Welcome to the Malaysian Wiki dedicated to Waze.
Malaysia is one of several countries which has been granted self-management from Waze HQ. This wiki contains country-specific information complementing any generic information available, as agreed in consensus by Malaysian Waze Editors.
Contents on this wiki will be presented in UK English. However, an alternative page is also available in Bahasa Malaysia, Malaysia's official language (under construction).
Mandarin is also under construction to cater to the Chinese educated map editors.
English version of the wiki will be the main guideline in the event that Bahasa and Mandarin language is not clear due to the translation process.
What can you find on this Wiki?
This Wiki decomposes into several information domains, presented in the tabs visible at the top of this article
Editing Tab
For editors who use the Waze Map Editor interface, they will find all the rules, best practices and editing guides.
Community Tab
For all Wazers, they will find information useful to the life of the community, places of exchange, mechanisms of points and rankings, etc.