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     Insignias del Foro
     Insignias del Foro

The Waze forums use badges to indicate group membership for Waze editors. Some editors may belong to multiple groups, but only one badge can be displayed. Each Waze editor who has more than one badge can select which badge to display in the right pane of their forum posts. The following table identifies the current badges in use in the forums. Membership in these groups requires approval by a country's Self-Management and is applied to the forum by certain Champs or Waze administration.

Forum Badges
Global Champ Editors selected by Waze management that show long standing contributions to the entire global Waze community. Typically requires having been a Local Champ for some period of time.
Local Champ Editors selected by Waze management that show long standing contributions to the Waze community for their country. Typically requires having been a Country Manager for some period of time.
Country Manager Editors who have reached the required map editing rank can apply to be a Country Manager.
State Manager Editors who have reached the required map editing rank can apply to be a State Manager.
Area Manager Editors who have reached the required map editing rank can apply to be an Area Manager.
Map Raider
Wiki Master A group of dedicated volunteers working together with a Waze staff representative to organize, modernize and update the wiki.
Coordinator Community members who work closely with Waze staff to ensure effective communications between them and the Waze user community.
Expert Users who are Experts generally focus on a particular area of Waze. There is an Expert Forum focused on these different areas. Originally introduced in this forum entry.
Mentor Global Champ

Knowledgeable Waze editors who mentor new rising editors in the Formal Mentoring program.

There are three types of mentors: regular, Local Champ, and Global Champ.

Mentor Local Champ
Localization Global Champ Given to top Wiki translators who have dedicated a lot of time and effort to making Waze fit into their communities.
Localization Local Champ
Top Localizer
Beta Tester Membership requires approval by Waze management. Information on applying can be found at the Waze beta site called
Map Editor Rank 6
Map Editor Rank 5 Editores de mapa de rango 5. Para optar a este rango, es requisito indispensable haber llegado a las 250.000 ediciones de mapa. Tras ello hay que contactar con un Champ de la zona o un coordinador y hacer la solicitud. Tras esta solicitud, se procederá a la revisión de sus ediciones y comenzará un proceso de votación. Podéis acceder a la información completa pulsando →aquí←
Map Editor Rank 4 Editores de mapa de rango 4. Para optar a este rango, es requisito indispensable haber llegado a las 100.000 ediciones de mapa. Tras ello hay que solicitarselo a un Champ de la zona o los coordinadores y hacerles la solicitud. Podéis acceder a la información completa pulsando →aquí←
Map Editor Rank 3 Editores de mapa de rango 3. Este rango se consigue al alcanzar las 3.000 ediciones de mapa. Podéis acceder a la información completa pulsando →aquí←
Map Editor Rank 2 Editores de mapa de rango 2. Este rango se consigue al alcanzar las 5.000 ediciones de mapa. Podéis acceder a la información completa pulsando →aquí←
Map Editor Rank 1 Editores de mapa de rango 1. Este es el rango por defecto cuando uno se inicia como editor de mapas. Podéis acceder a la información completa pulsando →aquí←
Management Restringido a los gestores de Waze.
Waze Staff Administrator Son los empleados de Waze, encargados de gestionar todas las partes dependientes de la App, interactuando con los diferentes usuarios.