Connecticut/Closures/Main Discussion View history

The following table tracks LONG TERM road closures in the State of Connecticut. All closures with a duration of at least three weeks should be added to this list after a closure has been created in order to ensure proactive management of closures as work is completed.

For access to the list, or to suggest updates or additions, please contact State and Area Managers

Municipalities Contact List

Senior editors in Connecticut maintain a list of city municipality contacts to cultivate and actively maintain relationships with local authorities to provide accurate information on active and upcoming construction projects and events.

The Municipalities Contact List is designed to:

  • Create a centralized location for all CT municipality contacts
  • Create a Waze Single Point of Contact for municipal personnel
  • Improve CT editor internal communications regarding municipal closures and events
  • Create an open line of communication and partnership with municipalities and CT editors enabling:
  • The verification of closures where there is conflicting, or no information
  • The ability to proactively schedule closures for events
  • The reduction of URs – both before and after a closure is in place
  • The confirmation of reported updates (speed limits, street names… etc.)
  • Prevent multiple editors from contacting municipalities simultaneously about the same issue
  • Create continuity in the event a SPOC is unavailable or leaves the Waze community

Who should contact the municipality

Each city in CT has been assigned a Waze SPOC. It is the responsibility of that editor to reach out for clarification regarding reported issues.

This policy is in place to mitigate the risk of miscommunication and overcommunication between our growing base of Waze volunteers and CT cities. If you are not a designated SPOC, but think you’ve found a probable closure which requires additional information from the municipality, please contact the designated SPOC for the city.

Current SPOC Assignments

Following is the list of counties in CT and the editors assigned as the SPOC.

Fairfield rfhueby
Hartford ThomasPrice84
Lichfield rfhueby
Middlesex ArmyPathfinder
New Haven ThomasPrice84
New London ArmyPathfinder
Tolland Jallen
Windham Jallen

Please direct any general questions regarding the MLC to ArmyPathfinder or Jallen.