Montana/Closures/Main Discussion View history

Road Closures

You can follow MDT Road Report on Twitter to stay up to date on the latest traffic conditions and road closures.

This section contains details about road closures, mainly MT and State Hwy's but can contain City, Urban and Rural streets in the state of Montana. If you perform a road closure at any time please use the Waze Closures form and report all closures here. A list of all Montana State and Secondary Hwy closing are on MDOT travel information webpage.

Road Name Editor Closed Date Est Open Date Links and comments
MT-38 ROAD CLOSED FROM MILEPOST 14.5-38 Kinematic 2015-12-22 2016-05-01

Road Closed for winter season.

State Hwy 471 Kinematic 2015-12-22 2016-05-01

Thompson Pass closed for winter season.

US-212 / Beartooth Hwy Kinematic 2015-12-22 2016-05-01

Beartooth Hwy closed for winter season, this is to include WY also.

MT-49 / Looking Glass Kinematic 2016-1-20 2016-03-01

MT-49 / Looking Glass Hwy closed for winter season

Rest Area closures

As of this righting 02/2016 there are currently no guidelines in the wiki stating how to close a ramp. This was brought to the attention of our RC, discussion ensued and a final conclusion has been made. Listed below are the following state guidelines for Montana only and should not be considered accurate for any other state outside of Montana unless agreed upon RC and SM.

The choice to implement a RTC (Real time closure) was based on multiple parts. Turn directions: Using a TBTR (time based turn restriction) Waze will still route to the rest area, TBTR merely suggests a suggestion/penalty. There's no other way to get there, so it will route that way. Hard turn restriction only prevents routes through that turn. A closure or RTC (Real Time Closure) will make the segments invisible to the routing server and therefore will never direct the driver onto the ramp thus avoiding the closed rest area. The second to last step is Updating the Rest area it's self.

Final step: After completing the closure of the ramps and rest area please log it into the form below. This way we can keep track of all closures and time frames.

Rest Area MM # Closed Date Est Open Date Editor Links and comments
Divide N Rest Area MM 108.7 02/27/2016 Closed until completion of the new rest area(s). Kinematic MDT
Divide S Rest Area MM 109.1 02/27/2016 Closed until completion of the new rest area(s). Kinematic MDT

Acquiring resources


Ramp Closure

RTC on Ramp