Wisconsin/Resources/Main: Difference between revisions Discussion View history

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[https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=819&t=269397 WME HN NavPoints]<br>
[https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=819&t=269397 WME HN NavPoints]<br>
[https://wiki.waze.com/wiki/Scripts#WME_Color_Highlights WME Color Highlights]<br>
[https://wiki.waze.com/wiki/Scripts#WME_Color_Highlights WME Color Highlights]<br>
[https://wiki.waze.com/wiki/Scripts#UR_Overview_Plus_.28URO.2B.29 UROverview Plus]<br>
[https://wiki.waze.com/wiki/Scripts#WME_Road_Selector WME Road Selector]<br>
[https://wiki.waze.com/wiki/Scripts#WME_Road_Selector WME Road Selector]<br>
[https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/22059-wme-clicksaver WME Clicksaver]<br>
[https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/22059-wme-clicksaver WME Clicksaver]<br>

Revision as of 01:05, 12 August 2020

New editors should be sure to check out the following pages before editing the maps.
Best Map Editing Practice
Common Editing Mistakes
Waze Map Editor

  • The Wisconsin DOT provides various state, county, and Functional Classification maps.
  • GIS maps are maintained by the counties they serve.
  • See Wisconsin/Resources for lists of these maps.

The Statewide Parcel Map Initiative is an effort to create a digital parcel map for the State of Wisconsin by combining GIS data from city and county datasets into a single platform. You can access using this link, or by using the script. The WME WI GIS script is linked to Waze and will move when you pan around in WME.

Editing Scripts

There are many scripts available to assist in editing. Waze User Scripts

To display the county borders and zip code boundaries install this script WME US Government Boundaries

The following scripts are also highly recommended (and is not all-inclusive of available scripts):

WME Magic (this replaces the older Validator script)
WME Place Harmonizer
WME Place Interface Enhancements
WME Junction Angle Info
WME Chat Addon
WME URComments-Enhanced
WME HN NavPoints
WME Color Highlights
WME Road Selector
WME Clicksaver

These scripts are more for advanced editing and monitoring:

WME Route Speeds
WME Route Checker
WME UR-MP Tracking
WME GIS Layers
WME GIS Buttons

Wisconsin Google Drive Resources
We have a Google Drive that we use for documents and spreadsheets to help with many areas of editing in our state. The link is: Wisconsin Google Drive