Rezultatele căutării

  • penalizare este ruta mai bună. Sursa:
    463 octeți (51 cuvinte) - 21 august 2019 15:53
  • Waze servers use routing algorithms to determine the best path for a given route at that particular time. The specific details of the routing algorithms used...
    17 KB (2.622 cuvinte) - 13 aprilie 2020 15:45
  • Waze servers use routing algorithms to determine the best path for a given route at that particular time. The specific details of the routing algorithms used...
    18 KB (2.622 cuvinte) - 13 aprilie 2020 15:42
  • than REDIRECT USA:Routing penalties/U-turn minimum. As a safety margin, leave a 1 m buffer zone by using REDIRECT USA:Routing penalties/U-turn minimum or
    master. How Waze Works All non-proprietary information about search, routing, penalties, storage of traffic data, the effect of road types, when / how map
    2914-09-02 (A) Routing Beta Server RBS The Waze application receives it's routing information from a network of routing servers. There are additional routing servers