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==Logging in==
==Logging in==
*US and Canada:
Be sure to select the appropriate server based on the part of the world you are editing.
* Rest of the World:
* US and Canada:
* Rest of the World:

If prompted to login, use the same username and password as you do on the Waze client app and the rest of the Waze website.
If prompted to login, use the same username and password as you do on the Waze client app and the rest of the Waze website.

Revision as of 00:54, 17 June 2012

Logging in

Be sure to select the appropriate server based on the part of the world you are editing.

If prompted to login, use the same username and password as you do on the Waze client app and the rest of the Waze website.

Funciones comunes


.Mostrar y ocultar las superposiciones de diferentes haciendo clic en el icono en la parte derecha del área de visualización del mapa

== Crear un camino == #'' Flotar sobre el Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination en el lado derecho de la barra de herramientas haga clic en' 'Road # Haga clic en el punto del mapa donde el segmento comienza # Mueva el cursor a lo largo de la ruta de acceso y haga clic para añadir un nodo de geometría para definir la forma # Haga doble clic (o shift-clic) en el punto final del segmento

Eliminación de una carretera

  1. ' Haga clic en un segmento
  2. Click " Bote de Basura " el icono en la barra de herramientas o golpear

la tecla "Eliminar" en el teclado.

  • Puede seleccionar varios segmentos y eliminarlos de una vez. En este caso, el atajo de teclado no funciona. Usted tendrá que hacer clic' 'Trash Can del icono y luego confirmar que desea eliminar varios segmentos.

Connect roads

When drawing new segments, or moving segments around, the editor will auto-junction roads.

  1. For new roads, if you start and/or end the drawing on an existing segment, a junction is created
  2. For existing roads, if you move the end of a segment onto an existing segment, a junction is created
  3. If you move a junction to an existing segment, that junction is now part of that segment and any roads connected to that segment previously are all now joined together

Create a junction

There is no tool built specifically to create a junction in the middle of a segment. This is because the editor creates a junction automatically when two segments are joined. However, you can create a junction by following the steps below in the Splitting a segment section.

Delete a Junction

A junction is a small blue diamond which connects two or more segments. Junctions can be deleted in two ways:

  1. Click on the junction (will change to a red dot) and click the Delete button, or use keyboard shortcut Del/Delete key.
  2. Select segments on either side of the junction and click the Bridge icon which appears over the junction. This will increase the level of the segments by 1.

As explained in the Overpasses, Underpasses and Bridges page, both road segments must have the same attributes before you will be allowed to delete the junction or bridge the segments.

Loop roads

When drawing a road which connects to the same segment at both ends, only the ending junction is created. To create the starting junction:

  1. Move the end of the new segment away from where it is
  2. Drop it
  3. Move it back to where you want the junction to be

When drawing a road segment that starts and ends at the same junction, the above may not work, and if it does, turn restrictions at that junction will be wrong. Split the looping segment somewhere along its length by following the instructions in Splitting a segment. Then join the remaining segment end to the common junction and apply normal turn restrictions.

Turn restrictions (allowed turns)

Set by selecting a segment which will allow you to see the connectivity arrows and modify these allowed turns at each end of the segment.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

A green arrow indicates that travel is allowed from the selected segment in the direction of the arrow. A red arrow indicates that travel is not allowed (restricted) from the selected segment in the direction of the arrow. Clicking an arrow changes the color of the arrow. Each arrow must be set correctly for waze to route correctly.

The green arrow has a small checkmark and the red arrow has a small x inside the arrow to aid color-blind editors.

Where the arrows appear depends on the road. One-way roads will only have arrows at the end, and roads with unknown directionality will have no connectivity arrows at all.

  • Press s to separate overlapping arrows.
  • Press a to toggle connection arrows transparent or opaque so you can see beneath them and click items under them

If an intersection has no restricted turns, you can easily enable all turns by selecting the junction, and then either click the "Allow All Turns" link in the properties toolbox, or tap the letter 'w' (see keyboard shortcuts)

Selecting Multiple Segments

Some edits require that you select two or more segments of road. Other times, you want to apply the same change to multiple segments. In the default select mode, you must use the modifier key below:

  • Mac: Command + Click
  • Windows: Ctrl + Click
  • Linux: Ctrl + Click

When in multi-select mode, you do not have to use the modifier key.

Create a roundabout

  1. Hover over the Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination at the right side of the toolbar click on Roundabout
  2. Click the map at the center of the roundabout.
  3. Move the mouse outward to the correct size of the roundabout
  4. Click to finish
  • Roundabout drawing is circular by default. Ellipse drawing can be enabled by holding down the Shift key while adjusting the roundabout size.
  • Roundabouts can be created over existing junctions and segments. Any roads within the shape of the roundabout will be truncated, and any junctions within the roundabout shape are deleted.
  • To delete a roundabout, you must delete ALL segments of the roundabout. You cannot save your work without deleting all segments of the roundabout. When saved, the roundabout node will also be deleted.

Create a Landmark

  1. Hover over the Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination at the right side of the toolbar click on Landmark
  2. Click a point of the map on the edge of the landmark
  3. Move the cursor along the path and click to add a geometry node to define the shape
  4. Double click anywhere to stop drawing and complete the shape
  5. Select the new landmark and define the type of landmark and a name in the Properties drawer
  • The new editor has a different list of landmarks from the old editor. The new list is much shorter, clearer, easier to work with and includes some landmarks that were missing before (such as 'beach'). However, it is also missing some often-used landmarks from the past.

Bridge junction

  1. Select two adjacent segments which will be bridged together
  2. Click the Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination icon over the junction
  • The properties of the segments to be bridged must be identical or you will not see the bridge icon
  • Bridging automatically increases the level of the new merged segment by 1 more than the highest level of the two segments. You can change it, of course, if it needs to be a different level.
  • For more detail, see Overpasses, Underpasses and Bridges.

Overlapping road junction

Two roads set to the same level which cross each other can be joined by an intersection easily. This is useful if you draw several new roads for a neighborhood by drawing segments from end-to-end and allowing new segments to cross each other. Once drawn, you can junction them using this method.

Both roads must be set to the same level. You can often use this method with unconfirmed (red) roads, but sometimes the editor will refuse to do this process until the roads are confirmed. Additionally, changing zoom level sometimes helps to get the sometimes-stubborn junction creator icon to appear.

  1. Select both segments
  2. Click the Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination which should appear above the intersection
    Note: The sign won't appear if the roads cross each other multiple times
  3. A junction is added

Splitting a segment

There are three options for splitting a segment, or adding a junction to the middle of a segment:

  • Add a new segment from nowhere to the point of the segment you want to split. A new junction will be added. Delete the new segment just created.
  • Add a new segment from the spot you want to split to nowhere. A new junction will be added. Delete the new segment just created.
  • Disconnect one end of the segment. Draw a new segment from the segment end to the node it used to connect to.

In all these steps, the junction which was automatically added will remain.

Joining junctions

Dragging one junctions to another will join all segments from both junctions into a single intersection. This is great for those intersection where Waze has two nodes joining right-angle roads in two separate intersections. If there is a single segment connecting the two nodes, it will be automatically deleted.

  • Make sure that there are no geometry points in the segment to be deleted. If you get an error, check for and delete any geometry points in the segment and try it again.

Disconnecting a road

Select the segment. Drag the end you want to disconnect away from the junction.

Select entire street

  1. Select a segment
  2. In the Properties drawer, click the Select entire street button.
  3. Any segments connected to the first segment with the same properties will be selected and can be edited as a group.
  • If there is a gap or a street with a different name or other different property, it will not allow the selection to go beyond it. You will need to edit in multiple passes in this case.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Below are the default keyboard shortcuts. You can customize some keyboard shortcuts by bringing up the keyboard shortcuts help window (with ? key), select a shortcut and then tap the shortcut you want to use instead. This affects the current browser and computer only. This shortcut information is not stored on the server, so you would have to repeat this for each computer and browser you use.

  • ? (or Shift+/) - shows keyboard shortcuts
  • d - delete node from road geometry while hovering cursor over it during road geometry editing
  • m - toggle multi-select mode. Default behavior is that to select multiple segments, you must use the modifier key to multi-select. When toggled active, multi-select mode lets you select multiple segments without using the modifier key as described in the Selecting Multiple Segments section.
  • Delete (Del) - delete the selected object. To delete multiple objects, you must click the trash can icon and confirm the multiple delete.
  • Esc - deselect all objects
  • a - toggle connection arrows transparent or opaque so you can see beneath them and click items under them
  • s - toggles separation of connection arrows so they do not overlap to ease clicking on either
  • Shift+a - toggles display of disallowed connections (turns) for every segment/node in the view. When active, no green arrows are shown.
  • q - disable all connections for the selected junction
  • w - allow all connections for the selected junction
  • r - toggle segment direction between 1-way, reverse-1-way, 2-way and No Entrance (Undefined directionality)
  • i - insert/draw new segment (equivalent to clicking Road under the big + button)
  • o - draw new roundabout (equivalent to clicking Roundabout under the big + button)
  • u - draw new landmark (equivalent to clicking Landmark under the big + button)
  • Ctrl+z - undo (Cmd+z also works on Mac)
  • Ctrl+Shift+y - redo (Cmd+Shift+y also works on Mac)
  • Ctrl+Shift+z - redo (Cmd+Shift+z also works on Mac)
  • Ctrl+s - save (Cmd+s also works on Mac)
  • Shift+b - toggles Bing Aerials layer
  • Shift+c - toggles Cities layer
  • Shift+r - toggles Roads layer
  • Shift+g - toggles GPS points layer
  • Shift+l - toggles Landmarks layer
  • Shift+s - toggles Speed cameras layer
  • Shift+p - toggles Problems layer
  • Shift+u - toggles Update requests layer
  • Shift+e - toggles Editable areas layer
  • Shift+o - toggles Other users layer
  • Shift+UpArrow - zooms the map in one level
  • Shift+DownArrow - zooms the map out one level
  • Arrow Keys - pan the map in all four directions
  • Shift+click and double-click - re-centers the map on at the clicked location and zooms in one level

Tips and Hints

See Map Editing Tips and Hints

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