Translations:Benelux Places/25/en View history

{Insert picture} Fig. 3: Places details
You can provide the website address and phone number in the “More Info” tab where you can also select optional services, like Wifi, Toilets, Terrace or Parking for customers (which is not to be drawn separately!).
Photos: Any photos which drivers have added to a Place will appear in the Photos tab. In WME, we can only view and delete photos. Photos can only be uploaded via the Waze app. Take great care to make a well thought-out decision to delete a photo. Once a photo is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Delete only if the photo really is unclear, not helpful and/or inappropriate.
Lock Levels: Please consider that places that are fundamental to the functioning of Waze, such as Parking Lots, should be locked at least to Level 2 (or higher, see table below) to prevent loss of data due to automatic acceptance of submissions from Trusted Users.


The categories used in Waze are not always directly applicable in the BeNeLux, for they are global categories. At this time, it is not possible to adapt these categories to local customs. Waze has several major categories, which includes quite a number of subcategories.
If you choose a main category within WME, you automatically get to see the sub-categories to choose from. It is also possible to directly type in a category. If you cannot find an applicable sub-category, just use the main category.
Categories that require special handling are described briefly in this section. A complete list can be found in the table below (to be added development). There are also the keywords listed that can be used n the app to search for the category..

Car Services

This main category contain Gas Stations, Parking Lot, Garage / Automotive Shop, Car Wash, and Charging Stations. The most important area places are Gas Stations and Parking Lots. Gas Stations and Parking Lot areas help Waze routing, as speed is usually slower there. Care should be taken to ensure they don't snap to roads other than the Parking Lot Roads within the area of the location.

Gas Stations

Gas stations are always drawn as an area. They should be mapped to the edges of the property (or at least to the drivable area of the gas station). This tells Waze not to report automated map problems when Wazers travel off-road in these areas. In larger gas station Areas, a road can be helpful in the navigation on and of the area. This road should be drawn as a Parking Lot Road, without streetname.
There is more information contained in an Gas station Area than can be viewed in WME, such as available fuels and corresponding prices. Per country four fuel types are available, which are shown for all gas stations. Gas stations always get the name in the format <Brand> <Name Gas station>, for example “Shell De Rotonde”. Choose the Brand from the drop down menu. If the brand is not listed, select 'Other'.
If the gas station also includes a shop, you can choose that as a secondary category. If the shop has different opening times than the gas pumps. for instance when at night gas taking is still possible via automatic payment, make an extra point place for the shop and categorize it as “Convenience Store”.

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The international (US) Wiki has an extended description of Gas Stations. If there are differences in the rules, remember that the rules in the BeNeLux precede when applied to the map in Belgium, the Netherlands, or Luxembourg. Gas stations in the BeNeLux are locked at level 3 or as high as your own level.

Parking Lots

Three principles govern whether a given lot, structure or garage warrants a Parking-Lot Area Place:

General Public Use
All Parking-Lot Area Places must be legally and locally condoned for at least short-term use by the general public. The Waze map must never show a Parking Lot Area Place where a naïve driver could risk towing, ticketing, or violating community norms. There are no exceptions.
General Purpose Use
Drivers who leave cars in a Parking-Lot Area Place should be entitled to walk or take other transportation to any destination of choice, and this should be a common occurrence.
Distinctive and Significant
Overuse of Area Places quickly leads to map clutter. A Parking-Lot Area Place must mark a parking facility that would be distinctive and significant to passing drivers.