< Maryland
There are 157 incorporated places in Maryland. When assigning the city name to a road segment or landmark, use the name of the incorporated place or CDP (census-designated place). If it is outside the boundaries of either of those, set the city name as None. Do not use the names associated with ZIP codes or the name of a neighborhood, community, or subdivision not included on the census map. If the road type is Freeway, set the city as None (except in Baltimore City), regardless of the location, as this helps with routing. Be sure to also set the city name of any alternate names correctly. Please discuss any deviations from this guidance in the Maryland Forum.
- Maryland 2010 CDP Maps (PDF by County, with street overlays)
- Maryland 2014 CDP / Incorporated Cities boundaries (KML)
- Overlay the above boundary file(s) with the WME Geometries Plugin. Load the files in WME from the "Areas" tab; turn on the Roads Layer (to reference existing CDP/ City names) and the cities layer (to view which WME city boundary may need to be modified).
- List of Incorporated Places in Maryland (Wikipedia)
- List of Census-Designated Places in Maryland (Wikipedia)