Mentoring/Formal/USA/Guidelines Discussion View history

< Mentoring‎ | Formal‎ | USA
Revision as of 05:58, 20 March 2014 by Vectorspace (talk | contribs)
This new page is currently undergoing modifications. The information presented should be considered a draft, not yet ready for use. If you would like to contribute to this content, please consider posting in the US Wiki Discussion forum first to discuss your ideas.


This information is intended for those considering Formal Mentoring and as reference for those who are already in a Formal Mentoring relationship. As a guideline, it should help you decide if Formal Mentoring is right for you and provide Mentors and Mentees a better understanding of approach and options. You may choose to utilize only parts of this guideline or add other approaches that suit your needs.

For general information, see the USA Mentoring Page.

Step 1: Do you want to be mentored or be a mentor?


Step 2: How do I find a Waze Mentor or become a Mentor?


Step 3: Ideas about how to engage in Mentoring Relationship


Step 4: Completing the Mentoring relationship