South Africa MapRaid View history

Revision as of 17:57, 23 September 2018 by Reviltech (talk | contribs) (→‎Minimum Speed Limits)
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Waze implements Throttling of edits when mass editing occurs.

If you mass edit:

  • You will not get credited for your edits.
  • You will not get any points for your edits.
  • You WILL be removed from the MapRaid immediately.
  • Possibly banned from editing altogether.

Please think quality not quantity.

Welcome to the Wiki for the South African MapRaid


Our primary focus is verifying and Updating Speed Limits (SL). If you find other issues while working on SLs that need attention, feel free to give it. Remember, the main goal is Speed Limits.

Areas and Groups

South Africa has nine provinces - each of these provinces will be a raid area. As some provinces are less developed than others you will have access to some of the others. Please keep to your province until you are satisfied there is nothing more to do there. Lesotho and Swaziland are not part of South Africa. Please do not edit there.

  1. Western Cape
  2. Eastern Cape
  3. Northern Cape
  4. Free State
  5. Kwa-Zulu Natal
  6. North West
  7. Gauteng
  8. Mpumalanga
  9. Limpopo
Left-click your group area to open WME

Changing to ROW Server

For our US and Canadian visitors, South Africa falls under the World Server. In the upper right hand corner of the editor, where it says US & Canada, you can click it for a dropdown menu. To edit in South Africa, change to the World server, commonly known as the ROW (Rest of the World) server. The US & Canada server is commonly known as the NA Server.

Note: This option is not visible if you are in fullscreen.

Make sure you are set to Metric units under settings.

Local Hosts

Editor Timezone
elphix (PM) SAST (GMT +2)
LeighGr (PM) SAST (GMT +2)
Kuhlkatz (PM) SAST (GMT +2)

Speed Limits

South Africa uses the metric system (km/h), we drive on the left hand side of the road. The following is a ​general​ breakdown of what to expect with regards to speed limits in South Africa. These are by no means definitive - limits should be verified by streetview.

  • Freeways - 120km/h
  • Major Highways - 100km/h, sometimes 120km/h
  • Minor Highways - 80km/h or 100km/h
  • Primary Streets - 60km/h or 80km/h
  • Streets - 60km/h

Sometimes the municipal authorities try to get creative and have a speed limit in between the norm, 70km/h for example. We do not use 5 in our limits, they are extremely rare (i.e. 65km/h). Don’t trust average speeds for segments - South Africans like to speed.

Road Signs

Waze currently only allows setting and verifying the maximum speed limits. Minimum speed limits or temporary speed limits do not apply and the signs were only included below to show the difference between them. Minimum speed limits apply mostly to high speed lanes like Freeways for safety reasons. Temporary road signs are used during construction or apply to specific weather conditions only, like fog. These should not be used for setting Waze segment speeds.

Maximum Speed Limits

Maximum Speed limit signs are a red circle with the limitation in black on a white background. These are the only signs that should be used to determine speed limits. Combination signs combine a speed limit sign, a specific road/danger condition, e.g. winding roads and would typically include a distance in Km that applies.
South Africa does not make use of a "return to usual speed" sign.

Sign Limit / Notes
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Maximum 100km/h
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Combination sign

Winding Road
Maximum 60km/h
Valid limit for the next 8 Km
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Maximum 100 Km/h
These are very old Speed Limit signs. A Red Circle
with White Text on a Blue background

Not to be mistaken for Minimum Speed Limit
signs which have a WHITE BORDER.

Minimum Speed Limits

Minimum speed limit signs are a white circle border with the limitation in white on a blue background. Minimum speed limits should not be used for Waze segment speeds.

Sign Meaning
File:SADC road sign R101.svg/120px-SADC road sign R101.svg.png Minimum 50km/h

Possible confusion signs

A selection of irrelevant speed limit signs and other signs that could be confused with speed limit signage.

Sign Meaning Temporary Speed Limit - Ignore these Specific vehicle type restrictions - Ignore these Vehicles exceeding 16 tonnes GVM prohibited Maximum number of spaces in a parking reservation Vehicles exceeding 12 tonnes GVM prohibited


South Africa has eleven official languages. Within Waze we keep it to English but you may get a response to a UR in another language. If this happens please try steer the conversation to English or ask elphix, LeighGr or Kuhlkatz to step in. All abbreviations are in English - please see the ​Acceptable suffix abbreviations​ in the ​South African Waze Wiki​ and change as required. I.e. change “Mahlomola Street” to “Mahlomola St”. Not many of the existing suffixes should be non-english, but if they are, the correct one can easily be looked up in the Acceptable suffix abbreviations​ table.

Locking Policy

Anything locked at L5 - please consult with a local champ before changing restrictions or geometry.

Road Type Lock Level
Freeway 5
Major Highway 4
Minor Highway 3
Primary Street 2
Streets 1


The preferred method of communication for the MapRaid is via Slack. If you aren't already a member of the Waze Map Raid Slack then please submit your information on this form:

Scripts and Addons

The normals scripts and addons used in other countries work in South Africa. Some notable examples inclue WME Toolbox and WME Color Highlights.

As the main focus for this raid is speedlimits we suggest you add the following:

Other Things

  • In an effort to standardise our road names please change hyphens, commas and other to parentheses.
    • “Curie Ave - R706” should be “Curie Ave (R706)”,
    • “M5 Southbound, Kromboom Pkwy” should be "Kromboom Pkwy (M5 S)"
  • Gas Station are to be locked at L4 or higher. If you’re not yet at L4, lock it as high as you can.
  • We find that sometimes junior editors add duplicate gas stations as points on an area place, this is incorrect. The point should be removed or converted to an area.
  • We are still in the process of changing our cardinal directions - if you see any please abbreviate them
    • E.g “N1 South” should be “N1 S”.
  • Many highway exits are missing their exit numbers, add them if you see them.
    • E.g “Exit 34: Harrismith”
  • Please do NOT edit the coastlines.
  • Our traffic lights are called “robots” - I don’t know why.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Do change to ROW server and metric system
  • Do read the wiki
  • Do contact the local champs if you’re unsure of something.
  • Do edit the road names to match local standards.

  • Don’t mass edit
  • Don't use temporary (amber) or minimum (blue) signs for the speed limits.
  • Don’t edit the coastline
  • Don’t stress about all the missing townships – add them if you’re feeling adventurous.
  • Don't edit in the neighbouring countries - this includes Lesotho and Swaziland.


  • Do have fun!

Reference Links