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Feel free to test whatever you want here, as far as it is related to Waze.
Image:Example2.png|150px|alt=Alt text
default [[Main Page|Go to main page]]

'''Try your editing here'''
Odkaz na YouTube video níže [ video on YouTube].
copy your text and format here, we'll clear it from time to time to keep it available to all.
You can try implementing waze templates from [[templates|here]], and use the official [ wikipedia editing help center].
=<div style="text-align:center;">User Manual-Symbian Keypad</div>=
=Main screen=
When you'll enter the program the following screen appears:<br/>
The Waze screen has the following main sections:
===*A top status bar===
'''GPS Connectivity''' - (green means connected , orange means partial coverage, gray is  disconnected).
[[Image:Satellite on.png]]  [[Image:Satellite low power.png ]]  [[Image:Satellite off.png ]]<br/>
'''Connection Status'''- (gray means disconnected, when connected no icon appears).<br/>
[[Image:Web off.png]]<br/>
'''Mood icons'''- (happy, sad, etc...)<br/>
[[Image:Moods happy.png]]
'''The smiley''' shows the mood you're in at the moment. If you've chosen to be visible to other wazers (green privacy icon), your mood is also displayed to them; and if you've chosen to tweet your reports to your Twitter followers, they'll see your current mood as part of the tweet.<br/>
This icon refers to the number of reports received by the groups you’re registered to.<br/>
'''Reports on the road '''<br/>
[[Image:Live reports.jpg]]<br/>
This icon refers to the number of traffic reports and events received by the community<br/>
===*The main screen where the map is displayed===
On the center of the screen on the map the following icons appear:
Clicking on 5 will switch to 3D view. (if you'll press it again it will switch back to 2D)
This state will be added to the map in another dimension - a dimension depth which will allow wider angle of vision.
If you want to zoom-in on the map then press  the  *  button.<br/>
If you want to zoom-out on the map then press the  #  button.
===*Text buttons on the bottom of the main screen:===
:'''Me on Map''' (displays where you are right now).
:'''Report''' (you will get this option when pressing me on map)
:Note - report options will appear only if there is GPS reception and network data connection.
Clicking on report
will open the next menu:
'''Note''' - all options will appear only if there is GPS reception and network data connection.
You can choose one of the following events:
Traffic jam[[Image:15_1.png]]<br/>
Speed cam[[Image:18_1.png]]<br/>
Chit chat[[Image:19_1.png]]<br/>
Map update[[Image:20_1.png]]<br/>
=<div style="text-align:center;">Downloading the application on the device </div>=
1.'''Using the internal browser, type in the  address:'''<br/>
2.'''Press Ok'''<br/>
3. '''Wait until the download is finished.'''<br/>
=<div style="text-align:center;">Install the application on the device </div>=
1.'''Press Yes'''<br/>
2. '''Press Continue.'''<br/>
3. '''Select on which memory (device/card) that you want to install the software and click Select.'''<br/>
'''Attention'''- It is recommended that you install WAZE on the phone's internal memory for smoother operation of the software.<br/>
4. '''Wait until the installation is complete.'''<br/>
5. '''Select the server you want.'''<br/>
6. '''Read and confirm the license agreement.'''<br/>
7. '''Create a new account''':<br/>
::7.1 After confirming the license agreement wait until the get started screen will pop
::up and then press on '''get started'''.<br/>
::7.2 Fill in the information.<br/>
::7.3 Press Ok.<br/>
=<div style="text-align:center;">Installing the application using Nokia PC Suite </div>=
'''Interactive guide to'''  [| Nokia PC Suite]<br/>
1. Download the installation file to your computer from the following link: LINK save on the desktop (you can delete the file later).<br/>
2. Press Ok.<br/>
3. After this comment, the installation will continue on your phone.<br/>
=<div style="text-align:center;">Android</div>=
==Download waze==
In order to download waze, make sure you have an Internet connection (3G or Wi-Fi) on your mobile. <br/>
:1.1 Go to or search for waze in the Android Market: (If you download from, you can skip to step 1.3)<br/>
::1.2 Search waze<br/>
<CENTER>[[Image:1_2_search_waze.png‎ ]]</CENTER>
::1.3 Select waze from the search results<br/>
<CENTER>[[Image:1_3_search result.png]]</CENTER>
::1.4 Tap Install to start the download<br/>
::1.5 Tap OK to confirm the Notifications:<br/>
::1.6 After couple of seconds you' ll see the next screen, tap waze: Community GPS to see downloading progress.
::1.7 Downloading progress:<br/>
::'''Note: If you want to cancel the downloading, just tap Cancel download'''
== Installing==
The installation will start after downloading is finished.<br/>
::2.1 Installing Progress:<br/>
:: 2.2 After the installation ends, tap Open in order to start the installation use or Uninstall to remove waze from your device.<br/>
==Getting started==
::3.1 waze splash screen:<br/>
::3.2 Initializations and first time running:<br/>
::3.3 Initializing:<br/>
::3.4 If GPS or AGPS are off on your mobile settings you'll get the next message:<br/>
::3.5 After the initialization you'll be required to select your location (If the GPS and AGPS are turned off):
::3.6 Language files will be downloaded according to the selection :
<CENTER>[[Image:3_6_downloading language1.png]]</CENTER>
::3.7 After that Terms of use will be presented:
:In order to proceed you need to confirm that you understand and accept those terms of use.
:Click the '''Accept''' button to continue to use waze, or the '''Decline''' button to exit the program.<br/>
:If you have accepted the terms of use, you will next get a form to create your account.<br/>
::3.8 Select your language:
::3.9 After choosing the language the Welcome screen will be displayed:
:::3.9.1 If you're a new user at waze, tap New user.<br/>
:::: Fill out the details below in order to create your account:
::::You'll be asked to provide a username and password, an email address, and optionally to choose a waze nickname, which is used to identify you on the map and in reports you send, should you choose to be identified.<br/>
::::*Select the username you'd like. The username is case dependent so Jenny is not the same as jenny.
::::*After you have proceeded to fill in all the form, waze will display the filled-in form (your password will be displayed as five stars no matter how long it actually is).
::::*If the information is the way you want it, select Create in order to create your account. If not, select the line you want to change.<br/>
:::: Tap Next to confirm and to enter as a registered user or Skip if you don't want to register at this moment.<br/>
::::Note that if you select “skip”, a temporary account will be created for you If you skip the registration.<br/>
::::'''You will not be able to access waze's web site and points you get during driving will not be saved!'''
:::3.9.2 If you already have waze account, tap Get Started
:::: Enter your Username and Password and tap Log in.
:::3.9.3 You can also enter your twitter account details. Your routes and / or road reports will be tweeted automatically from your account according to your settings. <font color=red>(Add internal wiki link to the Settings -> Profile -> Twitter)</font>.
::3.10 Way to go! Congratulation you have a new WAZE account.
::3.11 Read or skip the information about waze:
::3.12 Welcome to waze's main screen:
::3.13 '''2D''' (2D and 3D should appear in the settings part)
::3.14 '''3D'''- Depth dimension will be added to the map in this mode.
<table border="1">
<th>Position from right to left</th>
<th>Description </th>
<th>Other Modes</th>
<td>Denotes the level of the GPS reception</td>
<td>GPS Reception</td>
<td>[[Image:4_102_weak_gps.png]]  [[Image:4_103_no_gps.png]]</td>
<td>Denotes whether the phone is connected to the internet via Wi-Fi or Cellular Network</td>
<td>Internet Connection</td>
<td>[[Image:4.111-internet ok.png]]</td>
<td>[[Image:4.112-no internet.png]]</td>
<td>Mood icons. You can choose from a variety of options.</td>
<td>[[Image:4.121-baby waze.png]]</td>
<td>[[Image:4.122-wazer icons1.png]] [[Image:4.123-wazer icons2.png]] [[Image:4.124-wazer icons3.png]] [[Image:4.125-wazer icons4.png]]</td>
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'''First Time in Waze?'''
The first time that you run the software, it show up the following screens and messages:
====Select Server====
If your I-Phone and Waze do not recognize your current location, Waze will ask you to select your sever.
# USA & Canada.
# Israel.
# International (rest of the world).
After choose your specific server, the follow screen will show up in your I-phone:
In here, you need to choose your preferred language.
* After choosing your preferred language the following screen will show up. Here you will find the “Waze’s Using Terms”.
[[Image:TermUsr1.png]] [[Image:TermUsr2.png]]
== Login ==
After accepting the using terms, it will show up the following screen:
In this screen, you need to choose to '''Sign up''' or to '''Sign in'''
==== Sign Up ====
By clicking the [[Image:LoginScr.Sign.png]] button will bring up the profile menu:
In this screen, you need to fill all the fields to complete your profile.
However if you do not  want subscribe in that moment, then you only need to press the '''skip''' button and you will receive a temporal user name.
'''NOTE I:''' If you choose to skip this step and use a temporal user name, you will not able to use the any of functions inside the our web page and all your points and score it will not be accumulate in your account.
'''NOTE II:''' The “send me updates” box indicates the option to get or not to get update and news mails in your personal mailbox.
After pressing the skip button, the following screen will show up:
In here, you have another time an option to create a user name or continue working with a temporal user name.
== Twitter ==
Next screen is:
=== Ping\Chit Chat ===
Just after you finish to subscribe to twitter, you will see the next screen:
here, you can agree or not agree to be pinged by other wazers.
=== Facebook ===
The next screen will be:
In here, you can decide if you want to connect to Facebook or not. If you press the connect button, he will take you to the login to facebook manu:
The next screen that will show up, it is the following one:
This screen inform you, that you had finish to create your Waze account, so only press GO and start enjoying Waze.
== Main Screen ==
After running the application, you will see following screen:
'''The top of the screen'''
In the top of the main screen will appear six different icons:
'''GPS Reception icons:'''
{| border="1"
! scope="col" | [[Image:GreenGp.png]]
| Cell 1 | connected
! scope="row" | [[Image:OrangeGp.png]]
| Cell 2 | Partial connected
! scope="row" | [[Image:GreyGp.png]]
| No GPS reception.
'''Internet connection:'''
{| border="1"
! scope="col" | [[Image:ConneGPS.png]]
| Cell 1 | Connected to Waze
! scope="row" | [[Image:OffGPS.png]]
| Cell 2 | Not connected to Waze
'''Mood icon'''
{| border="1"
! scope="col" | [[Image:MoodIco.png]]
| Cell 1 | Here you can decide in which mood do you want to appear in Waze.
'''Groups icon'''
{| border="1"
! scope="col" | [[Image:GroupsIco.png]]
| Cell 1 | Here you can see all the groups that you are following.
{| border="1"
! scope="col" | [[Image:EventsIco.png]]
| Cell 1 | Here you can see all the events that have been reported by your groups, that have been reported on your route or that have been reported near to you.
'''Turn off icon'''
{| border="1"
! scope="col" | [[Image:TurnOffIco.png]]
| Cell 1 |In here, you can turn off the application.
'''The bottom of the screen'''
In the bottom of the screen you will fin four different buttons:
Inside the first one [[Image:UomenuIco.png]] you will find the next expandable menu:
'''The center of the screen'''
In the center of the screen you will see the map. The map can be show in two different modes:
{| cellpadding="2" style="border: 1px solid darkgray;
! width="140" | 3D mode
! width="150" | 2D mode
|- border="0"
| [[Image:3dModIcoFixed.png]]
| [[Image:2dModIcoFixed.png]]
|- align="center"
To change between them, you need first to press [[Image:UomenuIco.png]] and after that the settings [[Image:ToolsBtnIco.png]], Then, the following screen will show up:
Choose the 2D/3D to toggle between them.
{| cellpadding="2" style="border: 1px solid darkgray;
! width="140" | Zoom Out
! width="150" | Zoom In
|- border="0" align="center"
| [[Image:ZoomOutIco.png]]
| [[Image:ZoomInIco.png]]
|- align="center"
Tap once on the screen to bring up the zoom in/ zoom out buttons:
=== Events ===
To report an event you need to press [[Image:ReportBtn.png]] and then, the following screen will show up:
'''Note''': This screen and all his options will show up only, if there is GPS reception and an Internet connection.
You can choose the following events:
[[#Police| Police]]
[[#Traffic Jam| Traffic Jam]]
[[#Accidents| Accidents]]
[[#Hazard| Hazard]]
[[#Speed cam| Speed cam]]
[[#Chit Chats| Chit Chats]]
[[#Updated Map| Updated Map]]
==== [[Image:PoliceIco.png]] Police ====
Pressing the police icon, it will show up the next menu:
There you will be able to describe the event, to decide in which direction the event  happened and if you want to insert a photo of the event.
==== [[Image:TrafficIco.png]] Traffic Jam ====
Pressing the traffic icon, it will show up the next menu:
There you will be able to describe the event, to decide in which direction the event  happened and if you want to insert a photo of the event.
==== [[Image:AccodentsIco.png]] Accidents ====
Pressing the accidents icon, it will show up the next menu:
There you will be able to describe the event, to decide in which direction the event  happened and if you want to insert a photo of the event.
==== [[Image:HazardIco.png]] Hazard ====
Pressing the hazard icon, it will show up the next menu:
There you will be able to describe the event, to decide in which direction the event  happened and if you want to insert a photo of the event.
==== [[Image:SpeedIco.png]] Speed cam ====
Pressing the speed cam icon, it will show up the next menu.
==== [[Image:ChitIco.png]] Chit Chats ====
Pressing the chit chat icon, it will show up the next menu:
There you will be able to describe the event, to decide in which direction the event  happened and if you want to insert a photo of the event.
==== [[Image:UpdateIco.png]] Updated Map ====
Pressing the map updated icon, it will show up the next menu:
In this menu you will be able to record new roads, update details and report map problems.
[[#Record New Roads| Record New Roads]]
[[#Update Details| Update Details]]
[[#Report Map Problem| Report Map Problem]]

Latest revision as of 20:53, 30 April 2017

Feel free to test whatever you want here, as far as it is related to Waze.

Odkaz na YouTube video níže video on YouTube.