Extensions, and Scripts section of the Waze forum for the most up-to-date information about WME and Scripts. You can find several WME scripts at by searching for WME.

Learn more about scripts and other WME extensions at the USA/Scripts page.

Mapping Links


Editors in the Region

The following editors cover the entire region. Chad (karlcr9911) is our Regional Coordinator and has final say on issues within the region.

Country Managers (South Central Region)
Username Role Comments Editing Since
karlcr9911 (6) [PM] Regional Coordinator - South Central Region, Global Champ Based in East TX 2013-08-23
sketch (6) [PM] Global Champ, Country Manager Based in New Orleans 2009-08-08
jakflash (6) [PM] Country Manager/USA Champ, SM - Florida 2014-03-17
bart99gt (5) [PM] Country Manager, SM - Mississippi Based in Mississippi 2013-04-15

The following editors have responsibility for one or more states. Feel free to reach out to them if you have questions about editing in that state or have an editing puzzle you can't figure out.

State Managers (South Central Region)
Username State Managed Comments Editing Since
steveinark (5) [PM] Arkansas Based in NW Ark 2014-04-25
bz2012 (5) [PM] Louisiana 2012-01-13
michelle-s (5) [PM] Oklahoma 2016-01-18
turnertr (5) [PM] Texas/Oklahoma Based in Oklahoma 2014-02-05
tcalvert317 (5) [PM] Texas/Oklahoma 2013-01-29
jm6087 (5) [PM] Texas/Oklahoma 2015-06-17
johnseab (5) [PM] Texas/Oklahoma Based in DFW 2014-09-15
dfw_gis (4) [PM] Texas Based in DFW 2015-10-01
eagles1181 (4) [PM] Texas Based in Houston 2016-05-13

Please visit each state's page to see a list of active editors for that state. Ask to be added if you do a lot of work in any of our states.


Waze has been designed to be an open community with various levels of editors. Rank 5 and 6 editors are senior editors. They are here to help you and are to be respected at all times. Instructions from senior editors are to be followed, unless it conflicts with this page. If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to PM one of the rank 6s or 5s in the list (if you're having a problem with one, please PM the regional coordinators). We will try to handle the issue as quickly and peacefully as possible.

You may want to check common editing mistakes to see if you are editing properly. Although It is not possible to list every occurrence of problems which can occur in the editor, the following are some examples of what has happened in the past:

  • Deleting and redrawing roads
  • Creating mass amounts of parking lot roads
  • Creating roads on top of already existing roads
  • Disrespect to higher ranking editors
  • Not cleaning up your own mess
  • Not responding to private messages in a timely manner (usually 48 hours)
  • Willful damage to the map
  • Editing just to clear geometry nodes will result in an instant blocking of your editing rights

Everyone is allowed one free pass, but disciplinary actions after the first occurrence for the above may include:

  • Formal mentoring
  • Temporary suspension of editing rights
  • Permanent suspension of editing rights

User Reports (URs)

Update Requests in Waze Map Editor

Response Timeline

(NOTE: all day values are relative to the date the FIRST editor response is sent to the reporter)

Day 0

The first editor who is able to respond to a User Report (UR) should attempt to resolve the UR. This is considered Day 0. If they are successful, they should comment as such in the UR and mark it "Solved". If more information from the reporter is required to make progress towards closure, a response should be sent to the reporter containing the information needed for resolution.

Day 8+

URs may be noted as closed due to lack of reporter response at any time, provided at least seven full days have elapsed since the request for additional information was sent. These need to be marked as "Not Identified" and a brief comment sent.

Shared Ownership

All editors are considered to have equal ownership of and responsibility for all URs within their editing area. All editors, regardless if they have worked the UR previously, may send either of the responses described above, provided they adhere to the minimum time spacing guidance between responses and make their best effort to work the UR correctly. All editors are explicitly encouraged to attempt to resolve URs at any point during their lifecycle, however if someone else appears to be actively working it, you are encouraged to reach out to them to avoid duplicating effort.

You are encouraged to reach out to higher-level editors for mentoring when working on advanced URs.


The script URComments streamlines the process of responding to a UR and provides comments based on the UR type and can be edited prior to sending to fit your needs. Highly recommend you install this script if you will be responding to URs.