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State highway naming

Nebraska Highway
Nebraska Highway

State highways are to be named N-### [a][b]
(TTS pronunciation "Nebraska ###")

Nebraska Link
Nebraska Link

State Links are to be named L-##X [c]
(TTS pronunciation "Nebraska Link ##X")

Nebraska Spur
Nebraska Spur

State Spurs are to be named S-##X [d]
(TTS pronunciation "Nebraska Spur ##X")

Nebraska Recreation Road
Nebraska Recreation Road

State Recreation Roads are to be named R-##X [e]
(TTS pronunciation "Nebraska Recreation Road ##X")

^a State highways never share the same number as any U.S. or Interstate highway that runs through the state.

^b The exception to this format is Nebraska Highway 25A (N-25A) which acts as a spur but is not signed as such.

^c A Link is a highway that connects two major highways.

^d A Spur is a highway that connects a major highway to a city or town where no other highway exists.

^e Recreation Roads are the roads contained within a State Park and are almost never signed but do appear in NDOR and FC maps.

County road naming

County roads with the name designation of "County Road ##" or "Co Rd ##" are to be named in Waze as CR-##. This shortened version takes up less space on the map screen and is announced correctly as "County Road ##" while navigating with the Waze app.

Roads named N, S, E or W

If you encounter any roads that are named N, S, E, or W, you must add a period (.) to the end of the letter. For example, West N Street is abbreviated as W N. St. This ensures the TTS system reads the road name as "West EN Street" and not "West North Street" This does not apply to county roads or Nebraska state highways and spurs abbreviated as N-##X and S-##X. Waze recognizes these as county roads, state highways and spurs, and pronounces them correctly.

Locking standard

In Nebraska, we observe a minimum standard for locking roads based on segment type. Any road of a certain segment type must be locked at least to the rank listed in the chart below. Roads may be locked higher for protection and special situations (construction, confusing design, frequent mistakes, image inaccuracies, etc.), but should not be locked lower.

Nebraska Minimum Locking Ranks
Segment Type Rank
 Freeway  4
 Ramp  4
 Major Highway  3
 Minor Highway  3
 Primary Street  2
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2
All Others 1

Although common practice is to limit editing freeways to rank 5 or higher, we have determined that the experience required to reach editing rank 4 is sufficient to gain the privilege of editing freeway segments.

Nebraska Functional Classification

For the most part, Nebraska's Functional Classification is pretty straightforward. Nebraska divides its FC in to two classes, Urban and Rural. There are several several road types listed as Urban Principal Arterial. Because Waze only identifies a single Principal Arterial category, the Connecting Link and Non-Connecting Link Principal Arterial categories are considered the same. Interstates and Other Freeways & Expressways are always drawn as a  Freeway  despite being listed under Urban Principal Arterial.

Urban FC Rural FC

Below is a modified table that matches the Nebraska Functional Classification with the Waze Road Types.

Nebraska Road Systems
Interstate Interstate Business Loop/Spur US Highway US Hwy (Bannered) BUS, SPUR, LOOP Nebraska Highway Nebraska Link Highway Nebraska Spur Highway Local Road / County Road
Example Road I-80
I-80 BUS[a]
Bell St / CR-20

Urban Classifications
 Fw  n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Other Freeways & Expressways[b]
n/a  Fw [b]  Fw [b]  Fw [b]  Fw [b]  Fw [b]  Fw [b]  Fw [b]
Other Connecting Link
n/a  Major   Major   Major   Major   Major   Major   Major 
Other Non-Connecting Link
n/a  Major   Major   Major   Major   Major   Major   Major 
Urban Minor Arterial
n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   Minor   Minor   Minor 
Urban Collector
n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   Minor   PS   PS 
Local/not mapped n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   Minor   PS   Street 
Rural Classifications
Example Road I-80
I-80 BUS[a]
Bell St / CR-20
 Fw  n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Other Freeways & Expressways[b]
n/a  Fw [b]  Fw [b]  Fw [b]  Fw [b]  Fw [b]  Fw [b]  Fw [b]
Rural Principal Arterial
n/a  Major   Major   Major   Major   Major   Major   Major 
Rural Minor Arterial
n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   Minor   Minor   Minor 
Rural Major Collector
n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   Minor   PS   PS 
Rural Minor Collector
n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   Minor   PS   PS 
Local/not mapped n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   Minor   PS   Street 

^a There are currently no bannered Interstates in Nebraska.

^b A true controlled-access freeway should always be classified as a  Fw . Some expressways however, are only partially controlled-access and do not qualify for classification as a freeway. Use your best judgement on which to choose.


U-turns are permitted in Nebraska except where prohibited by signage or restricted by local municipal law. [1][2]

For Waze routing, u-turns should only be enabled where they provide the potential for improved routing, which includes recovering from missed turns. A common example is a median-divided primary street that has homes/businesses with their driveways/entrances directly on it, where reaching them would otherwise require lengthy, multi-turn deviations through side roads in order to end up on the correct side of the median.

The u-turn must also meet one of the following criteria:

  1. The u-turn is explicitly allowed by signage OR
  2. The u-turn is otherwise legal and safe, and there is at least 10.1 m (33 feet) from the left edge of the departure lane to the "destination" curb. This can include any median that may exist to the left of the departure lane. (This is to ensure the turn can be completed in one continuous movement, which is a legal requirement in many places)

Note that when editing, a functional u-turn can arise from more than just the u-turn flag on a road segment, such as with these common scenarios:

  1. Divided roads with box and partial-box intersections where the median segment is 15 m (49 feet) or longer.
  2. Divided roads with explicitly-mapped inside turn lanes unless the turn arrow in the u-turn direction is disabled.

^1 | Nebraska Statute 60-6,160

^2 | Lincoln traffic laws

Speed Limits

Nebraska follows the Waze USA speed limits guidance. Read carefully as there are many important guidelines, including strict guidance for when to split segments for speed limit changes.

Nebraska does not currently alter speed limits for work zones.

Speed limit changes in NE are intended to occur in both directions of travel at the same point (i.e. a slowdown from 65mph to 45mph in one direction is accompanied by a sign indicating a speedup to 65mph in the opposite direction of travel). If the opposing signs are not exactly parallel to each other, place the speed change halfway between them. If a substantial length of road separates the opposing signs, bring it to the attention of a State Manager. Note that when driving at 65 mph, 95 feet are traveled every second, so a distance of 100 feet between signs at higher speeds may not be truly substantial when factoring in GPS accuracy, and the resulting promptness of the Waze app.

NE Speed Limit standards

The following are the speed limits laws of Nebraska, except where posted signs indicate differently (most commonly in/near urban areas). Other than residential districts and city/county highways, most roads have speed limit signs.

  • Residential district: 25 mph. These are generally unsigned unless a Primary Street or higher.
  • Business district: 20 mph. It is generally believed these are all signed, and no assumptions about what constitutes a "business district" must be made.
  • Gravel or dirt city/county highway: 50 mph. The majority of these are not signed.
  • Paved city/county highway: 55 mph. These are generally signed when leaving/entering an urban area, but may lack signs elsewhere.
  • State highway: 60 mph, unless signed for 65 mph.
  • State expressway or State freeway: 65 mph.
  • (National) Interstate: 75 mph, except for I-180, I-129, and within Douglas County where they are 60 mph.

NE Speed Limit Resources

Useful Scripts For Editing Speed Limits