|<span style="color:green">'''Start: 14 April 2018 (subject to change)'''</span>
|<span style="color:red">'''End: 31 May 2018 (subject to change) '''</span>
|<span style="color:green">'''Start: 14 April 2018'''</span>
|<span style="color:red">'''End: 31 May 2018 (approximately) '''</span>
|colspan="2"|Congratulations team! The Bronx phase is now in maintenance phase.
==Welcome to the Bronx==
The Bronx is the first phase of the [[New_York/UR_Project|New York UR Project]]. For general information about the entire project, please refer to the [[New_York/UR_Project|project page]].
==Project Statistics==
[http://bit.ly/NYURProjectStats For more details, see the Project Stats spreadsheet].
{| class="wikitable"
! 4/15/2018
! 5/31/2018
! URs
| 675 || 126
! MPs
| 109 || 88
== Goals ==
== Goals ==
# Use URs to find and fix the map
# Use URs to find and fix the map
# Analyze, answer, and act on every open UR in NYC
# Analyze, answer, and act on every open UR in the Bronx.
# Learn, practice, and teach NY state guidelines and best practices for working URs
# Learn, practice, and teach NY state guidelines and best practices for working URs
# Look for and fix other issues in the general vicinity of the URs
# Look for and fix other issues in the general vicinity of the URs
# If all the URs are currently dealt with (closed, or in a "waiting period"), address PURs and MPs in the current borough.
# If all the URs are currently dealt with (closed, or in a "waiting period"), address PURs and MPs in the current borough.
==Project Work Areas==
<!-- image to use with imagemap [[File:NY UR project areas in the Bronx.png|thumbnail|left|500px]]
== What is <span style="color:red"> '''NOT'''</span> a Goal of this Project ==
* Any edits not required to solve URs, such as parking lots or other basic edits.
* Speed Limits (except if required to solve a UR or to bring the segment you are working on up to NY state standards).
* Locking standards (except if required to bring the segment you are working on up to NY state standards).
== Project Tools for the Bronx==
In addition to the recommended [[{{NAMESPACE}}:{{BASEPAGENAME}}#Project_Tools|Project Tools]], the following are recommended in the Bronx:
;[https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/40567-wme-bronx-ur-project-overlay Bronx UR Overlay]: See the your group's area and borders in WME (Many thanks to Mapomatic)
;[https://wmebr.info/ur/ur_browser_ny.php Bronx UR Browser]:Showing all the URs in the Bronx project areas. This page was created just for this project. The bar at the top is not limited to local data.
;[https://wmebr.info/ur/urs_on_cities.php?state=New%20York&country=United%20States Lists of URs by NY counties]
:Including [https://wmebr.info/ur/urs_on_state.php?state=New%20York&country=United%20States&city=Bronx&new=true New (no response)], [https://wmebr.info/ur/urs_on_state.php?state=New%20York&country=United%20States&city=Bronx&withresponse=true Waiting for Editor] and [https://wmebr.info/ur/urs_on_state.php?state=New%20York&country=United%20States&city=Bronx&readyforreminder=true Ready for Reminder / Close],
<div style="float:right;">'''Right-click your group number to start WME in your group area'''<br /><br/>
<!-- image to use with imagemap [[File:NY UR project areas in the Bronx.png|thumbnail|left|550px]]