User:Voludu2/Pennsylvania universities View history

  • Geometry: Area. Covering only the contiguous properties belonging to the the campus. May cross public streets.
  • Entry/Exit: A main building, administration building, or visitor center. Wherever someone who "just wants to see the campus" but doesn't have much information should be directed. Check the institution's website for likely points
  • Address: Check the website for correct address
  • Name: Full and correct name of the university (e.g. Pennsylvania State University)
  • Category: College / University
  • Alt Name: Accepted abbreviation (e.g. Penn State)
  • Website and Phone: Use the institution's website for this information
  • Services: These are irrelevant and can be left blank
  • Open Hours: Use the hours for the administrative offices, if available.
  • Lock: Lock to 2 if incomplete. Lock to 3 once completed.
Satellite campuses
  • Geometry: Area, as for the "main" campus
  • Name: Name of the satellite campus (e.g. West Chester University South Campus)
  • Alt Name: Accepted abbreviation for the satellite campus (e.g. WCU South Campus)
  • Category: College / University
Pedestrian Walkways to help guide drivers to appropriate drop-off points for passengers headed for particular destinations on campus.
  • Use type routable pedestrian path
  • Name them if they have names (e.g. Locust Walk)
  • Make sure they provide access to any buildings which have their main entrance on a pedestrian walkway
  • Lock Level: ?
Institution-owned Buildings on campus
  • Geometry: Point
  • Category: Primary function first
    • Administration, Classrooms & department offices should be Offices
    • Residence Halls should be Other
    • Stadiums, arenas, sports courts, performing arts venues & libraries should be listed with the corresponding category
  • Entry/Exit: The main entrance that would be used by the main users of that building. If the undergraduate library main entrance is from a pedestrian walkway, assure that this is the closest segment to the entry/exit point for the building. Add pedestrian walkways where appropriate to ensure proper routing
  • Address: Refer to the campus directory / interactive map. Use the full and complete address if one is available
  • Name: Refer to the campus directory. Use the full and complete name, dash, and campus abbreviation (e.g. 201 Carter Drive - WCU)
  • Alt Name(s):
    • Use the full and complete name, dash, and full campus name (e.g. Van Pelt Library - University of Pennsylvania)
    • If the building has a single or main function and you know it to be generally referred to in that way, create another alt name (e.g. Human Resources - WCU)
  • Description: Information that could be helpful in search, but which does not belong in the name. For example, If the campus map or guide says the Jane Doe building houses the departments of Agriculture, Food Science, Creative Writing, Poetry, Registrar, and Financial Aid, then include that information here.
  • Website and Phone: If a specific website or phone number for the building exists. Otherwise, use the website or phone number for the campus.
  • Hours, if appropriate.
  • Services, if relevant to that building's function. Outdoor seating is generally not relevant to campus buildings
Businesses and other points of interested within buildings on campus
  • Name: Business name (PNH name, if it is a PNH matched chain), and a note that it is on campus - e.g. Starbucks (WCU campus)
  • Address, category, website, phone number, hours, services as appropriate for the business
Parking Lots and Garages
  • Geometry: area
  • Address: refer to the campus directory
  • Name: Use the provided name (e.g. Matlack Parking Structure, Parking - Lot K, 124 Carter St) a dash, and the university abbreviation
  • Alt Name(s): Use the provided name (e.g. Matlack Parking Structure, Parking - Lot K, 124 Carter St) a dash, and the full university name
  • Entry/Exit points: As appropriate for the lot or garage
  • Primary Lot Type:
    • Public: Only if members of the general public can park in this lot or garage even if their visit is not associated with a campus activity
    • Restricted: If the lot is available for visitors to campus who do not have student or faculty parking passes
    • Private: For all other student and/or faculty parking - most of the lots on campuses