User:Fish1552/Tips View history


This is a rough draft only! If you come across this, do NOT take this as Gospel. It is an attempt to quickly annotate my finding as I learn things I did not read in the Wikis or was told by other editors. It is not yet a finished version.

Road Segments

  • NEVER delete a road segment without verifying it can be deleted without loss of GPS data. If you do not know how to verify that, contact one of your Area, State or Regional Managers to ask first. Once the data is deleted, there is no way to bring it back.
  • Any changes to roads that do not delete the segment will not affect the GPS data attached to it. You can completely change the name, the type, the lock level, elevation. All GPS data is attached to the segment ID # only.
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  • The easiest way to fix a reverse connections (REVCON). Click the "Disallow All" turns button in WME, then click "Allow All". This method works on 95% of REVCONS you will encounter.
  • If you need to add a closure to a segment, do NOT make any edits to it or you will have to wait until after a tile update to do so.
  • Think about your junction angles and what turn instructions they will give when making edits.
  • Ramp and AGC departure angles should be exactly a 20 degree departure angle.
  • Entry angle for ramp or AGC (where it merges back to main highway) should be exactly 10 degrees.
  • Are there any unnecessary Junction nodes that can be removed?
  • Press Shift + Z to show all disabled turn restrictions (TRs):  Are there any restricted turns that should not be there?
  • Hint:  Use Shift R to turn off the road layer.  (it helps  you see medians)
  • Segment elevation should typically be zero.  If not, why?
  • Segment names along a highway should be the same to ensure continuity of routing. As long as a name is also in the list of ALT names, it will not cause this issue, so if a name changes for one town and goes back to the formal name again, make sure the name is included somewhere.
  • Is the correct postal city applied either as primary or alt? Is the alt name blank? If so, try to make sure it is added if you can find the correct one.
  • Is the lock level correct?
  • Do exit ramp names correctly use the word “to” when required?
  • For a highway that intersects a divided highway, does the median (cross) segment have the correct name?  (should be no-name if intersections on one side only.)
  • Are there speed limits added to the segment?
  • Is a Text To Speech (TTS) over-ride needed to suppress extraneous directional info>


  • Before adding a new place, ensure it is not already in the system. There is currently no way to merge duplicate Places into 1, so editor must pick and choose which Place better meets the requirements and often times, any toss ups, may go to the older of the Places.
  • Place categories affect searches. For Gas Stations, ALWAYS make sure that GAS STATION is the first entry in the category. After that, you can add Convenience Store & ATM as most stations have those as well. But the first entry is the Primary entry and takes priority over the rest.
  • The QUALITY of Place photos is important. There are guidelines that must be met to approve a new photo submitted by a user. Photos that do not meet these guidelines are to be deleted and users can attempt to re-submit new ones later.
  • Stores that include a fueling station like WalMart, Kroger,Target, Costco should be added twice. Once for the fueling center part and once for the store part - each with the appropriate category and place type (fuel - area, store - point)
  • Most gas stations will also require the addition of the convenience store category. However, this is always second behind gas station.

User Reports

  • In the Southeast Region, we do NOT send 4 day reminder notes in a UR. Five days after the first contact, if there is no further contact initiated by the reporter, the UR is to be closed as Not Identified.
  • Nobody "owns" a UR and it is okay to close them out after 8 days if the original responding editor does not do so after 7 (SER rules).

Editor Points

  • Using scripts to do bulk edits can sometimes get you throttled. That means that editing during that period will not earn you any points.
  • It appears that using scripts like the Speed Limit Helper script to edit more than one segment at a time may earn you a throttling period.

Military Installations

  • No photos - PERIOD! Remember Operational Security (OPSEC)!
  • Any Place Update Request (PUR) that includes unit information must be removed due to OPSEC.
  • All gate segments should be locked at L5 in the SER.
  • Ensure any installation restaurant chains include a notice to alert Wazers that only those with installation access can get to it.