This is under development, and has not been checked for accuracy. Please do not rely on any information you find in this document.
how to divide a road
These instructions have been designed to preserve traffic and address information, and transfer it from the original 2-way road to the divided 1-way roads. It is important NOT to create new segments for the divided road in order to use the information that is already there. Please follow these steps in order for each segment to divided. If there are house numbers on the segment to be divided, you will need to do things that can only be done by level 3 and higher editors.
- Choose a segment to divide
- Cut it in half to create a new junction and save. (illustration)
- Move house numbers
- Next, move the house numbers to the correct segment. Use the [House Numbers] button (or (⇧ Shift+H) to start the house number interface. Click on a house number. Find
- Add a geo node to each segment
- Connect the segment to the intersection
- bow tie
- H/box intersection
- complications -- turn lanes/ramps/AGCs
- Checking your work.
- (⇧ Shift+Z)