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Wiki Edit Holding Area... PLACES
{{EditState}}<!-- Keep at top of page. Add sections below -->
=== Arizona Specific Places ===
==== Area Editing ====
[[File:cfc.jpg|150px|thumb|right|Area Mapping]]When creating an Area, map it to the "fence line" of the area.
For instance, if you are mapping a shopping center, this means that you map the area to cover the shopping center buildings, and the parking lots out to the outer ring road (if applicable). If there is no ring road, or for smaller shopping centers, map to the curb line.
If you are mapping a school, you would map out to the fence line (if visible) or to a reasonable distance from the school. Contact a [[#Area Managers|AM, SM, CM, or Champ]] for assistance.
===== Hospitals / Urgent Care =====
[[File:Prescott.jpg|150px|thumb|right|Hospital Mapping]]A special Category of '''Hospital / Medical Center''' is used for Hospitals, Medical Centers and Urgent Care facilities. '''ONLY''' Hospitals, Emergency Rooms, and places offering Urgent Medical Care should use this category. Clinics, and Medical offices which do not offer urgent medical care for Walk-Ins should use the Office, and any other appropriate category, instead.
Set the Stop Point over the Main Entrance to the facility. Additionally, map the Emergency Entrance with the same category name, but place it over the Emergency entrance location. ERs encompassed in a hospital Place Area should be Points.
==== Naming Standard ====
Places which are part of a larger encompassing place (i.e. place points for lot in a university area, Separate ER entrances in a hospital area, etc.) should be named with their unique name followed by a hyphen and the name of the larger area they belong to. For example '''"E.R. - Generic Medical Center"'''
=== Locking Standard ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto; width: 75%"
| Gas Station || 4
| Military Installation / Airport || 4
| Hospitals / Urgent Care / Police &amp; Fire Dept || 3
| National &amp; State Parks and Monuments || 3
:This is to prevent loss of data due to automatic acceptance of Place Update submissions from ''Trusted Users'', or Place Update Request approvals from other editors without careful examination.
:If you do not have a high enough enough rank to lock the place as indicated, please lock it as high as you can, and notify a higher rank [[#Area Managers|AM, SM, CM, or Champ]] to lock it higher.

Revision as of 05:54, 26 January 2015

Editing custom sections

The Massachusetts page is controlled by a template that automatically integrates common and unique content. The table below provides links to all the possible customizable sections and pages under Massachusetts.

If a Unique Portion page is cleared or blanked, it will still exist and prevent the optional guidance from the CommonState page as designed. Be sure that is the intended outcome, otherwise the Unique Portion page must be fully deleted to enable the optional content to appear. A future release of the template may be able to fix that issue.

Resist creating pages using the red links visible on the main page. Use these links on the talk page to ensure the preload text is added to the page to help set it up properly.

Due to limitations of the Wiki language, the table will not reflect changes after adding content until the page is forced to update by pressing the link at the top of the table below, or press the green recycle image at the top right above the map image on the main page.

Edit Custom Pages for Massachusetts
Section Unique Portion Unique Page
Overview Click here to create Click here to create
Notice Edit Click here to create
Introduction Edit Click here to create
Mapping resources Edit Click here to create
Community Edit Click here to create
Cities and towns Edit Edit
Major roads Edit Edit
Special roads Edit Click here to create
Closures Edit Click here to create
Places Edit Click here to create
Cameras Edit Click here to create
To do list Edit Edit
Area Managers1 Edit1 Click here to create
Other Area Editors Edit N/A
Other states and territories Click here to create Click here to create
Other Edit Click here to create
Other links to custom Massachusetts pages
Testing Click here to create N/A
1.^ ^ Once the Area Manager table is created, all edits can be made directly from the main page using the links below the section headings in the table itself (not this talk page). This link will only provide access to the Country and State manager section of the Area Manager table.
Commonly created
Sometimes created
Not typically created